“What are those guys trying to do?!”

Tsunade, who was standing in a cave hiding, watched that Daqin actually separate an army of nearly 100,000 and didn’t know where to go, and his heart was suddenly very puzzled.

What is the other party trying to do?

“That’s it, I’d better wait for Zilai to return, as long as Zilai also comes back, solve that Daqin’s daimyo, and I don’t have to worry about other things.”

Tsunade couldn’t help but shake his head.

She also had a trace of conjecture in her heart about where she sent an army of nearly 100,000.

Since the other party is known as the daimyo of the country of Qin, then it will definitely not be so easy to ignore the country of fire that originally ruled Konoha Village.

Since the other party has a powerful strength that can destroy Konoha Village, how could he be willing to live in such a small place?

Therefore, in Tsunade’s opinion, their method of sending an army of 100,000 people was to attack the Fire Nation.

Although she knew about their actions, Tsunade didn’t want to stop them, or she couldn’t stop them at all.

Tsunade didn’t think he could fight against an army of 100,000, and seeing them wearing armor and riding fierce war horses, he knew that his strength was definitely not weak.

She can solve hundreds and thousands, but if the number reaches nearly 100,000, then embarrassed, she can’t do anything.

“Alas, it’s just that the people of the Fire Nation are going to suffer.”

Tsunade couldn’t help but sigh.

If one country wants to change to another, it must definitely go through war, and it is the most ordinary people who have been harmed in the end.

Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do but pray for them.


After a day’s long journey, Daqin’s 100,000-strong army soon arrived at the capital of the Land of Fire.

“General, ahead is the capital of the Land of Fire.”

An adjutant general said to the general who led them.

“Well, I’ll go up and shout later.”

The general of this 100,000-strong army, after looking at the small city wall in front of him, couldn’t help frowning and waved his hand and said.

I didn’t expect the walls of such a country to be so short.

It doesn’t matter if it’s just an ordinary county, but the problem is that they are facing the capital of a country.

This is only seven or eight meters, what are these seven or eight meters for?

He had seen the so-called ninjas in the so-called village of Konoha.

Those ninjas are probably easy to do with these seven or eight meters of wall, right? So the emperor of this country dared to cultivate the city wall so short?

Even the Great Qin General, who had experienced strong winds and waves, couldn’t help but sigh at how bold the emperor of this Fire Country was.

He has also experienced three worlds, which country’s capital city walls are not built high.

In this world, he really saw something different.

“Sure enough, each world has the appearance of each world.”

General Daqin could only say so.

At the same time, the people in the capital of the Fire Country and those nobles were like ants on the same pot at this moment, anxious and flustered.

Unexpectedly, the Great Qin who had negatively affected them in the Fire Country Konoha a few days ago actually hit the door now!

This really spoiled the daimyo of the Fire Nation.

In the past, if a strong enemy invaded, there would be a ninja from Konoha to protect you.

Of course, since the end of the Warring States period, no country has been able to lead troops to the capital of the Fire Nation.

Even if it was a ninja war, they were only fighting in their own villages.

Therefore, he really didn’t care much about the height of the wall.

But now the military power of their Fire Country, those Konoha ninjas are gone, just gone!

Then the Great Qin who had destroyed their Fire Country Konoha Village came to the door…

He didn’t think that just seven or eight meters high city walls could stop those Great Qin who had destroyed the leaves of Konoha.

Then, when the people in the entire capital of the Fire Country were panicking, the belly general of Daqin rode a war horse and wore armor to the gate of the capital city wall of the Fire Country.

“Now we Daqin give you two choices!”

The deputy general on a war horse blessed his words with internal power and spread them throughout the capital of the Fire Nation.

He is an innate realm existence, so spreading his words all over the entire country of fire is still a little difficult. It was precisely because of a little difficulty that their general would send him, the only innate realm existence besides that general, to shout.

“If you surrender directly, we can save your lives, of course, just your lives.”

“The other thing is that you can choose to resist to the death, and then we will directly annihilate you, and finally kill you all.”

General Qin Fu, who was at the gate of the city wall of the capital of the Fire Country, directly said the words he wanted to convey one by one.

Then, without hesitation, he directly turned his horse’s head and rendezvoused with the troops not far away.

The daimyo and the various nobles in the capital of the Fire Country fell into silence after listening to the words of the guy outside.

Direct surrender, then it means that they have nothing but their lives. But if they don’t surrender, wait for the army that surrounded their capital to come in, they will die directly, then don’t talk about gold and silver jewelry, I’m afraid they won’t even have their lives.

To surrender or not to surrender? The nobles in all the Fire Nation wondered in their hearts.

As for those ordinary people, they have not been worried, they themselves are very poor, what are they afraid of?

Therefore, the only people who are worried and afraid are the nobles who hold wealth and power.


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