Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 237 Kidd: Don’t talk about martial ethics!

Takagi Wataru rubbed his face and sat up from the ground. Although Conan apologized and explained repeatedly, he still looked at Conan with a very unkind look.

Even though he is a good old man, he is still very angry at the moment.

After all, a football as big as his head hit his face at such a speed, and his entire face now still has clear red football marks.

Conan stood aside and was scolded by Xiaolan. He had sincerely apologized, but indeed, if an apology was useful, what else would the police do?

Fortunately, he is an elementary school student now, otherwise, even if Kudo Shinichi comes, he might be taken back to the station for tea on the charge of assaulting a police officer.

While he was now feeling full of guilt, he was even more ashamed and uncomfortable, because he was noticed by Xiaolan again, and just in the afternoon, Koji Shimizu reminded him.

For a time, Conan did not dare to face too many people. He huddled silently in the corner of the hall and transformed into a transparent man.

Kuroba Kaito informed everyone of the investigation results.

"Is it really Miss Qinglan?"

Kasaka Natsumi's face was melancholy. She actually had a good impression of Urashi Qinglan. After all, they were the same age and their birthdays were only two days apart.

Well, you can't, Pu Siqinglan must have lied to her about all this.

In fact, even after the second confirmation by the police, everyone present was more or less in a daze, except for Haihara Ai, who had a strong ability to accept the matter, or who didn't care about it at all.

The impression Pu Siqinglan left on them was just a beautiful and weak woman with a graceful and graceful figure. No one could connect her with a murderer armed with a gun.

Kuroba Kaito stood in the hall. He had stood for a long time and his feet hurt a little.

But he just didn't dare to sit down, at least, he didn't dare to sit at the table where Shimizu Koji was sitting. But it would be even more weird if he sat somewhere else where there was no one at all.

"Officer Shiratori, won't you sit down?"

"Huh? It doesn't matter, I just like standing."

Kuroba Kaito waved his hands repeatedly, rejecting Sonoko's kindness.

He cautiously glanced at Koji Shimizu beside him, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

There were so many people, so Hui Yuan Ai didn't say anything after being kissed. Maybe she just thought she was bitten by a dog? Just like yesterday or the day before yesterday, on the sofa.

But those are her thoughts, no one will know.

Glancing at the cautious Kaito Kid, Koji Shimizu let go of Haibara Ai's little hand and stood up from the sofa.

"Officer Shiratori, can we chat? I still have some clues that I want to report."

Shimizu Koji casually made an excuse. His expression was serious and serious. No one thought there was anything wrong, but Kuroba Kaito's expression was a little unnatural.

Shimizu Koji's direct gaze on his dove, his red eyes, on his shoulder made him feel guilty.

"Actually, if nothing happens, everyone can go back to the room and rest. We will continue our journey to Yokosuka tomorrow morning."

Qingshui Koji stood up and was arranging the clothes that were messed up by Haibara Ai. Then he remembered the time and turned back to everyone.

He originally wanted Huihara Ai to wait here for his return, but when he looked at his watch, it was already past two in the morning.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly woke up. A murder case made them unwilling to sleep. In addition, the brightly lit lounge made the group forget that it was still late at night when they should be sleeping soundly.

"That's right. Hey, wait, are you going to Yokosuka tomorrow?"

Yuanzi suddenly reacted, and her surprise surprised everyone.

"Ah, but I have to spend my birthday with my mother tomorrow."

The disappointment and depression on Yuanzi's face were undisguised, and it seemed that giving her the title of a dutiful daughter was not an exaggeration at all.

Hearing this, Natsumi Kasaka smiled slightly and held her hand, "That is indeed a pity, but Miss Sonoko is always welcome to visit the castle at any time in the future."

"Ah~~, okay. Thank you, Miss Natsumi."

"It's okay, geez~."

Seeing the episode end, Koji Shimizu saw Haibara Ai packing her things and getting up, so he and Shiratori Rensaburo took the lead to walk outside.

After leaving the lounge, Koji Shimizu led the way, and Kaito Kuroba followed behind.

Finally, seeing him reaching the deck, Kaito couldn't help it any longer, "Um, Shimizu-san, what clues did you find?"

The sea breeze was cold, and the wings of the dove on Koji Shimizu's shoulder shook, and two white feathers fell off.

The bright red eyes that he had never seen before made Kaito feel nervous.

And when Shimizu Koji turned his head, his eyes were as scarlet as blood, which made Kuroba Kaito, who was already a little hairy, feel alarm bells ringing in his heart, and he immediately wanted to take out the smoke bomb from his pocket.

But Koji Shimizu directly used the Sharingan to guard against his move.

In other words, when a lion fights a rabbit, he also uses his full strength.

What's more, it was Kaitou Kid who the hidden witch valued so much. Naturally, Koji Shimizu didn't dare to underestimate the enemy at all, and he used his Sharingan directly.

His right hand struck out like lightning and grabbed Kuroba Kaito's neck. Shimizu Koji used his strength and took a few steps to push him against the wall.

The suffocating feeling on his neck forced Kuroba Kaito to struggle, but as soon as he grabbed Shimizu Koji's wrist, another sharp pain came from his thigh.


Koji Shimizu's knee strikes were merciless, and Kaito Kuroba felt as if his thigh had been hit by a truck, almost completely losing consciousness.

And if he had strayed further just now, he might have fainted on the spot.

But Shimizu Koji didn't want him to faint, and he still wanted to ask questions. For Kuroba Kaito, this was unfortunate.


Koji Shimizu grabbed Kuroba Kaito's right hand and twisted it directly behind his back, then kicked him on the bend of his knee. Kuroba Kaito fell to the ground, but Shimizu Koji immediately stepped on his butt with another kick. , trampling him hard under his feet.

Kuroba Kaito was hit by this sudden attack, his face was distorted in pain, his face was close to the ground, and it was very difficult to even open his mouth to cry out in pain.

But when Koji Shimizu bent down and peeled off his disguise and saw his face clearly, he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

"It's you?!"

Shimizu Koji was stunned. For some reason, Kuroba Kaito couldn't remember Anko, and by the way, Shimizu Koji couldn't remember him either. But Shimizu Koji couldn't say that he was deeply impressed, but he still remembered him fresh.

A drunk guy came to him and said a lot of inexplicable things to him. Anyone else would probably remember him.

Is this guy Kaitou Kidd?

Shimizu Koji suddenly felt that those police officers were not simply sick.

A half-year-old boy, Kuroba Kaito's face is almost as big as him. Is this guy the Kaito Kid who is famous all over the world and cannot be caught by countless people? !

Started flying and escaping from the earth at the age of five? !

"It hurts, it hurts, let go!"

"Are you Kaitou Kidd?!"

"Ah, I, I'm not."

"Aren't you?" Koji Shimizu increased his strength.

"Ah, ah, it hurts, it hurts, I, I am, I am, let go!"

Kuroba Kaito is not what he imagined.

No, it should be said that Kuroba Kaito has never met a guy like Shimizu Koji. As soon as he comes up, he will immediately remove his arm if he disagrees with him.

Just a little bit, Kuroba Kaito felt that his arm was really going to be separated from him.

He shed tears of pain, and his poker face, in this situation, was simply not something he could maintain if he wanted to.

He was given some relief, but Koji Shimizu still had no intention of relaxing his confinement.

Although this guy seemed to be a good guy, Koji Shimizu was still very wary of him due to the rumors he had heard and read before, as well as his relationship with the witch.

It can be said that in fact, if it were not for Koizumi Anko, Shimizu Koji might not be too interested in the Kaito Kid played by Kuroba Kaito.

The same is true for most people. The more you tell him not to do something, the more he wants to do something.

"Do you know a strange woman?"

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