Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 275 Identity Exposed

The surveillance looked normal and the clarity was very high. Mikio Fujieda in the audio-visual room was leisurely drinking coffee and sitting on the sofa reading a book. As far as this living habit is concerned, there is really no reason for him not to win.

After marrying as a gangster and suddenly becoming a master, Koji Shimizu didn't need to think too hard to know how annoyed the wealthy family would be when he married his daughter.

After all, judging from the first impression just now, there is really nothing to like about Mikio Fujieda's short, fat figure and ferocious face.

If his daughter marries such a person, his father would probably be furious.

The world is really full of wonders.

Koji Shimizu sighed silently. It was his first time to be a detective, a formal one.

This kind of experience is indeed a bit novel, especially as Kudo Yusaku, in front of Conan.

Shimizu Koji always felt that something was strange, but he couldn't put it in words. Looking at the incomprehensible looks Conan sent him from time to time, he could only respond inexplicably.

Conan nodded from time to time, touched his chin and thought. It seemed that he understood a lot from his inexplicable signals. In this regard, Conan was quite worry-free.

"Hey, is there someone in the yard!?"

Yukiko suddenly exclaimed, and everyone quickly looked around. However, several people in the Fujieda family immediately relaxed their vigilance.

"He is the gardener here, called Doi." Naoki Sohachi explained.

"But, it's so late, what is he doing there?" Fujieda Suhua was very confused.

Fujieda Shigeru's eyes moved slightly, looking at Dohi on the screen who was concentrating on arranging flowers and plants, and then looking at Fujieda Soka next to him, he sighed a little in his heart.

"Probably just to be cautious, I should do some more checks. After all, tomorrow is my dead sister's birthday."

"Well, having said that, I should also finish the manuscript that I haven't finished yet. Mr. Naoki, I'll leave this to you."

"Okay, no problem." Naoki Sohachi bowed gracefully.

Fujieda Shigeru put his hands in his pockets and looked at Shimizu Koji again, "Yusaku, I'm begging you too, but if you have to wait for my brother-in-law to come out, you should go to the lounge to rest for a while, and we can also talk about novels. I’m more looking forward to your guidance on the plot.”

When he said these words, there was light in Fujieda Shigeru's eyes. Obviously, he meant it sincerely, but for Koji Shimizu, novels and farewells were unfamiliar.

He doesn't like text work, but that's not the point. Once he communicates with Kudo Yusaku's friend, he may soon be exposed.

Fujieda Shigeru left without attracting much attention.

Fei Eri chatted with Fujieda Soka again, Conan and Xiaolan were listening in front of them, and Shimizu Koji played Kudo Yusaku, so he naturally stood with Yukiko.

"How do you feel?" Yukiko said with a wink.

The previous anger and farce seemed to be a thing of the past, but Koji Shimizu didn't know what she was joking about now, or that he had something else on his mind.

After a casual glance, Yukiko put on this knitted long-sleeved shirt, and she really couldn't tell at all. If it hadn't been for the sudden confrontation just now,

That could probably be said to be the size of a facial cleanser. It was hard for Koji Shimizu not to think too much. It was not because he had any unreasonable thoughts, but because he was simply curious as a human being.

"Yeah, very good."

Although I don’t know what Yukiko is asking, anyway, it’s okay to say yes.

Yukiko also narrowed her eyes for a moment, "Really? I thought you wouldn't like it."


Shimizu Koji was slightly startled.

"But you do seem to have the temperament of a detective."

Oh, Yukiko was right to ask him how it feels to be Kudo Yusaku, or to be the detective.

"How's it going? Did you find any clues?"

"Shouldn't you ask him this question?" Koji Shimizu gestured to Conan over there with his eyes.

But Yukiko didn't look at it at all, "Hey, you're admitting that you're just a dabbler~"

She smiled teasingly, as if she had been brewing for such a long time just for this sentence.

Koji Shimizu replied without hesitation: "I never said that I was good at this kind of thing."

Yukiko was at a loss for words. She finally found an opportunity to trick Shimizu Koji, but Shimizu Koji didn't play according to the routine. He didn't have the competitiveness that young people should have at all. Instead, she suddenly became depressed again. .

"Hands! Master's hands! Why did Master suddenly raise his hands?!"

The horrified voice of the butler Naoki Sohachi called back several people who were talking to each other. Everyone's eyes followed the butler's direction and looked at a small screen in the middle. On the screen, Mikio Fujieda was sitting peacefully just now. He suddenly stood up and raised his hands, not knowing what he was doing.

"What's going on?!" Fei Yingli was shocked and quickly came forward.

And then, in full view of everyone, Mikio Fujieda suddenly fell down.


"Is it a shooting?!" Yukiko exclaimed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Conan turned around, opened the door and ran out.

Xiaolan saw this and quickly chased after her, "Conan, wait!"

Yukiko was even more shocked. This was a shooting. Although she knew her son's character very well, at this time, she just ran away without risking her life! ?

She also quickly chased after him, followed closely by Shimizu Koji.

Fei Yingli's pupils almost shrank to a point, and her face turned a lot whiter, "Mr. Naoki, Miss Suhua, you guys, go call the police!"

After saying that, she immediately turned around and went out. Fujieda Suhua was so frightened that she sat down on the ground. She didn't get up quickly until Fei Yingli left.

Fei Yingli was shocked and anxious. She even felt a little cold in her hands and feet. If the client died, the debt would not be written off in one fell swoop. The commission money was even more of a dream, not to mention the so-called gambling agreement.

The most important thing is that this was a living person who was killed in front of them.

Fei Yingli ran in long strides and rushed from the monitoring room to the stairs in less than two steps.

But on the first step downstairs, Fei Yingli suddenly stepped on the air, almost flew up, and threw herself straight down the stairs.

And if he fell down, even if he survived, his entire face would probably be fractured and disfigured.

At the moment when she stepped on the air, Fei Yingli's heart suddenly skipped a beat and almost stopped beating. Her entire face instantly became extremely pale and lost all color.


Fei Yingli screamed and instinctively closed her eyes.

But with the bang, there was no pain as severe as she had imagined. In fact, it didn't hurt at all. It seemed to be a little warm.

Fei Yingli was in shock, and slowly opened her eyes. What caught her eyes was the face of Koji Shimizu seen from the bottom up, well, that is, the face of Yusaku Kudo.

She was rescued by Koji Shimizu in a princess-hugging posture.

Fei Yingli's eyes were briefly confused for a moment.

"Are you okay? Madam Concubine."

"Um, no, it's okay, eh——?!"

Fei Yingli came back to her senses, and just as she was talking, Qingshui Koji was about to put her down, but as he moved, his collar opened inadvertently.

Fei Yingli's bottom-up perspective inevitably saw some things she shouldn't have seen.


Fei Yingli suddenly took action and grabbed Qingshui Koji by the collar. Qingshui Koji hugged her and froze in place.

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