”Solve them.”

He doesn’t want the protagonist he just saw to run away like this, although he can stop any guy who wants to escape if he is outside here, but this does not mean that he directly wants to let the protagonist leave.

What if this Heavenly Dao Will directly gave this protagonist a burst of luck, and happened to avoid his 100,000-strong army surrounded outside.

So for safety and safety, he better kill these soldiers who are chasing the protagonist first, anyway, these guys have blood on their hands on weekdays.

Killing them can be regarded as redress for the common people who died.


As Hui Hui’s order was issued, the Daqin generals who were watching from the side directly pulled out the hidden sword on their waists and made one sound after another.


This sound is extremely familiar, this is the sound of weapons unsheathed.

Could it be that someone wants to help the guy who is suspected to be Skywalker?

“What are you?!”

After all, hundreds of years have passed, legends are legends after all, and these taboo guys are more important than untimed legends.

He could already think that as long as he caught these taboo guys, then he would probably be directly promoted to the official position!

Listening to the other party’s arrogant words, Winhui ordered with a frown.

A group of guys whose strength is like a weak chicken actually dares to speak to him in such an arrogant tone, I am afraid that his idle life will be long!


After Lu Yan heard the words of the otherworldly guy beside him, he stopped running away, looked at the killing on the scene intently, and said heavily.

These guys who dare to resist the rule of the Jade Frontier God of War are some guys who have really survived.

“Skywalker is here, and the reign of the Jade Frontier God of War is coming to an end.”

Lu Yan looked at the otherworldly visitor beside him, and said with a heavy heart.

At the same time, a woman who was on the second floor of the restaurant looked at the subordinates of the Jade Frontier War God below, who were being killed one by one, and said directly and loudly.

“I’m here to help you!”

Huan Hui looked at a woman who jumped down from the second floor, and couldn’t help but think in her heart.

Because according to the plot, only this protagonist Jin Yanzi will have such a strong hatred for the subordinates of these Jade Frontier War Gods.

Before the last guy was killed, he angrily spoke the words in his heart.

She wants to use this mysterious force to avenge her!

“And us, we will go with you too!”

On this road, you will definitely encounter the attack of the Jade Frontier God of War, you must know that the Jade Frontier God of War has ruled the entire world for 500 years, and the soldiers under his command are simply innumerable.

He was afraid that the golden hoop rod would not be delivered, but he would put his life into it, which would not be good.

Standing at the door, Huan Hui listened to the words behind him, and said lightly after thinking for a while.

It just so happened that he also needed to use this guy to get the position of that Jade Frontier God of War.


“Seeking freshness”Seeking flowers”, “Asking for tips”, “Seeking collection”, “Asking for monthly passes”, “Seeking automatic subscription”

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