Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 295 Carrying the plane and running away overnight

In the car, Yukiko kept holding her mobile phone and operating it. Koji Shimizu didn't know what she was operating, but after returning home, he knew it after a while.

"You want to leave?"

"Ah, yes, Yuzu just sent me a text message, saying that there is an emergency in the United States and I need to rush back overnight to deal with it."

Yukiko smiled sarcastically, lightly brushed her hair around her ears, and smiled, looking gentle and elegant. She was no longer as smart and cute as before, and those embarrassments and accidents seemed to have passed away with the passage of time.

Koji Shimizu glanced at the suitcase next to Yukiko and could see that she was in a hurry. A piece of pink clothes was exposed from the zipper of the suitcase.

In the living room, the lights were bright, Yukiko said, and even took out her mobile phone, opened a text message and showed it to Shimizu Koji.

Shimizu Koji didn't look carefully, because this did not affect the weirdness and something wrong inside and outside the matter.

There is absolutely no need for Yukiko to explain to him like this.

After a moment of silence, Shimizu Koji nodded, "Then I'll give it to you."

"No, no, I happen to have a friend who is also planning to go to the airport. I asked her to pick me up. Well, she should be there soon."

The atmosphere between the two was a bit strange, and Yukiko gradually became aware of it, but she didn't dare to guess or believe it.

At this moment, it was actually already twelve o'clock in the morning. As early as half an hour ago, Shimizu Koji also called and asked Mingmei not to wait for him and to rest early. Otherwise, the current situation might be even weirder. .

Originally, Shimizu Koji was sitting on the sofa thinking, but within seven or eight minutes, Yukiko just picked up her suitcase and walked down quietly.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing more to say. Koji Shimizu is also one of the top two, and has completely lost his previous opinions.

He's not a good guy, but he's not a villain either, bastard

The worst-case scenario is that he gets drunk and treats Yukiko—huh? etc.

A worse thought came up. Koji Shimizu choked and quickly shook off the terrible thought.

It can't be worse, absolutely not.

The worst thing would be that he did something unforgivable to Yukiko.

And if that is not the case, then it is a better situation, which can also make him relieved, but it is unlikely that it is just a drunken and random movement, nothing excessive.

But, is that possible?

The few minutes that Koji Shimizu sat on the sofa were not just sitting in silence. He at least looked at his own situation.

And if he remembered correctly, before he went out today, he was wearing a pair of black boxer briefs with star dots.

But now, it's black, yes, but it doesn't have those lines.

For Yukiko, events and accidents did not really pass with the passage of time.

Sitting on the sofa, her physical condition felt more comfortable than ever before. The comfort that seemed to come from the depths of her soul made her not sleepy at all.

Opposite her was Koji Shimizu, but regardless of whether she looked at Koji Shimizu or not, the scenes from a few hours ago were like a flood, running and replaying in her heart and mind, unstoppable.

Especially, what she saw the moment she woke up from the carpet and turned around.

"Hao, Haoji, if not, you should go back and rest first."

Yukiko couldn't control her brain, so she had to force herself to shift her attention and talk to Koji Shimizu.

"Huh? No, I, I'll just sit here with Yukiko for a while."

After finishing speaking, Shimizu Koji seemed to feel that something was inappropriate, and quickly added: "I'm just a little worried, after all, it's so late."

Yukiko didn't know that Koji Shimizu had already roughly guessed something, so when she chatted with Koji Shimizu, she didn't feel so much psychological pressure and discomfort.

After hearing Koji Shimizu's statement and somewhat hasty explanation, Yukiko blinked her big bright eyes, and her mood softened a little.

Especially, looking at Shimizu Koji's visible, young and green (in her eyes) face.

You can't blame him, he is just a child, a very good boy.

All of this was just an accident.

Yukiko paused. Gradually, the corners of her mouth raised and her eyes became lively again. She suddenly raised her head and smiled at Koji Qingmizu. It was as bright as before, with a bit of liveliness and cuteness, "Ara, Koji, are you worried?" Are my friends unreliable? Or specifically, are you worried that my friends will do something wrong with me? "

Yukiko thought she had guessed what Shimizu Koji was thinking. Although Shimizu Koji didn't think so, he was still worried about it. When Yukiko said this, he was stunned for a moment and nodded directly.

"Puch -, how could it be possible? That friend of mine is also a woman. Haoji, you are thinking too much."


After Yukiko finished speaking, her cell phone rang without giving Shimizu Koji a chance to continue chatting.

"Yeah, she's here."

Yukiko stood up quickly, and Shimizu Koji also stood up when he saw this, took the initiative to walk to her side, and helped her pick up the suitcase.


When Yukiko saw this, she was just surprised, but she didn't say anything more. It seemed that she had restrained her emotions that were finally revealed.

Shimizu Koji didn't say anything, he just silently followed Yukiko out of the villa and out of the courtyard.

The night was dense and pitch-black, and if it weren't for the bright moon that was already slanting toward the west in the distance and looking across a tall building from Koji Shimizu, this kind of sky would usually be accompanied by some extreme weather like heavy rain.

But now, it's just late at night.

There was silence, the surroundings were clear, and the chirping of crickets could be vaguely heard in the yard. There was only a white Toyota car parked on the road in front of the house.


"Hiromei, I'm sorry to bother you."

A middle-aged woman in a yellow shirt got out of the driver's seat. She had her hair tied up, which was a sign of marriage.

Compared to Yukiko, who looks like a 28-year-old girl, this classmate Yukiko mentioned seems to be well-maintained, but some traces of time can still be clearly seen.

It can only be said that there are differences between people.

Um? Koji Shimizu suddenly glanced at Yukiko again, and she seemed even more beautiful.

"Is this your son?" After saying hello, Hiromi's first words embarrassed both Yukiko and Shimizu Koji.

Although, there is no problem with Guinai Hiromi asking this.

"Ahaha, yes, yes."

Yukiko's eyes flickered for a few times before she actually agreed, and Shimizu Koji quickly reacted and guessed what she meant. After a slight pause, he nodded without causing any trouble.

Obviously, Yukiko didn't want to explain too much to others. After all, in the middle of the night, a man and a woman were alone at her door. Even under normal circumstances, it would become abnormal.

Moreover, perhaps, in Yukiko's heart, there is a high probability that they will never see each other again. Japan, if nothing else happens, she will never come back.

"Huh, it's really incredible. In the blink of an eye, Yukiko, your son is already so old, but you are still so young."

"Okay, okay, Guangmei, you are actually very young~, we are running out of time, so let's talk in the car."

"Oh, okay."

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