At the same time, when Daqin’s 100,000-strong army was fighting for the judgment of the Fire Nation, yes, the various city lords of the Fire Country who had not yet returned were traitors.

Just when the Great Qin army was fighting those traitors, Huan Hui, the emperor of the Great Qin, came directly to the zombie world of the Ninth Uncle through the gate of passage.

Now all the territory in this zombie world of the Ninth Uncle has all belonged to Daqin, and the entire earth has ushered in a real sense of unification.

Of course, he, the Great Qin Emperor, wanted to take a look, at least let everyone in that world know what his Great Qin Emperor looked like.

Of course, the most important thing is that he uses the zombie world to achieve one of his goals.


“Your Majesty, the matter of establishing the country is ready, so I will send Your Majesty to you.”

The old antique of the Maoshan Sect said respectfully to Huan Hui.

At the same time, this old antique of the Maoshan Sect looked at the Great Qin Emperor who unified the whole world, and his eyes were full of shock and surprise.

This emperor’s strength is very strong, not ordinary strong!

He has actually reached the realm of heaven and man among martial artists! You must know that changing to their cultivation realm is also the long-lost Yuan God realm!

You can hang him, an old antique who has lived for hundreds of years.

“Daqin. Or take the surname 嬴. ”

The old antique of the Maoshan school seemed to understand something in his heart.

The emperor of the Great Qin Empire thousands of years ago, that first emperor Yingzheng, I am afraid that he has a deep relationship with this emperor of the Great Qin Empire, and it may even be a bloodline.

It’s no wonder that he, an old antique of the Maoshan School, thinks like this, there are too many places to think about.

The surname Huan, and also with Qin as the national name, is not similar in the entire history except for the Great Qin a few thousand years ago.

But even this old antique of the Maoshan school who knew this, he didn’t have any thoughts other than being more respectful.

God knows what the First Emperor left behind, but from this Great Qin Emperor, it can be inferred that he was the emperor, leaving something amazing, so that this emperor can unify the world so quickly in today’s world, and still be the same fierce soldier as thousands of years.

“Well, the establishment of the country in three days.”

Listening to the words of this old antique of the Maoshan Sect, Huan Hui couldn’t help nodding slightly.

It just so happened that he came to this world, and he also had the idea of establishing a country.

As long as he establishes a country in this world, then he can easily achieve the position of human emperor with the help of the humanitarian power of this world.

From the three worlds he occupied, only this zombie event existed in the legendary immortal god, and since these things existed, it also meant that the heavenly Dao also existed.

And it is still a conscious Heavenly Dao, although it is said that because of the advent of the Apocalyptic Era, it may cause the Heavenly Dao to sleep.

But this does not prevent him from using the humanitarian power of this world to achieve a purpose.

Ever since he obtained the Human Emperor Sutra given to him by the Dragon Emperor in the previous world, she had always had the idea that since the Dragon Emperor could cast the position of human emperor in his world, then he could also achieve the position of human emperor in this zombie world.

Once he achieves the position of human emperor, then it means that he has been truly recognized by humanity, and then he is completely unafraid in any world.

As long as there is a world of human existence, then there is a humane existence, there is a existence that can be reached, then her position as a human emperor can come in handy, and his position as human emperor represents the will of thousands of human beings.

So what is he empty?


The old antiques of the Maoshan Sect immediately retreated respectfully after hearing this Majesty’s words.

He was going to prepare for the founding ceremony, and he believed that with the merits of their Maoshan faction, it would be enough for the Maoshan faction to prosper.

After all, their Maoshan faction, but they were the first to choose the existence of Fulong Court, and they still pressed all their hopes on Daqin.

From the fact that His Majesty has repeatedly reused the Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes of their Maoshan Sect, it can be seen that their Maoshan Sect will really usher in a great prosperity.


“You can try to open the passage between those two worlds.”

Sitting on the dragon chair in the palace, Hui Hui couldn’t help but tap the dragon handle and pondered.

Since you want to choose the position of human emperor, you must declare the time of heaven and earth to come to the whole humanity to express how strong your empire is, and how huge the people under your command are.

Then the resistance to achieving the position of human emperor can be less.

Although he knew that just relying on the people of a world and the strength of the country could make him a human emperor.

However, he is not better than Qin Shi Huang, in order to be conservative, it is estimated that it is better to open the passage of the other two worlds first.

Besides, opening up the passage between the two worlds is also an extremely good thing for him.

Since it was all the territory of his Great Qin Empire, he must at least ensure the livelihood of the people in the country.

As long as he opens up the world, he knows that he can strengthen the connection between various worlds, and secondly, he can support each other.

It just so happens that in the Casting Holy Court Exercise, there is a secret method to open up the world channel, so the matter of opening up the world announcement must also be put forward.


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