“Sure enough, the skill of qi into the body is very wonderful.”

Huan Hui dispersed the Qi Luck Golden Dragon, and looked at the Jade Emperor who was shot to death by him and couldn’t help but sigh.

If there is really no Qi Luck Golden Dragon into the body of this move, I am afraid that he can only say that he can only fight this Jade Emperor, although he said that the strength and the Jade Emperor are a realm of existence, but after all, he has only recently stepped into this realm, compared to the Jade Emperor in this realm has been standing in place for at least thousands of years, in the use of this power in the body, he will definitely not be able to match the other party.

But the Jade Emperor, as the Lord of the Celestial Realm, is estimated to have not moved for a long time, and if he does not move, he will start a retreat in 500 years and a retreat in 500, even if his strength is improving little by little, but if he does not make a move, it is estimated that he will be a little rusty.

Besides, although he has only recently stepped into this realm, the path he cultivates is completely different from the other guys, what he is cultivating is the road of ten thousand people, the road that gathers all the qi luck that can be gathered.

His strength depended on the number of people he ruled and the overall strength.

It just so happens that all the people in it are extremely large, and the overall strength is slowly increasing, so his strength is also strong in this realm.

However, he used the trick of qi luck into the body, causing his strength to skyrocket and shoot the Jade Emperor directly to death.

Strictly speaking, he can also be regarded as cheating, but in the battle of life and death, any factor is part of his own strength, so no matter what kind of hole cards he has, this can be regarded as his strength.


“Sweeping the entire world, I want to make only my Daqin’s voice left in the whole world!”

Huan Hui sat on the throne of the Jade Emperor who originally belonged to this world, and ordered several generals who followed him to the Heavenly Court.


Subsequently, the several generals who followed Hui Hui to the Heavenly Court immediately said solemnly.

Then the generals of Daqin returned directly to the same road, returned to the world, and led the army to wave iron horses towards those unconquered areas.


“Heavenly Court, Great Qin Heavenly Court!”

Huan Hui looked at the empty Heavenly Court, his eyes couldn’t help but narrow and said to himself.

The Great Qin Empire, which spans several worlds, may now be able to become a low-grade version of the Heavenly Court, although there is a gap with the real Heavenly Court, or even the gap between heaven and earth, but he believes that one day he will make this Great Qin Heavenly Court the only Heavenly Court in the Heavenly Realms.

Without him, crossing the heavens is his strength, and it is still possible to create a heavenly court with the foundation of ten thousand worlds.

He wants to gather the luck of the ten thousand worlds in Daqin, and he wants to become the only son of the luck of the ten thousand worlds.

“It’s time to open the world channel, and this world will be the main world of Daqin in the future.”

Hui Hui looked at the deep mass of Heaven and Earth Origin in the Heavenly Court and said lightly.

The origin of heaven and earth is the origin of a world, and the previous jade emperor can control the entire world, and it is with this origin of heaven and earth that he can control the authority of heaven and earth to steadily suppress the entire world and maintain his supreme position.

Even he estimated that there was still no broken realm in the entire heaven and earth, that is, the reason why the river entered it, it was estimated that it was also caused by the reason that this Jade Emperor restricted the breakthrough of all living beings.

The strength of those guys he saw in the whole world was really not great, as if there were only some cultivators in this heavenly court in the entire world, which was completely unreasonable. Since there are human races, there are monsters like Sun Wukong, since there is a heavenly court, then there must be ancient gods like Nuwa, after all, there are no humans who made people from Nuwa?

Maybe they went to Chaos and left this world, but since there is no decent cultivator in the existence of the human race, maybe it is the selfish heart of this Heavenly Emperor, he wants to dominate the world with their strong strength, it is obvious that according to the plot, this Jade Emperor he succeeded, if not he came to this world to break the plot, I am afraid that the Jade Emperor of this world will still have to rule until the sky is wasted.

“Open it for me!”

With a frown, Winhui began to open up the passage between the worlds and each other in the previous way.


“Hurry up and build ha, build me a beautiful and shiny one.”

A construction worker from the modern world, that is, the previous doomsday world, took the drawing and began to instruct the workers below to start building according to the appearance painted on the drawing, gradually building the appearance of a place where a real heavenly emperor lived.

After all, with this world, as well as the fire shadow world that is being conquered, Daqin already has five worlds, and the emperor of the Great Qin Heavenly Court, the lord of the five realms, lives in the kind of palace on the ground, but after having this low-grade version of the Heavenly Court standing in mid-air, then the palace of Daqin, that is, the center of power where the emperor lives, will also begin to shift to the heavenly court of this world.

The palace of the emperor of the Great Qin Empire must be presentable, and it must match the palace of Shangweihui as the head of the empire!


(Since the New Year is approaching and it is at the end of the year, the humble author said that the place where I work is at its busiest, and the update may be a little delayed, but as long as I am free, I will definitely do everything to update.) )

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