“Are they going to war?”

The foreign guy holding a golden hoop rod on the side asked Lu Yan next to him suspiciously.

The appearance of this unknown army now reminded her of what she played out after watching the movie.

That’s when the army goes out to fight, these armies will look like this.

“yes, they’re going to war.”

Lu Yan listened to the words of the otherworldly young man beside him, and couldn’t help sighing.

After living for decades, he can also be regarded as a human spirit, if he can’t even see the other party’s intention, then he really lived in vain.

Especially when the words spoken by the guy who was a general made him even more firm in his heart.

Found a city, and then the main general in golden armor should not say that it was the emperor, although he did not know which country the emperor was, anyway, he had not heard of it. Then the emperor said directly forward, which is obvious enough.

He could even guess the other party’s strategy.

After all, now that Skywalker has come out, as long as Skywalker returns the golden hoop rod to Sun Wukong, then this Jade Frontier God of War is probably not a concern.

Therefore, when the entire world was about to lose the Jade Frontier God of War, the whole world was like a dish on a table.

Everyone wants to sit on the table and eat, but there are only so many places, and this mysterious force mastering Skywalker is equivalent to having chopsticks, then he will eat more dishes.

At the same time, these elite armies can undoubtedly grab a wider territory in the world that is about to lose the Jade Frontier God of War.

“Alas, it seems to be the only way it can be at the moment.”

Lu Yan looked at the otherworldly young man beside him who was full of curiosity in his eyes, and sighed secretly in his heart.

Now he doesn’t think that he can wait for someone to send him to the door, and then he can leave if he wants, and he is sure that his whereabouts and that of this legendary Skywalker will definitely be controlled.

After all, as long as anyone masters Skywalker, it is equivalent to mastering the key to demonstrating the Monkey King.

As for the golden swallow on the side, after hearing the words of Hui Hui and his general, his eyes couldn’t help but flicker for a while before quickly calming down.

He doesn’t care what identity the other party is, anyway, as long as it’s not the subordinates of the Jade Frontier God of War.

And the other party now has enough strength, and at the same time masters Skywalker, it is right to follow him to take revenge.


“Hehe, I already reacted so quickly.”

As the strongest existence among these people, Huan Hui naturally saw the small city that had been guarded a few kilometers away, and said with disdain.

At the same time, it was a small city in front of the 100,000 iron horses of Daqin.

“Lord City Lord, hasn’t Lord God of War’s support arrived yet?”

A strong man in armor on the side looked ugly and asked eagerly to the fat-headed and big-eared city lord beside him.

If the supporting soldiers have not yet reached the battlefield, then their city will not be able to survive safely.

If nothing else, with the number of enemy troops it sees now, it is enough to make the entire town look up.

The rumble like thunder was undoubtedly the sound of war horses trampling the earth.

At the same time, the sandstorm-like scene he saw now undoubtedly proved that the number of enemies was probably terrifyingly large.

“Could it be that the legend has been fulfilled.”

In the minds of the generals in this small town, this paragraph could not help but flash.

These days, he naturally knew that the so-called Skywalker who was rumored to have appeared in Middle-earth, and the Skywalker holding the golden rod of the Monkey King had appeared, and he still knew what it meant to the people who were ruled by the God of War of the Jade Territory.

If it is just one or two rumors, then it is undoubtedly a rumor, but the problem is that basically the entire Middle-earth continent knows this news, then I am afraid that this is true.

It is precisely because of the truth of this news that I am afraid that those forces that feared the force of the Jade Frontier God of War in the past have chosen to no longer tolerate it one by one.

Therefore, this general in the small city regarded all the 100,000 iron horses of Daqin in front of him as a force that had been dormant among the people in the past.

At the same time, the city lord on the side, who had already been frightened and collapsed, swallowed his saliva and said tremblingly.

“I have already requested the support of other cities, but the sky is that the support soldiers of the group of guys have not arrived yet!”

The fat-headed and big-eared city lord swallowed his saliva in despair and said tremblingly.

“Retreat! Abandon this city. ”

The general standing on the city wall struggled in his mind for a while, and then said firmly.

Since the legendary Skywalker has appeared, it means that the Jade Frontier War God above them is probably gone, since this is the case, then what else is he afraid of?

Even if he escapes now, it is estimated that the Jade Frontier War God above his head will not come to pursue him.

“You slowly guard the city, I’m leaving.”

The general in armor said calmly directly to his former colleague beside him, and then ran directly off the city wall, towards his mansion, cleaned up, mounted a horse, and ran towards the distance.

“No matter, I’m leaving.”

After seeing the actions of the general in charge of the military, the fat-headed and big-eared city lord gritted his teeth and said firmly as he looked at the approaching army.

If you don’t run again, I’m afraid you won’t be able to run later, so this fat-headed and big-eared city lord can be said to have used the greatest strength in his life to pack up the gold and silver jewelry he had scavenged in the past, and then he also mounted a horse and ran towards the distance.

He didn’t even bring a single slave, because he knew that if he brought a slave, maybe the group of slaves would directly turn against the water.

I am afraid that even Winhui, who has experienced strong winds and waves, would not have imagined that in the first serious war he encountered in the other world, the two supreme officials in that city would actually flee like this.


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