At the same time, just as Hui Hui was holding the forbidden book and preparing to study, a gray-haired guy was greeted in a forest outside where the Daqin army was stationed.

“Jiraiya, you’re here.”

Tsunade looked at the familiar guy and said lightly.

For this childhood friend, she still has a trace of affection for her comrade-in-arms when she grows up, of course, it is only the feelings between friends, but he is very unhappy with the other party’s decision.

She could see the rotten Konoha, how could the other party not see it?

The other party will only choose to escape, so for this guy, although it is not annoying, but there is no such feeling as before.

As for Tsunade’s words, Jiraiya said heavily.

“That’s right, I’m coming.”

Jiraiya looked at Konoha Village, which had been moved to the ground in the distance, and killing intent flashed in his eyes.

When he got the news, he didn’t dare to delay for a moment, and chose to return to this familiar place at the first time.

But when he came here, he found that it was really as rumored to be.

Konoha Village is really gone…

Really destroyed by that Daqin…

Just as he was about to desperately deploy tools against the Great Qin who occupied their village, he accidentally saw the mark left by his childhood friend, or the goddess of childhood, and immediately understood that Tsunade had returned, and clearly knew that he might not be able to defeat the other party, and left a code word for him.

And with this, along the way, he finally came to a cave along the way and met a partner he hadn’t seen for many years.

“Ready, no.”

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and said lightly.

“Don’t worry, get ready, that so-called Daqin I must make him pay!” Even at the expense of myself, I will rescue the last ninja of Konoha. ”

Jiraiya said heavily.

It is not wrong that Konoha Village was destroyed by this Great Qin, but there are still many ordinary people who survive, but now they have become prisoners.

He had seen them a familiar guy in Konoha when he was at the top of the mountain before.

It was Hinata Hiashi, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, who was doing hard work.

Since the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hinata Hiashi, has survived, it means that there are still many ninjas of Konoha Village who are still alive.

So now Jiraiya’s first goal is to rescue those last Konoha ninjas!

As long as there are still ninjas of Konoha Village alive, even if the village is destroyed, but as long as these ninjas are there, then the rebirth of Konoha Village is only a matter of time.

“In that case, then prepare for an attack on the army in front.” Teach that great name of the Great Qin Kingdom a lesson, and it is best to kill him! ”

Tsunade said coldly.


Zi Lai couldn’t help but answer, and then sat cross-legged in place and recovered his strength. After all, if you want to fight with a strong man whose strength is unknown, then your physical strength must be at its peak.


“Then let’s get on!”

Tsunade exhaled deeply and said heavily to Jiraiya next to her.


In an instant, Tsunade exploded all his strength.


Zi Lai also exploded with all his strength at this moment.

After all, if they still have to hide it, when they attack the enemy, they will be entered by the enemy’s army of hundreds of thousands.

Even they couldn’t ignore the offensive power of those hundreds of thousands of troops.


Wing, who was preparing to return to the undestroyed mansions in Konoha Village, suddenly noticed that two powerful guys had appeared outside where their army was stationed, and those two guys were still rushing towards the place where the army was stationed with full force.

That look seems to be like suicide, after all, as long as it is a normal person, he will subconsciously choose to avoid when he sees hundreds of thousands of troops stationed here, but now someone has launched a charge against the place where 500,000 troops are stationed.

Is this not suicide or what?

“Could it be that these are some ninjas left behind when Konoha Village went out on missions before?”

Hui put the forbidden book in his hand directly away, and began to walk towards the place where power erupted.

He wanted to see which guy who was not afraid of death actually dared to spread wild here. Just as he was about to start to see what kind of strength his strength had.

Although he knew that his strength accumulation was strong according to the introduction, he was already an extremely powerful kind below the Immortal God Realm. But after all, he has not personally used the strength in his body, so even if he knows that it is very powerful, he really does not know how powerful it is.

It just so happens that there are two strengths outside, and there is also a grandmaster realm in his induction, although it is a little insufficient compared to his broken void realm, but the great grandmaster is not weak, just enough for him to experience the power he has.

Then Winhui came directly to the gate of Haruki Leaf Village, looking at the two guys who were about to rush here, his eyes narrowed instantly.

“Senju Tsunade?”


The first moment he saw them, Winhui understood who the two guys who rushed towards them were.

After all, with white hair and a band tied on his forehead with oil written on it, who else is there besides Jirai, one of the three ninjas?

Coupled with the big wave next to him that as long as people see it, they can’t do without their eyes, and they instantly understand who it is.

After all, with such a huge wave in this world, I am afraid that there is only one of the three Shinobi, and the other Tsunade.

“Heavenly pain!”

When Tsunade watched a man in a dragon robe appear at the gate of Konoha Village, he instantly understood that this was the rumored Daimyo of Qin no Kuni, that is, the culprit who destroyed their Konoha Village, and directly used his strongest ninjutsu.

“Huodun Dayu Exploding Flame Spiral Pill!”

On the other side, Jiraiya also immediately used his finale ninjutsu, and used it towards the front of him.


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