At the same time, it was in a forest outside where the Daqin army was stationed.

“The village is gone.”

Tsunade looked at the village that had been burned by the fire, and now he could vaguely see the charcoal and was instantly stunned.

She was on her way here, ready to go.

But when she really saw this scene, she couldn’t accept it a little.

The memories of his own children are gone, the village created by his eldest grandfather, and the village that his second grandfather has worked so hard to protect all his life are gone.


Shizuka on the side looked at the destroyed Konoha village in front of her, and looked at Tsunade with a calm face, and couldn’t help but swallow.

In her memory, it only became like this when Tsunade-sama was the most angry, and once she showed this expressionless face, it meant that Tsunade-sama was really, really in the most dangerous time.

“It’s okay.”

After listening to Shizuka’s words, Tsunade couldn’t help but exhale deeply and said heavily.

Really at that moment just now, she had the move to kill the daimyo of the Qin Zhi Kingdom that was prevalent outside among the hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in that other direction.

Although he knew that if she did so, it would be in line with the plans of the other Shinobi villages.

She is not the little white in the inferior period, and after so many years of transformation, she can still recognize this simple scheme.

It has only been a few days since the fall of Konoha Village, but in the past few days, it has spread throughout the ninja world. Without the promotion of those villages, she really didn’t believe it.

The purpose is nothing more than the hope that the three Shinobi who left Konoha can be summoned back, maybe Orochimaru will not be able to go back, but Jiraiya and her Tsunade will definitely go back.

Then there are ready-made shadow-level experts to take a look at how strong the strength of the Great Qin that destroyed Konoha is.

If she really chose to do it just now, then she would have completely fallen into the trap of those ninja villages.

But that doesn’t mean that Tsunade really wants to give up her revenge on the so-called Daqin.

She definitely can’t fight alone, although she is very confident in her strength, but since the other party can destroy Konoha, it means that the other party really has the power to crush Konoha Village, and since she has the power to crush Konoha Village, then her strength is really a little inadequate.

So Tsunade she had to wait, she had to wait until another person came, she had to wait for Jiraiya, one of the three Shinobi.

She didn’t believe it, with two shadow-level powerhouses, she couldn’t beat each other.

In Tsunade’s opinion, the strength of the other party’s rumored Lord of Great Qin must also be at the shadow level.

But it is obviously much stronger than herself as a shadow-level powerhouse, so she has to wait until she returns.

Then they will have two shadow-level powerhouses, even if the other party is the peak powerhouse among the shadow-level powerhouses, but she doesn’t believe it, with the strength of the two of them, even if they can’t fight, can’t they escape?

“Go, let’s wait quietly.”

Tsunade said directly to Shizuka, who was holding the piglet on the side.

“Oooooh, okay, okay, okay.”

Shizuka, who was holding a piglet, couldn’t help but nod after hearing Tsunade’s words, and her heart was very happy.

Although he knew what Tsunade-sama was here for, and he knew very well what would happen, it was inevitable.

But if it could happen later, it would be even better.


“Unfamiliar breath.”

Sitting in his chair, Yinghui suddenly opened his eyes, looking in Tsunade’s direction and muttering.

“Forget it, the soldiers will block, and the water will cover the soil.” With my own strength, even if the gods of the ninja world come, I am not afraid. What am I afraid of? ”

Winhui said self-deprecatingly.

“Pass on the order! 100,000 soldiers! Destroy this country of fire for me! ”

Winhui ordered directly.

Now that the village of Konoha has been captured, it is also time to send troops to attack the entire Fire Nation.

On the side of the couch, you can’t allow others to sleep soundly.

If you want to blame, blame the Fire Nation for running Konoha Village.

Moreover, the country of fire is also a country with eight classics, and although the national fortune contained in it cannot make its own strength break through, it is still okay to make one’s strength superb.

Of all the Fire Lands, he decided to get it down first.


A general outside the door responded directly and respectfully after hearing their majesty’s order.

Immediately went directly to the military camp to transfer 100,000 troops, and launched an attack on the capital of the Fire Country.

For an army of 100,000 troops, he really had nothing to worry about.

If Konoha hadn’t been destroyed, then this 100,000-strong army might really be a bit bad.

Of course, it’s just bad, all the soldiers of Daqin have the acquired realm. The acquired realm is changed to this world, that is the strength of the lower patience.

I am afraid that such a huge number of subordinates has never been in this world until now.

Therefore, after the loss of the obstacle of Konoha Village, the 100,000-strong army for the entire Fire Nation is simply a tiger entering the sheepfold.

“It’s time to gather an army and take down the world once and for all.”

Huan Hui said to herself lightly.

The combat effectiveness of this world in the later stage is a bursting existence, that can be said to be the middle ninja walking anywhere, the upper ninja is not as good as the dog, even if the shadow-level powerhouse who is known as the ceiling on weekdays can be seen everywhere in the later stage.

And now the plot line has been disrupted by Winhui, in order to ensure his own safety, he still chooses to directly mobilize the army over, and by the way, bring those powerful human ultimate weapons.

Under the power of nuclear peace, peace will eventually usher in.

Even Winhui felt that even the big Jianmu Kaguya on the moon could not resist the power of nuclear weapons.


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