“Gashike Fist!”

After saying these arrogant words, Winhui chose to make a move.

Facing an existence with the same level of strength as him, he did not dare to have the slightest reservation this time.

By the way, he must also be familiar with his skyrocketing strength, and his strength can be said to be that since he founded the Great Qin Empire, he has not begun to be proficient.

Although he knew what level his strength was at and what kind of harm he could cause, he had never really used all of his strength.

This time, a fellow with the same strength as her, who belonged to the Shattered Void Realm, he could use all his strength, just to verify how strong his strength was as the master of the three worlds.


When Winhui uses his internal power, around Winhui’s fist, spatial fluctuations that you can see with the naked eye appear.

From this, we can see how powerful the punch of Winhui is.

The world space is shaken.

“I’m really afraid that you won’t make it!”

When the Jade Emperor of this world saw that the funds of Yinghui began to move, he instantly exploded all the strength in his body and shouted angrily.

“Sweep through a thousand armies!”

I saw that the Jade Emperor didn’t know where to draw a sharp sword, instilled the mana in his body into the sword, roared loudly, swung, and slashed towards Huanhui.

“Brush brush brush!”

Also along with this world, the Jade Emperor’s huge sword qi cut through the void in this heavenly court.



When the Geshi Dragon Fist gathered by Hui Hui with the faith of all the people collided with the sword qi of this Jade Emperor, it emitted an earth-shattering explosion.


Then a wave of air fluctuations, the center of reason began to spread around, and in an instant, it had spread to every corner of the heavenly court, and even those buildings were destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the two of them.

“It seems that you have to move something serious, otherwise I am afraid that I will not be able to take him.”

Huan Hui’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he said calmly in his heart.

“Qi Luck Golden Dragon into the body!!!”

Winhui roared loudly.

He knew that the only way to use the strongest force to suppress the Jade Emperor of this world was to use the strongest force, otherwise if he ran away when the Jade Emperor of this world reacted and couldn’t beat himself, he might really not be able to intercept him.

From the time when the foreign guy in his family teleported back to his world, it could be seen that the Jade Emperor of this world had mastered some kind of space-like ability, and if he really let him escape, then he really had no place to cry.

Killing the Jade Emperor of one world, I believe that a large part of it directly intercepts the luck of the world, after all, the Jade Emperor of each world is ruling the world for the Heavenly Dao.

If every era has a son of luck, then the Jade Emperor who has the Heavenly Court is definitely the son of luck forever.

“Boom !!!”

With this roar of Huan Hui, I saw a transparent golden true dragon across the world coming towards this world.

And after this true dragon across the world arrived in this world, it directly ended up in Hui Hui’s body.

“Boom !!!”

After that Qi Luck Golden Dragon entered the body, I saw that the strength in Yinghui’s body directly began to skyrocket, and in an instant, he broke through the late stage realm of shattering, and even the peak directly reached the early realm of the tribulation.


The Jade Emperor immediately realized that something was wrong after seeing the transparent golden true dragon that spanned the world, because he recognized this thing.

That is the state of qi luck entities that only each force has after reaching its peak.

Although the Heavenly Court under his command was the largest force in this world, it was far from reaching the state of the Qi Luck Entity.

Because of this, after this thing could not be achieved, he began to conduct a retreat, trying to use the luck of the Heavenly Court to directly break through the realm and reach a higher realm.

But what he never expected was that what he could not achieve in his whole life was achieved by this strange enemy.

Because the effect caused by the qi after it was transported into the body, according to what he knew, making the strength skyrocket, was only the simplest requirement.

That strange guy can fight with himself when his qi luck does not enter the body, after this qi luck enters the body, then how much does his strength skyrocket, can he still fight?

“Run away, you have to run away!”

Only this one thought remained in the Jade Emperor’s mind.

However, how could Yinghui, whose strength had skyrocketed to the realm of crossing the calamity, let him leave so easily.

“Let’s die!!!

Huanhui’s eyes that were suspended in mid-air directly lit up, looking at the Jade Emperor who was trying to escape, and his right hand directly slapped down fiercely.


I saw that the right hand that Hui Hui had photographed directly turned into a giant hand covering half of the heavenly court at the moment of breathing.


In an instant, the right hand that was photographed by Huan Hui directly slapped the Jade Emperor into the ground. And at the snap of his fingers, a loud bang erupted.

As for the Jade Emperor who was photographed, I am sorry that there are no bones left, and the gap between a big realm is not so easy to confront.

Therefore, this strength was only in the Shattered Realm, that is, the Jade Emperor of the Combined Body Realm, which was destroyed by the giant palm that Hui Hui had slapped down with all his strength.

The Jade Emperor, who had ruled this world for an unknown number of years, ushered in its end.

From now on, a new master will appear in the whole world, that is, Daqin!


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