“Your Highness, a dense army has appeared in the distance and is attacking us.”

The guard who came to report said with a panicked look.

“It’s over, it’s still here after all.”

The second prince said to himself when his eyes quickly darkened when he heard these words.

At this moment, even if he is stupid, he will understand what kind of direction this matter is going in.

Not surprisingly, the army that was attacking their camp was none other than the newly created army of Daqin in the south.

Originally, when spies came to report that there was a huge army on the border of the steppe and was going deep into the grassland, he already had a trace of speculation.

But he never dared to believe it.

Subconsciously, I thought that the army was just replacing the previous Daming’s work, just like guarding the border.

Originally, when his eldest brother led troops to attack that army, he had a faint hint of uncertainty in his heart.

If his eldest brother and handsome soldiers were victorious, then everything was okay, everything could return to the Daming period, and their steppe and the dynasty in the south were in a stable status quo.

But now she told him that her eldest brother and the army that attacked that the last strength of the entire grassland had disappeared, and instead appeared the Daqin army in black armor.

If he doesn’t understand what is going on, then he can really kill himself.

It was clear that the Great Qin army had defeated his eldest brother and led the army to prepare for an attack, or completely destroy the entire grassland.

“Order all the tribesmen to abandon everything they cannot take away, and all retreat on horseback.”

The second prince immediately ordered after thinking for a while.


The guards who came to report nodded after listening to the words of their second prince and immediately retreated.

“Alas, damn it.” The second prince cursed the soldiers of Daqin while packing up the gold and silver jewelry that could be taken away.

These gold and silver jewelry may come in handy if escaped.

Fortunately, those soldiers of Daqin were also a long distance away from their camp. Although with the time when the guards came to report, those Daqin soldiers were almost far from their clan land.

So time is extremely tight.

Soon the second prince packed up all the gold and silver jewelry he could carry, immediately rushed out of the camp, and ran directly to his place where the horses were stored.

“Retreat retreat, retreat.”

The second prince mounted his war horse and looked at the group of clansmen outside who were pulling and pulling, and couldn’t help but frown and order.

Now that the enemy has come in, they still look like they don’t care, is it really that this order to escape was given in vain???


The clansmen of the Golden Family around the tent could only stop the slow movements in their hands after hearing their second prince’s order, and began to speed up the act of packing up and evacuating.

Although it is said that it is the second prince of the golden family who ordered them, but on weekdays, everyone does not particularly respect this second prince, after all, according to normal terms, basically the heir of the entire grassland does not have the matter of this second prince at all, and the future ownership of the entire grassland is the eldest prince’s. There is also the fact that the character of these two princes is a little incompatible with their grassland people.

The character of their steppe nation is heroic, but in these two princes, they only see caution, so cautious that they are not considered their grassland people at all.

What’s more, the second prince’s order was to tell them to retreat, retreat, retreat what to retreat?

They were deep in the grassland, even the Qin army that destroyed the Great Khan some time ago, it was estimated that they would not dare to go deep into the grassland to fight with their golden family, so they were very resistant to the order to retreat given by the second prince.

But now the Great Khan lives and dies, coupled with the fact that some time ago, the Great Prince led troops to solve the Qin army that dared to invade their grassland, so it also led to the fact that only the second prince is left in the clan land of the Golden Family now, and in the face of the order of the Second Prince who has the direct bloodline of the Golden Family, they still obeyed even if they had some resistance in their hearts.

At the same time, the Qin army was a few kilometers away from the golden family’s clan land.

“Two General Li, after we will attack on three sides, it is best to leave the royal family of the entire grassland nation here, so that as long as we destroy the golden family in front, then the next attack we launch against the entire grassland, it is estimated that not many guys will choose to resist to the death.”

Yue Buqun looked at the golden family’s clan that was getting closer and closer, and said calmly to Li Wei and Li Suo beside him.

That’s right, after they entered the grassland, they did not directly fight the entire grassland, but chose to directly attack the golden family’s clan land.

After all, the golden family is like the royal family of the Central Plains Dynasty to the entire grassland.

Under the situation that the royal family is destroyed, then I am afraid that the combat effectiveness of the entire grassland will not have much to speak of. Although they did not have much combat effectiveness, they should still be done.


Li Suo and Li Wei nodded slightly after listening to Yue Buqun’s words and said.

The two of them agreed with the idea that each of the three guys led a large army to attack the large battalion in front of them on three sides.

The three-sided attack left a way for them to survive, so that even if they knew that it was Yang, they would still choose to go to the side of the road that was not surrounded by a large army.

After all, if all their roads are blocked, then maybe the guys surrounded by them inside will burst out into combat power.

So the tactic of sandwiching from three sides can still be used.

“Very good, then the generals act!”

Yue Buqun stroked his beard and said with a serious face.


One after another shouts of killing were shouted out from the army of Daqin.

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