Do what you say.

Winfly immediately took action.

Since you want to open up the world channel and unite the worlds, the first thing is to determine where the passage is placed, so that all three worlds can carry out the same place.

“Forget it, let’s put one in the capitals of those original countries in the world.”

After thinking for a while, Hui Hui could only say for the time being.

After all, his first three worlds are all the worlds of the Earth Age, which means that the national capitals and buildings in them are similar, although there is a bit of a gap but not much difference.

Anyway, there are too many world passages, and for the entire Great Qin Empire, only the benefits are not harmful.

It’s impossible to open up just one world channel and connect three worlds, right?!

That was really a bit less than the territory of the Greater Qin Dynasty and the people within its Celestial Empire.

It is better to directly open a world channel in the prosperous cities of the world, so that the people in the city where the world has been opened to the world channel can better use this world passage to come to other worlds, better exert their own wisdom, and contribute to their lives.

“First of all, let’s build one in this imperial city!”

With the help of the shallow use of mana in his body, Winhui flew into the air.

In the three worlds he occupied, the location of this imperial city of the Red Dynasty in the Central Plains had not changed for a long time.

Therefore, he took the lead in opening up the passage of this world first.

Then Hui Hui slowly sat in the air and sank his heart, sensing the Qi Luck True Dragon in the territory of Daqin.

Among the three worlds he occupies, each of them has a Qi Luck True Dragon, although as long as he reaches no matter which world he reaches, he can directly mobilize the power of the Qi Luck True Dragon to ward off the enemy.

But he thought for a longer time, instead of having a Qi Luck True Dragon in each world in the future world, it was better to directly integrate them together and converge into a more powerful Qi Luck True Dragon.

Moreover, after the world passage is opened, what is the difference with a world?

Therefore, the Luck True Dragon does not need to have one in each world, only one is convenient enough.


A golden and extremely large five-clawed true dragon hovered in the entire mid-air of the earth and swam wantonly, letting out bursts of roars at the same time as the swimmers.

“It’s getting stronger.”

Hui Hui looked at this Qi Luck True Dragon that occupied the entire earth and couldn’t help but sigh.

When he occupied the entire Xuanlong Kingdom, the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck was just shrouding the land of the Central Plains.

Now, with the territorial generalization of Daqin, the size of the Golden Gate of Qi Luck has also spread to the whole world.

In exchange, his strength can rely on more, and even the strength he can mobilize in the territory belonging to Daqin, coupled with his own strength, it is not a problem to suppress enemies who are several realms stronger than him.

Even a little further, even a true immortal god did not dare to kill him easily, and once he killed him, he would have to face the cause and effect of nearly ten billion people from the Great Qin Empire.

Then, Huan Hui’s mind began to follow the connection between the Qi Luck True Dragon between Daqin and the other two worlds.

With his identity as the lord of the Great Qin Empire, coupled with the existence of the other two worlds, the golden dragon of luck, and soon Yinghui directly crossed thousands of worlds and came to the world of Xiaoao and the world of technology.

“Break !!! me”

Winhui directly uses his authority, that is, the power of the identity of the lord of the empire. A more advanced way of putting it is Chrysostom, which represents the rule of the voice of all things.

Soon, everyone in the two worlds saw the broken sky in the sky in the direction of the national capital, but along with this broken sky, there was the manifestation of the golden dragon of luck.

In the eyes of everyone, it was a golden five-clawed golden dragon that shrouded the whole world and roared loudly as it looked at the broken sky.

And in the snap of a finger, the shattered sky gradually became stable, and then directly manifested into a pillar of light.

“Gentlemen, don’t panic. This is the world passage opened by Xun, and in the future, you can go to other worlds through this world channel, and other worlds are also Xun’s empire. ”

Huanhui’s words came out from the pillar of light in the sky, and directly spread throughout all the territory of Daqin with the authority of the emperor.

“Oh, so it is, that’s His Majesty’s voice!”

“It seems that Your Majesty is the same as the legendary Heavenly Emperor!”

“I didn’t expect that there would be Daqin in other worlds!”

Such words were spoken by many ordinary people in the three worlds.

Now they know that their emperor Majesty is so powerful, and they now know that there is also Daqin in other worlds and is still the emperor they are familiar with.

Hui Hui looked at the three worlds that had settled down and nodded slightly.

Subsequently, according to the operation just now, the world channel was opened in turn in all the lively cities in the world.

In this way, the three worlds are perfectly united, and the three earths can be said to be the three heavens and realms, and at this moment, they can directly enter other worlds through this world channel.

At the same time, those three Qi Luck Golden Dragons also directly formed one at this moment.

This luck true dragon is particularly large, you must know that sometimes 1+1 is not just equal to 2. Now these three Qi Luck True Dragons representing the Great Qin Empire are completely fused together at this moment, and their bodies directly span the three worlds.

“It’s finally done.”

After completing the passage to the last place, Winhui instantly felt a sense of fatigue hit him.

“Fortunately, it’s finally all done.”

Winhui couldn’t help but sigh.


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