“Omaika, there are at least hundreds of thousands of people here, this, and this!!!

The foreign guy with the golden hoop stick saw a scene that shocked him after following Winhui out of the restaurant and into a forest not far away.

There are at least a hundred thousand soldiers with burly bodies and black ancient oriental armor here.


After seeing this scene, Lu Yan also realized that I was afraid that this guy who dared to resist the rule of the Jade Frontier God of War would really succeed.

If nothing else, just by virtue of the soldiers he saw, it was really enough to hang the evil guys in the world today.

Those guys have long lost the most basic ability to fight, and the reason why they can continue to rule the world is nothing more than the Jade Frontier God of War, the number one force in the world.

But if he really wants to fight with these troops in front of him, he is not optimistic about those guys outside.

After all, the other party has twenty existences that make him feel threatened, and his strength is definitely higher than himself, and the strength of the other party’s guy who is obviously the leader is probably terrifyingly strong.

As for the existence in the golden armor, whether the strength was strong or not, he did not doubt it. After all, he can subdue those twenty guys who threaten him to serve him, and force must have played a large part, and he must have seen in him that he could overthrow the rule of the Jade Frontier God of War, so he would be willing to follow him to serve him.

If all these conditions add up, it is not impossible to fight a Jade Frontier God of War.

After all, the Yujiang God of War is a living creature after all, as long as he faces this elite soldier alive, he will be injured after all.

If you let Winhui know what this guy thinks, I am afraid it will give him a big praise.

That Jade Frontier God of War really didn’t put it in his eyes, and that guy’s seemingly strongest spell was just able to petrify people.

Even if they dog the truth? He has the existence of a hundred thousand troops here, each with a bow and arrow, that is a hundred thousand arrows, but obviously, there will not be only one arrow, so under the attack of a million arrows, he does not believe, can that guy petrify so much?

Even if he can’t die, then he can directly mobilize those technological weapons from other worlds, and he can be consumed and killed.

Therefore, the Jade Frontier War God of this world really does not put it in his eyes.

The only estimate that can make him feel jealous is the Jade Emperor of this world, but he is not particularly afraid, his current strength is the Shattered Void Early Realm, but if the Great Qin Empire’s Qi Luck True Dragon is blessed on himself, the Shattered Realm, the peak can be easily reached.

So, what is he afraid of? He doesn’t need to be afraid at all.

Hui Hui looked at the 100,000 army in front of him, exhaled deeply, and then roared loudly.


“Kill kill kill!”

The sound of a 100,000-strong army in unison sounded in this secret forest.

He wants to solve the Heavenly Court and the Jade Frontier War God of this world, and he also wants all the land in this world.


“This general, shall we go and return this golden hoop rod to Sun Wukong first? Let him come out and kill the Jade Frontier God of War in the world of danger. ”

Lu Yan on the side rode on a horse to follow the army on the way, and couldn’t help but say with a hint of eagerness.

Although he had confidence in this general and the soldiers under his command, if the Jade Frontier War God was not eliminated, the entire world would fall into a day’s danger.

The problem is that they already have the golden hoop rod that can release Sun Wukong, as long as Sun Wukong is released, it can completely allow Sun Wukong to continue to fight with the Jade Frontier God of War.

“Don’t worry, that guy from the Jade Frontier God of War, I definitely won’t let him go easily. But before hitting the Five Finger Mountain, I still have to settle my affairs first. ”

Hui Hui listened to the words on the side and said directly and flatly.

Although it is said that the Jade Frontier War God of this world is in the existence that must be solved, but for today’s Daqin, he is not a particularly powerful figure, and he is confident that he can directly kill that Jade Frontier War God.

Today’s plan is to first lay a territory in this world, and then expand around with this territory as the center, and finally establish a country, you can make Daqin’s Qi Luck Golden Dragon manifest in this world, as long as Daqin’s Qi Luck True Dragon can manifest in this world, then the strength he can bless can be greatly enhanced, after all, one is a cross-border blessing, the other is a local blessing, it is obvious that the power of the local blessing is more powerful.


Lu Yan on the side said helplessly.

Since this existence said that he would solve his affairs first, then he really couldn’t force him to cross the mountains and rivers and give it to the Monkey King in the sky.

“Your Majesty, there is a small city ahead.”

At this time, a general who was probing the way at the front rode quickly towards the direction of Huanhui, and then said breathlessly.

“Accelerate forward! The small city in front will be Daqin’s first territory in this world, and it must be defeated with the momentum of thunder. ”

Listening to the general’s words, Huan Hui’s eyes couldn’t help but light up, and he said eagerly.

“Full speed ahead!”

Then one after another the will was transmitted, and in an instant, an army of 100,000 cavalry drove the war horses under their crotches and advanced extremely fast into the distance.

“Boom !!!”

A sound like thunder resounded in this land.

The 100,000 iron horses in this plain are particularly spectacular, and the neat sound of stepping on the ground is like thunder and lightning smashing on the earth.


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