After leaving the altar, Yinghui immediately returned to the cold palace in the palace.

Anyway, in the royal palace of this world, except for those eunuchs and palace maidens, there are really no concubines of their own.

Therefore, this cold palace has become a decoration, and the world does have those ghost existences, which makes this originally empty cold palace even more cold.

Therefore, in the face of a cold palace that was empty and no one dared to approach at all, Huan Hui directly designated this place as a place for his own cultivation.

After all, the main purpose of the cold palace was to imprison those concubines who disobeyed the emperor’s orders.

I don’t have it myself, so I can use it for myself.

Sitting in the hall of the cold palace, Winging Candy sensed the golden power of merit in his body and directly meditated and used.

In this instant, the power of merit rewarded by the Heavenly Dao instantly turned into mana, and it was still the most primitive mana, the kind of mana without any attributes, no matter who refined it, it could immediately become the kind of mana in their own bodies.


Yinghui quietly circled while directly running the Casting Holy Court.

Subsequently, those mana powers that were converted from the power of merit were instantly filled with all the meridians throughout Hui Hui’s body.


Those powers transformed from the power of merit directly made the power of the early realm of the people of the day of the day break through instantly.

And after the breakthrough to the medium term, there is no intention to stop. On the contrary, it has been circling and running in the meridians.

“Very good!”

When Yinghui forged the Holy Court Intelligent Exercises in the Six Rings, his own consciousness was also concerned about the mana of the power of merit in his body, and he was instantly overjoyed after sensing his own strength and directly and easily breaking through a small realm.

His breakthrough to the realm of heaven and man is already the power that he possesses in the three worlds he occupies.

If he wants to break through to the middle stage, even the peak in the later stage, or even the power of the broken void, presumably only by occupying a world, and the power city of this world is still quite high, can he break through to the realm of the broken void, otherwise it is just an ordinary world, and it really can’t make his strength improve.


The rebate converted from the power of merit in Winhui’s body directly broke through one meridian after another with a thunderous and unstoppable momentum, directly causing Winhui’s power realm to instantly enter a small realm and break through to the mid-heavenly realm.

“And there is more!”

Hui Hui was pleasantly surprised to find that the mana transformed by the power of merit had not meant to stop until now, and he instantly felt a burst of surprise.

I didn’t expect this power of merit to be so useful.


“Late stage of the Heavenly and Human Realm!”

“The peak of the realm of heaven and man!”

“Shattering the Void Initial Realm!”

Hui Hui watched his strength like this, a small rank, a small rank improvement, and soon reached the highest level that the dancer could cultivate.

That is the realm of shattered void!

Placed in the realm of immortal cultivation, it is also the existence of the realm of fitness!

At this level, the lifespan basically starts with tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, if Hui Hui does not want to work hard, he only wants to guard the few worlds that have been fought, and he can completely guard it for tens of thousands of years.

And that power of merit stopped immediately after helping Winhui break through to the Shattered Void Realm.

“It’s finally over.”

After sensing his strength and not making another breakthrough, Yinghui exhaled deeply and said with a light smile.

“It seems that just by relying on these remaining merit powers in my body, I can smoothly break through to the realm of that tribulation.”

After slowly standing up, Hui Hui instantly felt that there was still some merit power in his body.

However, for these meritorious powers, Winshine does not intend to use them.

Because he could almost feel that even if he used the power of these merits, for his own strength, he could only improve at most a small realm, that is, the strength of reaching the Shattered Void Period.

But if she keeps these meritorious powers, it may come in handy at some point in the future.

Anyway, if you use it, it won’t do much, it’s better to stay in case you need it.

“Shattered Void!”

Feeling the huge power in his body, Huan Hui smiled instantly.

He can clearly feel his current strength, and it is not a problem to hit the hundred before himself.

You know, if a warrior reaches this realm, he can completely break the world barrier and enter other worlds with his own strength to continue his cultivation.

Although he could also break the world barrier when he did not break through to the Shattered Void Realm, he was completely different from the cultivation of the Shattered Void Realm.

Because he completely used the connection between the golden dragons of luck to sense other worlds, and united with each other by virtue of the authority of the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, he broke those firm world barriers.

“Naruto World, huh.”

Winfly calms down after the surprise.

At this moment, Winki is completely not afraid of the Naruto, ninja world that is attacking at this moment.

Because he can clearly know that even if he is now against the so-called god of the ninja world and the guy who is called the ninja world Asura among the thousands of hand pillars, he can still kill them with one enemy and two without falling behind.

Maybe he may not be as good as the two of them in terms of combat experience, but at the level of strength, he can completely beat them.

Now he doesn’t need to continue to go on at all, after all, if he has a strong strength and continues to scrupulous, then he is really a dog…


“Seeking freshness”Seeking flowers”, “Asking for tips”, “Seeking collection”, “Asking for monthly passes”, “Seeking automatic subscription”

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