Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 274 Koji Shimizu, who has high hopes

"Hey, Yusaku?!"

Everyone left the lounge and prepared to let the housekeeper Naoki Sohachi lead them to investigate the villa.

But as soon as he stepped out, a middle-aged man walked out from the corridor beside him.

Shige Fujieda, with a beard, looks similar to Koji Shimizu now.

When he was called Yuzu, Shimizu Koji almost didn't react, but fortunately Yukiko pinched him immediately without any emotion, and he immediately came back to his senses and looked at the person, "It's Fujieda, long time no see."

"Uh, okay, long time no see, but, Yusaku, didn't you say that you couldn't come because you had something to do, and asked your wife to handle it on your behalf——"

Fujieda Shigeru was obviously very surprised, and Shimizu Koji's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. If everyone hadn't been watching, he would have wanted to glare at Yukiko now.

However, when his acting skills came online, Koji Shimizu thought of a countermeasure almost instantly.

There was a trace of helplessness in his eyes, and he glanced at Kudo Yukiko beside him, "There is nothing I can do, I really can't defeat her."

Conan, who was at the feet of Shimizu Koji, couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this. He had no doubts about Shimizu Koji's answer, as if in his opinion, this was how it should be.

While talking, Yukiko was also very cooperative, hugging Shimizu Koji's arm, smiling, and not looking embarrassed at all.

Koji Shimizu couldn't help but feel calm, but he remained calm on the surface. Seeing this, Shigeru Fujieda, who was opposite him, suddenly understood and showed a slightly envious expression, "I see, Yusaku, the relationship between you and your wife is still there." It’s so good and enviable.”

Smiling slightly, Fujieda Shigeru's words were not easy to take in, and Fujieda Shigeru himself noticed this. He glanced at everyone, especially the butler Naoki Sohachi on the side, "I will rest assured if you have Yusaku to help with the investigation. Okay, who are these?”

"This is Ms. Fei Yingli and her daughter. They are the agents of the detective that Ms. Suhua hired before."

"This is our wife's brother, Shigeru Fujieda."

Naoki Sohachi has been very silent. At this time, he introduced the two parties and did not say any unnecessary words.

"Oh, it turns out to be the agent of Detective Maori. Good evening, Ms. Fei."

"Good evening, Mr. Fujieda."

Everyone said hello, and Fujieda Soka, who had met Shimizu Koji and Yukiko before, also appeared in front of everyone again.

She had already talked with Fei Yingri, and after only giving polite greetings to Shimizu Koji and Yukiko, she didn't say anything more.

Everyone had the same purpose and walked all the way to a study room on the second floor. On the desk, two pieces of paper and a bullet were packed and placed in a transparent plastic bag.

"Is that all?"

The piece of paper is the so-called threatening letter, and the content on it is very simple, just the words "I will kill you."

Fei Yingli frowned, and Yukiko nodded and added: "Yes, such a thing can hardly be used as evidence, right, Conan."


Because Conan was around, Yukiko subconsciously touched his head, but these words and actions obviously aroused doubts in Fei Yingli and Xiaolan.

Conan also became nervous all of a sudden. He was afraid of something. Yukiko clearly had his father by her side, but she also specifically brought the topic to him. Wasn't this deliberately causing trouble for him? !

Conan's eyes suddenly became fierce, and Yukiko's eyes were also embarrassed.

"Yukiko, do you also know this little guy?"

"Ah, yes, yes, Xiaolan should also know."

"? Huh? Me?" Xiaolan pointed at herself, obviously confused.

"Hey, didn't Dr. Agasa tell you!? Xiao Ke is my grandson - my grandfather's brother's daughter's cousin's uncle! We are of the same generation as Shinichi, and he is also very good at detectives. There’s talent in that area.”

Fei Yingli and Xiaolan nodded blankly, and the two outsiders, Fujieda Shigeru and Fujieda Soka, couldn't understand it at all, but they did sound very powerful.

"Yusaku, have you discovered anything?"

Fujieda Shigeru came back to his senses and took the initiative to ask Shimizu Koji.

Fei Yingli also looked at Shimizu Koji, "Yukiko, in the future, try not to involve children in detective matters. Your husband is enough here."

"Ah ha ha"

Yukiko smiled sarcastically, and then everyone's attention shifted to Koji Shimizu.

Although Koji Shimizu had expected it before coming, he still felt a little uncomfortable when faced with this situation, especially since he had to always pay attention to imitating Yusaku Kudo, whom he had never seen before.

So, what should he say?

"It would be a bit of a fool's errand to think of finding the suspect directly based on such clues. I think it's best for us to go back and meet Mr. Ganxiong and learn more about the situation from his mouth."

Shimizu Koji's voice was calm. He didn't think this clue could reveal anything. After thinking about it, he directly came to his conclusion.

Obviously, his conclusion was indeed recognized by everyone. Of course, the main reason was Conan's nod of approval.

Shimizu Koji mainly didn't want Conan to know his true identity, otherwise this guy might really explode on the spot for him to see.

"Ah, but at this time, it is not convenient to disturb the master who is reading and enjoying music in the audio-visual room." Butler Naoki Sohachi said.

"Hey, yes, Mikio will be very angry if someone interrupts his reading."

Fujieda Soka also seemed to have remembered something and quickly added.

Shimizu Koji looked at Fujieda Shigeru, who also nodded silently.

"Is he alone?"

Shimizu Koji's words made everyone's hearts tremble. Fujieda Shigeru was stunned, and then said: "So Yusaku, do you want to go and take a look at the situation inside the house? That room is equipped with a surveillance camera, and the monitoring room is next door."

"Huh? Monitoring."

"Yes what's the matter?"

"No, it's nothing, I just feel a little surprised."

Shimizu Koji shook his head, feeling inexplicably strange in his heart. Surveillance rarely appeared when they needed it, and it was normal for it to be related to the conditions of this family.

"Then let's go there and take a look."

Everyone in the group had no objections. Koji Shimizu seemed to have taken over the game and became the protagonist of this incident. Even Conan subconsciously believed in him.

Everyone walked to the monitoring room. The monitoring situation was beyond everyone's expectation. There were more than ten screens of various sizes. The villa, the garden outside and the lane next to it could all be seen from here. .

"Wow, it's really advanced! You can see so clearly!"

"Ever since I received the threatening letter, I hired someone to install these equipment, but even so, I still can't take care of it." Butler Naoki Sohachi explained calmly.

Yukiko sat directly on the chair in front of the monitoring desk. She curiously fiddled with the screen. On the screen on the table was the floor plan of the villa.

She has never seen such advanced technology in the United States. It can be seen that Mikio Fujieda has indeed spent a lot of money.

"Well, indeed, it is such a big house after all." Fei Yingli folded her arms and stood aside silently nodding.

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