The entire Middle Earth, the so-called human world, became the land of Daqin in the shortest time under the crushing of Daqin’s five million troops, and many places had directly chosen to surrender even before the Daqin army came over.

As a result, as soon as the Daqin army arrived at the city, they saw the soldiers in the city escorting the city lord and military general out of the city gate.

Even when the white-haired witch did not reach Middle-earth, the large group had already laid down a vast territory.

At the same time, Winhui’s own strength is also gradually increasing along with the more and more land and the more people under his command.

If nothing else, even when he was fighting, he could feel the luck blessed on him in the void, and she could clearly feel that this was not from this world, but blessed on him from outside the world.

Then there is only one explanation, that is, the guy between the thousand hand pillars who slapped his hands and magnified the move is estimated to have beaten the Hokage World almost the same.

After all, which force can withstand the attack of the map cannon? Even if it can survive the map cannon, the 500,000 zombie legions behind may not be able to survive it.

Therefore, under the double blessing of the luck of the king of kung fu and the luck of the fire shadow world, Winhui’s strength has broken through the middle stage of shattering, and is now surging towards the late stage of shattered void.

And Huan Hui had a hunch that only by pulling the Jade Emperor of this world off the dragon chair and climbing to the top could he completely break through the Shattered Realm and reach the Crossing Tribulation Realm of the Cultivation Realm.

The realm of martial arts training has completely come to an end, perhaps in other worlds, there are other realms above the Shattered Void, but he is not right here.

After all, every guy who has reached the existence of the broken void and ascends after breaking the void, then it is to reach other higher worlds, but if it can accommodate the existence of the broken void, it must have a world that can truly reach the immortal world.

Therefore, the Shattered Realm in the martial arts world is already an existence that can be called the god of martial arts.

Therefore, he had a hunch that he had to pull the Jade Emperor of this world off his horse, and he could completely surpass the Shattered Void Realm when he reached that position, and reach the Tribulation Realm in one fell swoop.

“It’s time to go to the place of the Jade Frontier God of War.”

Huan Hui’s eyes looked into the distance and said lightly.

After being crushed by the Great Qin army, this Middle Earth has completely become the territory of Great Qin, so if he wants to continue to expand, he can only expand to the place where the Jade Frontier God of War is located.


“Mr. Lu, let’s go, take that otherworldly guy, and let’s go to Five Finger Mountain.”

Riding a white war horse wearing golden armor and holding a Fang Tian Painting Blade, Huan Hui said to Lu Yan, who was teaching that young man from Sichuan Country to practice martial arts.

“Oh, yes, please wait for a moment right away.”

Lu Yan was instantly stunned after hearing Winhui’s words, and then became excited in an instant after realizing what Winhui had just said.

This His Majesty, who was fighting everywhere, finally remembered that above their heads, there was still the Jade Frontier War God this guy pressing them, and now he was finally going to solve it.

When Hui Hui led the Great Qin army to fight, Lu Yan only followed the army and did not mean to persuade.

He still knows how many pounds and taels he has, and now that guy from the Jade Frontier God of War is going to be completely gone, at this time, there is an existence with eternal ambition, and he can’t interfere with him no matter what.

The number of times the world has been divided is too much, so long that many people have forgotten that in fact, there was still a huge empire before the era of the Jade Frontier God of War did not come. But with Sun Wukong being sealed by the Jade Frontier God of War, and then the Jade Frontier God of War took advantage of the Jade Emperor’s cultivation to completely unfold his fangs, the emperor of the prosperous and mighty and huge empire five hundred years ago was directly punched to death by the Jade Frontier God of War at the sacrificial ceremony, and after killing the emperor, all those ministers were also solved.

As a result, the whole world changed from a prosperous empire to a chaotic world in an instant, and now the whole world is like this, which is still provoked by the war god of the Jade Frontier, and now there is a guy with such ambition, who wants to establish another empire to govern the existence of all peoples again, so how can he interfere?

Then Lu Yan walked in front of the foreign guy who was painstakingly practicing martial arts.

“Go, go and return the golden hoop rod to Sun Wukong, as long as you wait for the golden hoop rod to return to Sun Wukong, wait for Sun Wukong to break the seal, you can also go back and return to your world.”

Lu Yan said lightly to the foreign guy who was practicing martial arts.

“What, I’m going to return the Golden Hoop Rod to Sun Wukong.”

The foreign guy who was practicing martial arts was instantly stunned after hearing Lu Yan’s words.

He has been in this world for a few months, from the first daily chanting to the last few Mondays, to now he doesn’t even want to think about it.

Because he also knew that the guy in the golden armor was the emperor of the millions of troops he saw a few months ago, they were attacking all the land to build a country, and he didn’t think that he could interfere with the establishment of the country by others, so he chose to forget about returning the golden hoop rod to Sun Wukong.

I didn’t expect that after almost a few months of training in martial arts, I finally got the news.

“Go, let’s go quickly, I’m going back to my hometown!”

The foreign guy who was practicing martial arts directly held the golden hoop rod not far away in his hand and said excitedly to Lu Yan.

“Let’s go, follow the army to the place of the Jade Frontier God of War.”

Lu Yan looked at the excited otherworldly guy and said lightly.


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