“Hurry up, hurry up!”

The second prince looked at the Qin Jun who was getting closer and closer, and then looked again, and when he saw that the clansmen who had not yet sorted it out, their tempers instantly became irritable.

“Forget it.”

The second prince looked at the guys who ignored his words, and his eyes couldn’t help but be fierce.


The second prince instantly drove his war horse and led his guards to run towards the distance.

He won’t run now, he’s afraid he won’t be able to run later. As for what he is doing now, it is simple, nothing more than abandoning these guys who simply do not listen to their words.

As for the consequences and the like, he doesn’t care about it now, what he cares about is whether he can survive the attack of the Qin army now. Consequences, wait for that group of guys to survive the Qin army’s attack, and then come and talk to him about the consequences!

“Second Prince, what is he doing?”

Some guys looked at the second prince who left them to flee alone, and couldn’t help but say with a reprimanding tone.

“Sure enough, the second prince is not suitable to inherit the position of the Great Khan at all, it seems that when the Great Prince returns, we directly support the Great Prince as the Great Khan, after all, now that the Great Khan is gone, it is time to have a new Great Khan to lead our golden family to continue to survive”

Some gray-haired old men said calmly.

In their opinion, the second prince’s behavior was completely frightened by the Great Qin who had disappeared at all. Promoted to the direct bloodline of the Golden Family, the second prince, who was a descendant of Kublai Khan’s ancestor, actually did such a humiliating thing to his ancestors. More importantly, the Great Qin who scared the second prince has not seen a trace until now, that is to say, a Great Qin who has not seen a trace scares the second prince who has the bloodline of Kublai Khan’s ancestor like this. This proves one thing, the second prince is not qualified to become a great khan.


After hearing this old man’s words, the people around couldn’t help but nod their heads.

These two princes really lost the face of their steppe people, so as long as they waited until the eldest prince led his troops back, then they directly supported the eldest prince as the great khan, and directly ignored the second prince, who also had the inheritance position.

“Everyone, disperse, put this thing back in their respective homes.”

Soon, one by one, the guys directly persuaded the guys of the steppe peoples holding various packages.

“Well, go back, I still have a lot of cattle and sheep that I haven’t put when I go back.”

Words rang out in this empty place.



The sound of war horses trampling on the earth sounded.

“Is the Great Prince back?”

Soon, after a group of guys in the clan land of the Golden Family listened to the sound of war horses trampling the earth outside the clan land, they couldn’t help but say in a joyful tone.

“Well, it should be, after all, before the Great Prince led the cavalry army to meet those who dared to go deep into our grassland, it seems that the Great Prince won.”

One by one, the prairie people came out of their tents and participated in the discussion of the crowd.

“It’s not good, it’s not good, then everyone run away quickly!”

Just as they were discussing excitement, suddenly a young soldier ran in from outside and exclaimed.

“Everyone hurry up, Daqin is calling!”

The soldiers, who ran in to inform everyone, shouted anxiously as they watched the clansmen standing still and shouted.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you too tired to hallucinate? ”

A gray-haired old man looked at the panicked soldier and couldn’t help but say with a hint of reproach.

“Then how dare the so-called Great Qin go deep into our grassland? And how dare you launch an attack on our golden family? ”

The gray-haired old man said calmly with a hint of pride.

“Oh, don’t care, I’ll go first!”

The soldier who had recently informed everyone looked at the appearance that still did not believe his words and said anxiously.

Then he immediately stepped on his own war horse and did not look back, chasing vigorously towards the place where the second prince had fled before.

He now only asks to be able to catch up with the second prince and express his apologies to the second prince.

As for the group of guys in the clan land who don’t know if they are dead or alive, he doesn’t care, he has reminded them many times, if they don’t believe it, then really don’t blame yourself.

“Is it true that he is like this?”

Some old guys looked at the soldiers who were in a hurry to escape, and couldn’t help but say with a hint of doubt.

It didn’t seem that he was telling a lie, but how could that Great Qin break into the clan land of the Golden Family in the depths of their grassland?

If what that video says is true, then it means that now the outside of their Golden Family’s clan is already full of Daqin soldiers, so they are surrounded?

“Grandpa Clan, the sound of the war horse trampling the earth outside is gone.”

A young child bit his finger and said suspiciously to the old man who had spoken earlier.


After listening to the young child’s words, the gray-haired old man subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

The behavior of the second prince before, coupled with the behavior of this soldier who had just escaped, coupled with the sudden calm appearance outside, this kind of behavior made him feel a little unhappy.


The gray-haired old man instantly shouted loudly.

Immediately returned to the outside of his tent, took the war horse tied outside the tent, stepped directly up, and drove the war horse in the direction where the soldier before fled.

If nothing went wrong, then that Great Qin really called in and was just outside their clan land.


All the guys of the steppe peoples present, after looking at the old man who fled, you looked at me, I looked at you, and instantly made the same behavior, that is, immediately returned to their tent, took the war horse and straddled it, and ran hard in the direction of the second prince and the soldiers.

But their behavior is late after all, and if they miss the first time, they will forget it, but after missing the second time, then the chance of them escaping is really gone.


The sound of war horses trampling on the earth once again sounded outside their group. Then they saw a burly warrior in black armor and a black cavalry on a war horse!!!

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