“Is this the Heavenly Court?”

As a big old man, Lu Yan’s eyes instantly became real after seeing the prosperous and beautiful Heavenly Court.

Since he was born, the whole world has been in a chaotic appearance, even if he grows up and has this ability, but he still has not had a good life.

Therefore, the prosperity in this heavenly court was already beautiful, and it immediately amazed him.

“That’s right, this is the heavenly court of this world.”

Winhui walked in the forefront, responding to Lu Yan’s question.

“And the Jade Emperor of this world is waiting for us in front.”

The corner of Huanhui’s mouth couldn’t help but smile slightly, and said lightly.

The first moment he entered the Heavenly Court, his divine sense sensed that at the slightest injury, there was a guy with a strength not much different from him waiting for them.

In this Heavenly Court, apart from the Jade Emperor, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, who often practiced for 500 years, he really couldn’t think of any existence whose strength could be compared to him.

“Omaika, Jade Emperor.”

The otherworldly guy was instantly shocked after hearing Winhui’s words.

Having understood the Chinese culture, he naturally knows what the Jade Emperor represents in the Huaxia Divine System, then he is simply a god king!

A living god-king-level existence, the one they are about to see is that god king, how can they make him, an ordinary person, not excited?

As for those generals of Daqin, they did not express in the slightest, isn’t it the Jade Emperor. Even though they learned about the history and mythology of China after being summoned, they did not have any reverence for the Jade Emperor.

If their Majesty and that Jade Emperor were together, they would all directly choose their Majesty.


“You’re strong.”

The Jade Emperor of this world looked at Huan Hui solemnly and said with a frown.

He found that the whole world had changed, that he was completely unrecognizable.

He had just woken up, but when he woke up, he instantly noticed that a huge force appeared in the dormitory of his number one thug, the Jade Frontier God of War, below the Heavenly Court.

That huge force made him feel a pang of fear, and he was sure that the strange power was almost the same as his strength.

Then it means that the strange existence, the strength has reached the realm of fit, although I don’t know which step to hit the realm of fit, but with the power of his realm of fit, it is enough to make himself cautious.

Especially when he couldn’t detect the aura of the Jade Frontier God of War in the Jade Frontier War God Palace, he instantly understood that it was estimated that the Jade Frontier God of War had been directly killed by that strange strong man.

At the same time, the strange strong man released a message, that is, the information that the person who came was not good.

Therefore, he will be so dignified at the first glance when he sees Hui Hui, after all, when a strange strong man comes with bad intentions, anyone will feel bad.

“You send this guy to his original world first.”

Huan Hui directly smiled at the words of the Jade Emperor of this world, but instead pointed at the foreign guy on the side and chuckled.

Although this guy’s personality is a little cowardly, this follows him along the way, although he does not recognize him, but it also lets him know this guy.

It can be seen from the plot that the Jade Emperor of this world does have this ability to send this otherworldly guy back to his original world.

So to avoid this guy who wants to return to his hometown and stay in this world forever, he directly brought this matter up.

Because when he fights with the Jade Emperor, he will definitely only leave one of the two, anyway, he is very confident in his strength, and it is not a problem to fight the Jade Emperor of this world.


The Jade Emperor looked at the aura that was obviously out of place with this world with his eyes, and said lightly.

Then he waved his hand directly, and a light gate similar to the gate of crossing appeared in front of the foreign guy.

“Go, go back to your hometown.”

Looking at this sudden light gate, Hui Hui instantly glanced at the Jade Emperor of this world, but it was only a glance.

“Well, then I’ll go.”

The foreign guy said reluctantly to Lu Yan.

These days, this guy who drinks all day really takes good care of him, so when he leaves today and may never come back, he really feels a little reluctant.

“Go, go back to your hometown.”

Lu Yan said with a faint smile.

“Well, then I’ll go back.”

The otherworldly guy took a deep look at Hui Hui and the Jade Emperor who were facing each other, and walked directly into the gate of light.

Then, as the otherworldly guy stepped in, the door dissipated directly into the air.

“Your Excellency, what is your purpose?”

After watching that otherworldly guy leave this world, the Jade Emperor looked at Huan Hui and said solemnly.

“In the name of the Heavenly Emperor, I swear that I will never interfere again. I wonder if you are satisfied? ”

The Jade Emperor asked Hui Hui.

At a glance, he could see that this strange strong man was a pure Terran, and coupled with the anger of those guys in armor behind him, he could speculate that those were generals, and this strange strong man was an existence similar to an emperor.

Therefore, if this strange strong man came to look for her because of the problems of the world, then he was willing to swear in the name of his Heavenly Emperor and would never interfere with the world again.

After all, an existence with the same strength as him simply does not have the confidence to defeat, so he still thinks of interfering in the area ruled by the other party, then isn’t he lighting a lamp in the house to find death?

“No, no, what I need is not the problem of the entire human world, but the entire world, including the heavenly court of the celestial realm!”

“So, let’s use our strength to decide where the world belongs.”

Huan Hui said expressionlessly.


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