Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 204 Are you xx? !

Back to the hotel where they stayed, it was a five-star hotel in Osaka. In terms of luxury, it was actually not much worse than the Osaka State Guest House.

Because the higher the end, the smaller the gap and the less obvious it is.

Often there are just a few more details, but the price is vastly different.

The reason why everyone was able to stay here was naturally due to the Suzuki family. That day, Sonoko learned that Shimizu Koji and Xiaolan planned to come over early, so she asked her father to help make arrangements.

This kind of thing is naturally a piece of cake for Suzuki Shiro.

He had originally invited Mouri Kogoro, and he naturally valued Mouri Kogoro very much. Coupled with Sonoko's suggestion, Moori Kogoro was completely satisfied with a wave of his hand.

In this way, in fact, Koji Shimizu is still influenced by Mouri Kogoro, but in fact, it is difficult to say whether there is any reason for Sonoko's contribution.

In the hotel elevator, Shimizu Koji and Haibara Ai took the same elevator.

There was a lot of silence between the two of them, but this was mainly because Haiyuan Ai was cold-tempered and kept strangers away and acquaintances away.

In fact, Qingmizu Koji had no intention of saying these words to Haibara Ai so early, but she started the conversation, and the atmosphere between the two after the banquet was relatively harmonious, so he continued.

Haibara Ai naturally understood what Shimizu Koji meant, and it was probably just a different kind of male chauvinism.

Macho chauvinism is very common in Japan, but few people dare to openly say that they like several people at the same time. Most ordinary people do not have the courage or strength to do so.

In the dirty upper class society, this situation is very common, regardless of men and women.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Haibara Ai to understand Qingmizu Koji's thoughts, but she would not accept it if this kind of thing happened to her.

It was hard for her to explain what she was thinking. Her mood had recently been messed up by Koji Shimizu's actions.

And Koji Shimizu believes that people who can't recognize their own hearts have some kind of problem. Haibara Ai also believes that she has a big physical problem right now.


The elevator door opened, and they walked in the same direction as Haihara Ai, but when they reached the corridor, Qingshui Koji and Haihara Ai couldn't help but stop.

I saw Kogoro Mouri standing alone in the corridor with a melancholy expression, wearing only a white shirt on the upper body, hotel shorts on the lower body, and then, barefoot.

He didn't know whether it was because he was cold, hot or embarrassed, but he seemed a little embarrassed.

In fact, before he heard the elevator door open, Mouri Kogoro was still lying on the door, knocking pitifully.

"Ahem, it's clear water, huh? What are you talking about?"

When Mouri Kogoro saw the person clearly, he tried his best to keep a straight face and looked at Shimizu Koji and Haibara Ai. Of course, he mainly looked at Shimizu Koji.

"Went to a party."

Shimizu Koji explained calmly.

"Oh, haha, the party, the party is great, the party is quite good."

Mouri Kogoro was laughing, and Haibara Ai, who had subconsciously hid behind Shimizu Koji's thighs because of the sudden appearance of a strange person in the corridor, now continued to walk out with a cold face.

Ignoring the awkward and enthusiastic Mouri Kogoro, he passed him far away, walked to her and Shimizu Koji's room, took out the room card, swiped it, and disappeared into the room of Shimizu Koji and Moori Kogoro. within sight.

Mouri Kogoro scratched his head, turned around, and continued to laugh with Shimizu Koji.

"Then Qingshui, you should go back quickly. You should be very tired from attending parties and stuff."

Facing Mouri Kogoro, who looked unnatural in every aspect of his body, Shimizu Koji said he was not curious, but that was still a bit.

But he didn't intend to ask. He didn't care about Moori Kogoro's embarrassing incident.

He nodded and prepared to pass by Mouri Kogoro calmly like Haibara Ai just now.

However, when he was about to reach the door of Kogoro Mouri's room, there was a "click", and the door suddenly opened like a strong wind of magnitude 10. If Koji Shimizu hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been hit in the face. .

"Dad, come in! Don't be embarrassed outside!"

Xiaolan was furious. As soon as she opened the door, she reached out and grabbed Mouri Kogoro's already tight tie. With a tug, she almost squeezed out Moori Kogoro's tongue.

"Ah, Xiaolan Xiaolan, let go, let go! Ahem, Qingshui is still here."


Xiaolan was stunned when she heard the sound and turned her head. Finally, when Qingshui Koji walked out from behind the door, she saw Qingshui Koji who she thought had already walked over.

Her face instantly turned red, and she subconsciously loosened her grip. Mouri Kogoro, whose face had also turned red, was caught off guard and fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

Shimizu Koji could no longer turn a blind eye to this. He and Xiaolan smiled to relieve their embarrassment, and then said, "Uncle, what's going on?"

Xiaolan smiled coquettishly, looked down at Mouri Kogoro, and there was a cold light in her eyes subconsciously.

"Sorry for making you laugh, Shimizu-kun."

"Uh, it's nothing."

"Actually, it's just that my dad accidentally lost all the money he had while playing small steel balls. Hahahaha, it's really nothing."

Keyword extraction, in fact, is just hitting small steel balls. If you are not careful, it is all, hahaha.

Shimizu Koji could only continue to smile and nodded to Xiaolan.

"So that's it. It's okay then. I'm going back to my room. I won't disturb you."

"Hmm, then Shimizu-kun, please rest early. We will continue to visit Osaka with Kazuye and the others tomorrow."


The episode in the corridor was very short, but it was also full of the fun of life. At least, in the eyes of an outsider like Shimizu Koji, this was really rare and really interesting.

As for the middle-aged uncle Mouri Kogoro, it is difficult for Shimizu Koji to evaluate him now.

Back in the room, the originally mild air in the room seemed to be affected by the coldness on Haihara Ai's body. Koji Shimizu took a distant look and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

But this wasn't that Haihara Ai was deliberately showing off, it was just that in Qingshui Koji's eyes, she was exuding a cold air.

In fact, Hui Yuan Ai's face was calm, he just remained silent, and he didn't speak again after the whole journey.

"Are you still planning to go out tomorrow?"

"not going."

Koji Shimizu showed an unsuspecting look in his eyes and walked slowly towards her side. Haibara Ai was sitting on the sofa and was about to change into slippers. When he saw Koji Shimizu walking over, he subconsciously moved his hands.

Qingshui Koji suddenly sat next to her, right next to her, which made Haihara Ai a little surprised and at a loss.

In particular, Shimizu Koji's big hands skillfully and naturally took her little feet from her hands, helped her take off her socks directly, and then held them in his hands.

The warm wrapping feeling was exactly the same as during the day, which made her feel embarrassed but warmed her heart.

But before she could say anything, Shimizu Koji calmly spoke:

"Let's date."


It only took three seconds for Hui Yuan Ai's eyes to go from being completely calm to being cold with shame, to then dilating his pupils and staring blankly.

"Koji Shimizu! Are you a pervert!!!?"

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