Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 238 Equipment exploded

Strange woman? !

What's wrong with this woman? !

Kuroba Kaito is confused, or in other words, to him, women are strange!

Why Aoko always wants to cook fish for him in various ways is super strange!

"Hey! Can you let me go first? You, who are you?"

Kuroba Kaito was feeling broken and panicked at the moment. Although there was no one on the deck, being caught as a thief was like an ordinary person who was suddenly exposed in the spotlight.

He thought too much at that moment, including but not limited to whether every meal he would have in prison would include fish.

Why did things become like this? Who is this guy?

Why not play the cards according to the routine? !

Why can't you just yell and rush towards him like those policemen, and then be dodged by him laughing, and at the same time, you can make those guys fall into the dirt.

why! ?

Why did you sneak attack as soon as you came up! Don’t talk about martial ethics!

Shimizu Koji didn't know about Kuroba Kaito's rich inner drama at this moment. Even if he knew, he wouldn't be soft-hearted. He would only feel that this guy's head has been lowered to the same level by the IQ of those rice insect policemen.

Seeing that Kuroba Kaito avoided answering his questions, and even his eyes showed no reaction, Koji Shimizu's heart sank.

If, as long as Kuroba Kaito is not Kuroba Kaito, but a middle-aged and elderly person, Shimizu Koji still has hope, this guy is hiding something.

But from Kuroba Kaito, he couldn't see any traces of concealment. The face of this guy exposed under his violent interrogation was almost exactly the same as that boy Conan's excitement when he saw the case or the suspect. He was pure and impulsive. naive.childish

"It seems you are no longer useful."

Shimizu Koji's voice was calm. He was not intimidating Kuroba Kaito. Since the witch was so worried about him taking action against this guy, or breaking some kind of balance, then if he didn't kill Kuroba Kaito, he would kill this guy. If handed over directly to the police, how should the witch girl deal with it?

You can't. Once in prison, can this guy still rely on his own integrity to escape?


There was a crisp sound, and the cold sweat on Kuroba Kaito's forehead instantly broke out. Before he could cry out in pain, his body's subconscious protective mechanism made him curl up like a prawn.

"You, ah..., I, I remembered! I remembered!"

With a cold expression on his face, Koji Shimizu turned Kuroba Kaito over and squatted next to him.

Kuroba Kaito's right arm was severely dislocated, and his face turned pale in pain. This was the most serious injury he had suffered in a month since his debut.

Even before, Pu Si Qinglan's sniper attack actually only broke his spectacle lenses and did not cause any actual damage to him.

"What are you remembering? My patience is limited. You'd better not be playing any tricks."

Shimizu Koji's Sharingan has disappeared at this moment. This time, Kuroba Kaito, who was panting heavily, couldn't help but doubt his life. Could the terrifying blood-red eyes just now be an illusion caused by his panic? !

He was just stunned for a second. Facing the cold gaze of Shimizu Koji, Kuroba Kaito endured the pain and took out a small bag of tips from the inner pocket of his jacket with his left hand.

This made Shimizu Koji's eyelids twitch, and he snatched it away in an instant.

Kuroba Kaito wanted to cry but had no tears. In his current state, facing the strange Shimizu Koji, how could he have any other thoughts.

He still hasn't figured out how Koji Shimizu found out his identity, or in other words, how he manipulated the pigeon he had raised since childhood.

He absolutely did not believe that it was his pigeon that became the traitor.

It must be Koji Shimizu, there is some weird trick——.

Kuroba Kaito has seen a lot of things in the world. Even if he has temporarily forgotten about Anko, for his world, there has never been a lack of those weird elements. Breathing fire and water are commonplace.

"What's this?"

Opening the kit, there was nothing inside, just a small transparent box. Koji Shimizu took a look and recognized it, but he was a little unsure.

"I, I don't know, I only know that when I encounter danger this time, I have to take this thing out."

"You have great power in your eyes, they will help solve your problems"

When Kuroba Kaito said these words, a faint pink glow appeared in his eyes, and when he finished speaking, he returned to an ignorant and somewhat frightened expression.

Actually, Kuroba Kaito didn't want to appear so bad, but it really hurt, it hurt so much!

Koji Shimizu saw all this and looked at the contact lens case in his hand. His eyes changed and his inner thoughts were unknown to others.

There is something interesting about this witch.

After packing the contact lens box, Shimizu Koji didn't know how to use it, at least not directly and without any precautions, and he wasn't in that hurry.

But there is no doubt that it is impossible to find out the information about the meticulous witch from Kidd.

"What's your name?"

Koji Shimizu's attitude became slightly better because he changed his mind.

Kuroba Kaito was stunned. He opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and confessed honestly:

"Kuroba Kaito."

He could see that he would definitely not be able to escape tonight, but at the same time, Koji Shimizu was obviously a 'weird' person with another purpose.

This can be seen from the fact that Shimizu Koji did not expose him in public, but instead found a remote place to catch him.

He could only take a gamble. Kuroba Kaito was very nervous, but facing Shimizu Koji's scrutinizing eyes, he unconsciously felt a little relieved.

As long as he was not handed over to the police, everything would be fine.

When he thought about the fate of being handed over to the police, those scenes that he had never thought of before appeared in his mind, making his self-proclaimed super strong mind tremble.

Once he is exposed, everything will be over, his life, his family, his mother, his father, Uncle Nakamori. Aoko, Aoko.

Before, Kuroba Kaito never thought about what would happen if he was exposed.


Kuroba Kaito's heart skipped a beat, and he was a little tearful, "Can I--"


"A student in Class B, Grade 2 of Ekoda High School, living in Ekoda District"

"Are you still planning to steal the egg of memories?"

After getting Kuroba Kaito's name and identity, Shimizu Koji did not continue to ask, he was not worried that this guy was lying to him.

Not only because this kind of bold and reckless thief can be caught once, he can be caught a second time.

Hey, why does this guy look a bit like Kudo Shinichi?

"I, I'm not here to steal the egg. There's nothing I want on it."


"Well, it's not impossible to steal it if I can, because there is indeed a second egg of memories, but I'm mainly here to catch the guy who sniped me, but unfortunately she has escaped."

"Huh? You still want to catch someone? So, you dressed up as a policeman?"

Kouji Shimizu was a little amused by him. In a sense, this guy really deserves the name of "Phantom Thief".

"Almost, almost, right?"

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