“Come out! The soldier of Xuan. ”

Hui Hui directly opened a crossing door and directly led out another army that had been waiting for a long time.

Now that he understood what this was an event, and had taken a preliminary foothold in this world, they could now directly summon an army to crush the entire world like bulldozing.

If he really relies only on his 100,000-strong army to fight the whole world, then the devil knows when it will be fought.

Therefore, it is necessary to bring in some more troops.


A series of uniform voices sounded in this area.

“See Your Majesty…”

Whenever a soldier saw the ability to cross after crossing the gate of crossing, Huan Hui, who was waiting next to him, immediately said respectfully.

“Full speed ahead!”

Winhui said softly.

This time, he planned to directly summon an army of 5 million.

Since he wanted to choose this world as a power center, and as the heavenly court of his palace, then it would definitely take a large army to suppress the entire world.

And in the future, when invading other worlds, it is completely possible to directly dispatch the army from his world, and there is no need to draw from the other three worlds one by one.

Therefore, it is completely necessary to prepare more.

It’s not that you can’t afford it, and it’s still useful, so why not summon more???

Then, when the army that passed through the gate walked through this area one after another to reach the city, the entire people in the city were frightened by this continuous army, and one by one they hid directly in their homes and closed the doors and windows, watching this mighty army in the gaps.

Standing on the city wall, Lu Yan couldn’t help but exhale deeply as he looked at the army below who had crossed the city gate to gather outside the city.

This so-called emperor of Daqin may have a great origin.

As long as he wasn’t stupid, he could naturally clearly know that just an hour ago they only had an army of about 100,000 people, but now he saw something.

He saw that at least several million troops began to assemble outside the city, and the soldiers in this collection all started to walk out directly from inside the city, and it was obvious that these things were made by the so-called Great Qin Emperor.

“I’m afraid it won’t be a problem for this army to occupy the whole world!”

After nearly an hour, all the soldiers, that is, the army of 5 million, all walked through the gate of passage and gathered outside the city.

Lu Yan watched the last soldier assemble, suppressed the exclamation in his heart, and began to analyze.

If he saw the 100,000-strong army of Daqin before, he thought that there might be a place for him in the entire world, but now after seeing this 5 million army, he only had one thought left in his heart.

The whole world, the entire world, I am afraid that it will all belong to Daqin.

“Soldiers, go with Xuan!”

Riding on a white horse, holding Fang Tian’s Painting Blade, Huan Hui looked at the assembled army, and used his body’s mana to spread his words to every corner of the entire army.

“Kill kill kill !!!”

A sound like thunder sounded in the assembled army.

The killing intent that rushed into the sky dispersed all the clouds in the sky.

After the killing of three worlds, the murderous aura gathered in these large groups of soldiers is no worse than the soldiers of any dynasty of the Central Plains Dynasty, and even the murderous aura gathered in each soldier can be compared to the generals of those other dynasties.

The killing caused by growing three worlds is not just a number.

I am afraid that if there is a ghost-like existence now, the killing intent emitted by these 5 million troops will be directly dispersed by this killing intent on the spot.

Even this huge killing intent even a real immortal god did not dare to approach, because once it was close, it would be entangled by the endless cause and effect if it was stained by this huge killing intent.

Immortal god cultivation is not stained with cause and effect, if it is infected by this cause and effect, it will not be able to break through in a lifetime, it is a normal thing.

“Now, I order each of you to carry your troops and spread around the city center.”

Hui Hui looked at the 50 generals and 50 deputy generals in front of him and said solemnly.

An army of 5 million naturally has 50 generals and 50 deputy generals.

He can’t lead an army of 5 million on his own, right?

Although that is okay, the speed of occupying the land will be a little slow, so it is better to directly let this group of generals with their 100,000 troops go directly to every corner to occupy the land in that place.

After all, there is nothing wrong with the saying that there are many people and great power.


The 100 people in front of Yinghui responded respectfully immediately after hearing their Majesty’s words.


Hui Hui directly waved the Fang Tian Painting in his hand and said loudly.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Then 50 armies advanced in various directions, and in an instant, only the sound of war horses trampling on the earth seemed to remain in the entire heaven and earth.

Because at least one or two million of these 5 million troops are cavalry, and when so many cavalry trample and run on the ground, the noise caused is completely huge.

Lu Yan, who was following the actions of the army of Yinghui, looked at the army leading in all directions, and the shock in his heart and the breakthrough to the sky.

“The world is about to change.”

It was the only word left in his mind.


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