Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 203 Feeling good, right?

The party lasted for more than two hours. After the party, there may be other activities.

After all, it's only nine o'clock in the evening. Whether it's business exchanges or young ladies, this is just the beginning of nightlife.

However, now that they have started to leave, Koji Shimizu and Ai Haibara took advantage of the situation and directly submitted their resignations. They have no interest in any future activities anyway.

In fact, due to emotions and reasons, Shimizu Koji and Sonoko should have gone to meet Suzuki Shiro, but a few people, Suzuki Ayako, and Sonoko herself did not mention this matter.

Suzuki Shiro would not make a special trip to chat with his daughter after the banquet started, so Shimizu Koji did not meet Suzuki Shiro here in the end.

But as expected, they will officially meet at the Suzuki Museum of Art the day after tomorrow.

After walking out of the Osaka Guest House, Shimizu Koji and Haibara Ai were still wearing beautiful dresses. Fortunately, it was a warm summer night. Even Haibara Ai, whose dress looked a little thin, did not feel cold, but felt cold. I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling my brain suddenly clear and relaxed.

She had never attended such a party when she was Miyano Shiho. If it hadn't been for Koji Shimizu's arrangement, she wouldn't have been interested in coming.

The same was true for Koji Shimizu. Coming out of the lively banquet hall and his nose was filled with the smell of various high-end perfumes, he also felt like he was in another world.

In the splendid banquet hall, there were glasses of wine, bright red wine and wealthy aristocrats in suits and dresses. They couldn't be said to be lustful, but they were also nakedly filled with the pursuit of profit.

And Koji Shimizu came here just because of Suzuki Ayako's request. He could expect such an atmosphere, but he didn't want to get involved.

Everything was indeed normal as he expected, but there was still something unexpected, and it was about Ooka Momiji.

As for the eldest lady, until now, Koji Shimizu didn't actually know her identity, but he carefully recalled the situation that day. If nothing unexpected happened, he seemed to have been taken specially to be the eldest lady's companion.

It only took him ten minutes to play the game, and he knew it by heart, and then beat the young lady to tears.

Of course, he didn't mean it.

When he first traveled through time, Shimizu Koji had no intention of deliberately making the little girl cry, but as soon as he won, Ooka Momiji burst into tears, turned around and ran out of the room.

After getting into the car and fastening her seat belt, Haibara Ai remained silent, but this was in line with Qingmizu Koji's impression of her, and he didn't care.

But when he turned the key and started the car, Haiyuan Ai suddenly said in a cold voice: "How did you feel just now?"

"How does it feel?"

Shimizu Koji was confused for a moment, "Are you talking about the party just now?"

"Well, it's just average. I don't really like that kind of atmosphere, but the food prepared is pretty good."

"I didn't mean a party."

Haiyuan Ai's tone was frivolous, and Qingshui Koji looked at her with some confusion. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and there was a trace of ridicule and a narrow smile in her eyes.

"Breasts, didn't you feel it just now? Miss Ooka's breasts were all pressed up."

"How did it feel? Or were you knocked unconscious?"

She asked again in a narrow-minded manner, and Koji Shimizu couldn't help but feel a black eye after hearing this.

He started the car, turned the steering wheel, drove out of the parking lot, and drove all the way onto the road outside, merging into the traffic flow in the urban night.


It only takes one short sentence to break Haiyuan Ai's guard.

However, Haibara Ai has gradually become accustomed to Shimizu Koji's straight shots, or in other words, his unobstructed speech.

She just blushed, then calmed down and retorted: "I just want to ask you, how does it feel to be chased and surrounded by all the young ladies? Besides, the one who wants to be jealous must be your senior sister. It’s only right for your girlfriend to be jealous.”

"How about it? Tell me about the story with Miss Ooka?"

Hui Yuan Ai flipped his hair with a calm expression, as if just to satisfy his curiosity.

But Shimizu Koji did not follow her wishes and tell the story about him and Ooka Momiji. He just whispered softly: "Are you jealous?"

It's hard for Shimizu Koji to imagine how jealous would appear with Tsukamoto Sumimi's serious and bold personality.

And, will you be jealous?

He hasn't thought about this problem yet, because the only one who might really make Tsukamoto Sumimi jealous is Haibara Ai next to him.

Not to mention that when he agreed to Tsukamoto's request for a relationship, he had already promised it, and no matter how you look at it, Tsukamoto doesn't seem to be the kind of jealous girl.

Hmm. Maybe a punch? If Tsukamoto Sumi was dating someone other than him.

"Why, are you finally worried?"

Haibara Ai has been observing Shimizu Koji's reaction. She deliberately reminded Shimizu Koji, but what was the purpose? Maybe it was to prevent Shimizu Koji from making so-called mistakes. She was actually quite kind.

And Qingshui Koji didn't deliberately hide anything in front of Haihara Ai, so she could immediately see what Qingshui Koji was thinking.

But, she only saw part of it.

"No, I'm not worried."

"Oh? But that's right. Based on your personality, it's probably you who the girl is actively pursuing."

"Besides, if you put it this way, you have the potential to be a scumbag. That eldest lady, I think she will never give up."

"Scumbag, what is that?"

Qingshui Haoer didn't even look back, and said a simple word, but Haiyuan Ai, who thought he was on the outside and had seen through all this, couldn't help but feel a little lost.

She could feel the indifference, or in other words, the indifference that Koji Shimizu had when he said these words.

There was another similar situation before.

‘.But if you don’t mind me having a girlfriend when you grow up, that’s fine. ’

Is this guy serious——?

Hui Yuan Ai was stunned. She didn't quite believe it, but she wasn't actually too shocked.

Although she doesn't have much contact with the outside world in the organization, she grew up in the United States and completed her PhD early.

What kind of pure love in youth academy is something that only the simple elementary and middle school students in Japan would believe.

But no matter what, in Haibara Ai's eyes, the 16-year-old Shimizu Koji, a cold and indifferent person who is supposed to have pure feelings, would not be able to say these words.

For a moment, Hui Yuan Ai was speechless.

She couldn't figure out what Shimizu Koji was thinking, and although she could understand that this kind of thing existed openly in the world, it didn't mean that she could accept it.

"If I have to say it, according to the so-called moral standards, I am indeed a scumbag."

Shimizu Koji suddenly continued to add.

Haiyuan Ai heard the sound and silently raised his head to look at him who was driving.

"But if two people like each other and get together, is there any problem?"

"However, for me, I can like different people at the same time, but there is a high probability that I cannot accept that the person I like likes someone else."

"You have double standards." Hui Yuan Ai frowned and said coldly.

"Yes, so I will make it clear to the person who likes me and leave the decision to her."

Koji Shimizu admitted it directly. This was the truth and there was nothing to say.

After a pause, he glanced at Hui Yuan Ai's expression. She frowned, her thoughts undisguised.

"Of course, there is an exception."

"If I like her too, I won't let her decide anymore."

If a person cannot even correctly and clearly understand his inner thoughts, then there is probably something wrong with him, either mentally or physically.

For Koji Shimizu, he has always seen it clearly.

However, his feelings are changing.

And when he decides on something, he usually won't hesitate anymore.

"Smug! Childish!"

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