“It’s not good, that’s not good!”

In the palace of the God of War in the Jade Frontier, a soldier in armor ran in from outside in a panic and shouted loudly.


At the same time, when the Jade Frontier God of War, who was inside the palace, was looking at the beauties offered from those below this time, his nature was instantly disrupted.

“If you don’t give me a satisfactory answer, then you don’t want to live.”

The Jade Frontier God of War looked at the soldier and smiled faintly.

But in this faint face, there is endless indifference.


The soldier who informed the Jade Frontier War God at the front desk instantly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said trembling after hearing the words of the Jade Frontier War God.

“The legendary Skywalker appeared in Middle-earth carrying a golden hoop rod. And there are millions of troops who are arbitrarily occupying all the land, and our control over Middle-earth is basically declining at a rate visible to the naked eye. ”

After the soldier told all the news he knew, he looked at the Jade Frontier War God in front of him in fear.

He is now afraid that this Jade Frontier War God will suddenly become violent after hearing his news, and then he will be killed directly if he is crazy, this thing has not happened, many of his predecessors have been directly killed by the Jade Frontier War God.

“Skywalker, an army of millions…”

The Jade Frontier War God didn’t care about the soldier who came to report after hearing this.

His mind at the moment was all captivated by the content of his words.

Sun Monkey’s golden hoop rod appeared in this world again, which also means that Sun Monkey is going to be resurrected, as early as 500 years ago, that Sun Monkey can defeat himself, if not for him relying on some tricks, and relying on petrification to seal Sun Wukong, then he really has a little difficulty.

He could already imagine that after Sun Wukong broke through the cover of the petrification, he would encounter a crazy blow.

This time, Sun Wukong would definitely not live to listen to his tricks as he did 500 years ago, so the Jade Frontier God of War instantly felt irritated.

If there was no Sun Monkey, when the Jade Emperor cultivated out of the pass, he would at most pretend to be a grandson for a period of time, and he could continue to rule the entire world.

But the news of Skywalker holding the Monkey King’s Golden Hoop Rod really made him feel a pang of irritation.

And the so-called army of several million, in his opinion, is also some trouble, you must know that all the soldiers in the power he has developed in the past 500 years do not add up to millions.

It seems that the dormant forces in the world are all impatient after hearing the arrival of Skywalker.

The Jade Frontier War God was not surprised why he hadn’t heard the news of those millions of troops before, but now came out with Skywalker.

He naturally knows how strong the hatred of those humans in the world is in the 500 years that he has ruled the world, but his strong strength directly crushes the world, but if he may fall, even a trace of news is enough to make those guys who have hatred for themselves crazy.

“Xuan, white-haired witch!”

The Jade Frontier God of War thought for a while and then directly ordered.

If he said it in the past, he would definitely personally solve the commander of the millions of troops who personally killed him, and prove to the whole world that he is still the same god of war-like existence, and those who want to resist should no longer be obsessed.

But now that Skywalker appeared with the Golden Hoop Rod, then he could no longer go out at will, because he wanted to cultivate here safely and raise his strength to the peak.


The soldiers kneeling on the ground immediately respectfully retreated after hearing the words of the Jade Frontier God of War.



The sound of running water sounded in the dark canyon.

Vaguely, there is a pond in this canyon, and in this pond there is a young woman bathing, but this young woman has white hair.

The roses are particularly bright in the steaming hot spring, where a graceful beauty wipes her body.

“Tread, tread.”

Just as the white-haired woman wiped her body, in this secluded canyon, she was instantly disturbed by this eager footsteps.

The white-haired woman who was bathing in an instant stopped the movement in her hand.

“If there is something, if not, you can die.”

The white-haired woman who stopped moving said indifferently.

“Tell me to send you to the palace.”

The soldier kneeling on the ground did not dare to look up, even if he knew that as long as he raised his head, he could see the most beautiful things in the world, but he still did not dare to raise his head.

Because he knew that the price of this elevation was death.

“Coming soon.”

The white-haired woman who was bathing was obviously the white-haired witch mentioned in the mouth of the Jade Frontier God of War.

The white-haired witch who soon bathed quickly wiped her body clean.

“I order you to carry an army of 500,000 to conquer the enemy, no matter what the cost, even if the entire army is destroyed, you will leave Skywalker in Middle-earth, and even kill the leader of the force with an army of several million.”

The Jade Frontier God of War looked at the white-haired witch kneeling below and directly ordered lightly.

This time, looking at the white-haired witch’s graceful body and white skin, he did not have any evil thoughts, because during this period, he really did not have any interest.


The white-haired witch kneeling on the ground immediately responded after hearing the words of the Jade Frontier War God above.

“It turns out that the legend is true, Skywalker really appeared with the golden hoop rod.”

The white-haired witch’s mood was very uncalm at the moment, but because of the Jade Frontier War God sitting above, she put this uncalm down.


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