With the passage of time, the moment of the Victory Ceremony soon arrived.

“Your Majesty, you only need to climb the altar and then say the declaration of the founding of the country.”

The old antique of the Maoshan Sect said respectfully to Huan Hui.

The old antique of the Maoshan Sect looked at Huan Hui, and he couldn’t help but feel a burst of amazement in his heart.

A few days ago, he heard the voice that spread throughout the world, and he also saw the golden dragon of luck that occupied the whole world.

This is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying thing is that it seems that this majesty has entered other worlds and has successfully created the Great Qin Empire in other worlds, which really surprised him.

So it is not surprising that the identity of this majesty, the lord of the world came to call her.

The more he knew, the more loyal he was to Daqin, and at the same time, his loyalty to the emperor of Daqin as the lord of Daqin was rising.

“Well, trouble Aiqing.”

Yinghui nodded lightly and said.

Although it is not surprising for the guy in the other party’s cause realm to say that he knows this, after all, the other party has been busy for so long, and it is still no problem to say a little verbally.

“It is incumbent upon you to serve Your Majesty and be loyal to the empire!”

The old antique of the Maoshan Sect instantly became serious and said excitedly.

“Well, okay!”

Huan Hui couldn’t help but feel a pang of pain when he looked at the appearance of this old antique of the Maoshan faction, but the guys under his command looked like this, what else did he care?


Then Hui Hui slowly walked out of the imperial city, slowly passed Suzaku Avenue, and slowly walked towards the altar set up outside the city.

At this moment, Huan Hui is wearing twelve crowns on his head, wearing a black emperor robe, and the black emperor robe does not embroider the dragon this time, but the black emperor robe that Huan Hui is wearing is full of dark gold patterns, covering the entire emperor robe, which will make Hui Hui look extremely majestic at this moment.

As for why there was no dragon embroidered on the imperial robe, Huan Hui had his own considerations.

The next thing he wants to prove now is the position of the human emperor, if the dragon is embroidered on the emperor’s robe, although it can better show his majesty, after all, the emperors of various countries in the Central Plains Dynasty are basically embroidered with dragons. Therefore, in the hearts of the people of various countries of the Central Plains Dynasty, the emperor’s imperial robe has a dragon.

However, Winhui did not embroider the dragon, because he knew that in the future world, he would definitely cross into the world with the true immortal god, so the dragon would definitely be essential.

As a generation emperor, the clothes of the human emperor are actually embroidered with dragons? Then according to the so-called cause and effect, it seems that the dragon clan can better obtain the luck of the country where he is located.

It is precisely because of the consideration of the future that there is no embroidered dragon on his black imperial robe. Anyway, the emperor’s robe only needs to set off the endless majesty of the emperor.

After walking for a while, Winhui walked along Suzaku Avenue to the altar outside the city.

Hui Hui looked at the altar with nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, exhaled deeply, and slowly stepped up.

At the same time, not far from this altar, there are many people carrying cameras, who are conveying the scene here to the world, so that people around the world can know what their emperor is doing at this moment.

As Yinghui got closer and closer to the top of the altar, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds.

And along with this dark cloud is the sound of thunder and lightning that resounded through the heavens and the earth.


Thunder and lightning continued to roll in the clouds, and as time passed, those thunderbolts rolling in the clouds became thicker and stronger, and finally became like a thunder dragon rolling in the clouds.

“Is this the will of heaven?!”

As she looked at the approaching top and the scene in the sky, her eyes shrank instantly.

But then Huanhui’s eyes instantly became firm, looking at the thunder and lightning that was rolling in the air, full of disdain.

“Even if you want to stop me? After all, it is just the will of the Heavenly Dao in the Mofa era! How can I be stopped from preaching the throne of the Emperor?! ”

Ignoring the thunder and lightning rolling in the sky, Yinghui took a deep breath and slammed towards the top of the altar.


The thunder and lightning tumbling in the sky directly slashed down the moment Hui Hui stepped on the altar.

Instantly, it struck the blue and white version next to Hui Hui who was on the altar.

“Huh! Want to stop me! There are no doors! ”

Winhui looked at the thick thunder and lightning in the sky, and the big pit that was blasted out by lightning at his feet, and his eyes were full of disdain.

Because he knew that the Heavenly Dao Will at this moment did not dare to do anything to him at all. Because at this moment, he now represents humanity!

Even though humanity has disappeared for thousands of years, it still exists in the world, but it is hidden in the void. At this moment, the next move to be made by Winhui has undoubtedly completely awakened the humanity hidden in the void.

You must know that the three ways of heaven and earth are one level, and he now represents humanity, so Heavenly Dao really does not dare to take him.

The reason why there was this thunder and lightning was only because Heavenly Dao sensed that someone was about to divide its power on behalf of humanity.

As for what role Winhui can play next, it is completely up to Winhui himself.

However, as long as Yinghui succeeds in the position of the Taoist Emperor, then the human beings of the entire world will no longer be under the jurisdiction of the heavens, or even the group of guys in the prefecture.

That’s right, Winhui knows that there are still those judges and bull heads and those yin people in this world prefecture, but although his current imperial strength can sweep the world, he really can’t do anything about the ghosts that those soul bodies have turned into.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to preach the position of the emperor of the Taoist, as long as he succeeds, as long as he is a human being, it will be completely under his jurisdiction, and it will no longer be under the control of heaven and earth!


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