Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 296 Sad and curious

2nd curiosity

Haibara Ai's mood has been very complicated recently, ever since Koji Shimizu admitted their relationship in front of Miyano Akemi.

But she had not seriously agreed to the headache at all. When she thought of Qingshui Koji, Haihara Ai felt a headache.

Fortunately, when she was alone, she would not feel shy or blush excessively because of those embarrassing moments in her memory. She picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip. She looked through the glass window and suddenly saw the car lights on the street outside. .

And in this alley, there are actually only two households, Kudo and Agasa. What is going on?

Feeling a little curious, Hui Yuan Ai raised her right hand, glanced at the time, thought for a moment, then turned from the window and walked back to the sofa, put on her coat, then took small steps towards the entrance.

Although Koji Shimizu gave her a headache, the headache mainly came from Koji Shimizu's continuous intimate behavior in recent days. If she were Miyano Shiho, it would not be unacceptable, as Kudo Yukiko said That way, he was her hero.

But, here's the problem. With her current situation, coupled with the previous scumbag speech of Koji Shimizu and his girlfriend who is the same as his senior, it is difficult for Haihara Ai to feel happy.

And even though Miyano Akemi has been discharged from the hospital now, she can still only bear these little thoughts by herself, letting Miyano Akemi know them.

Alas, she just thought she was soft-hearted. She didn't want Koji Shimizu to be embarrassed by this, but she really needed an opportunity to have a good chat with Koji Shimizu.

When I walked out of the room, the air outside was a bit cold and the night was dark, but the security here was definitely not a problem. Because of Koji Shimizu, no blind gangster dared to wander the streets nearby.

Walking all the way from the yard to the gate, Haibara Ai was curious and cautiously looked to the side. What caught her sight was Yukiko getting into the car and saying goodbye to Koji Shimizu.

The car started and disappeared around the corner of the street in almost a few seconds. At this time, Haibara Ai also took the initiative to stand up and quietly looked at Shimizu Koji who was watching Yukiko leave and could not look back for a long time.

"What? Charmed?"

Abruptly, Qingshui Koji's heart slowed down for half a beat. He turned around and saw Haibara Ai. Qingshui Koji had to admit that he was a little panicked.

Even though Hui Yuan Ai, wearing a coat and shawl, was very cute, there was an inexplicable chill in her heart.

"What's wrong with you? Something doesn't look right? What happened? Huh?"

Hui Yuan Ai folded her hands on her chest, her expression just a little confused. Although it was a little weird to raise her head, it did not affect her temperament like a little adult at all.

Qingshui Koji quickly calmed down. Faced with Haibara Ai's question, he thought for a moment and shook his head gently, "It's nothing. Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"I originally planned to go to sleep, but when I saw the car lights outside, I came out."

Haibara Ai was telling half the truth and half lies. Naturally, Koji Shimizu couldn't tell the difference, and he couldn't know that just a few minutes ago, this guy was still drinking coffee and preparing to stay up late to fight in the laboratory.

"You really aren't afraid at all."

Koji Shimizu raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the situation nearby, "Let's go back to the room and talk more."

"Huh? How did you know that I wanted to see you for something?"

"You look like I have something on your mind, can't I not tell?"

After Qingshui Koji finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards his yard. Behind him, Haibara Ai blinked twice with confusion in his eyes. As he took a step forward, he couldn't help but reach out and touch his face. .

Yes, is there?

Haibara Ai looked a little silly, perhaps because she had spent too much time with Shimizu Koji recently. She could clearly feel that her thoughts were not as clear and calm as before.

But in fact, Koji Shimizu just casually said that he was the one who really had something on his mind.

When they got home, although they didn't talk or communicate, the two of them walked to the living room on the first floor in a tacit understanding, which was where Koji Shimizu and Yukiko had stayed just now.

Shimizu Koji poured two cups of warm water and put them on the coffee table, and then took the initiative to sit on the single sofa on the left.

At this, Haibara Ai was stunned for a moment. She thought, no, she already instinctively felt that Qingmizu Koji would sit directly next to her, and maybe even hug her if he went too far.

But now, Hui Yuan Ai blinked blankly. This was quite unaccustomed to her. Although it had just started, she had indeed made some mental preparations.

"What’s wrong with you?"


Qingshui Koji had a look of pure confusion, and Huihara Ai opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he couldn't.

After all, she couldn't just ask nonsense like 'Why didn't you hug me today?'

After suppressing the weirdness in his heart and seeing that Koji Qingshui had no intention of actively explaining or provoking the topic, Haihara Ai paused, turned his eyes, and then took the initiative to say: "Hao, Koji."

"Hh, does calling my name make you nervous? But speaking of it, it seems that I rarely hear you call me that."

As soon as Haihara Ai opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Qingshui Koji, and then she blushed.

She was indeed nervous, as Koji Shimizu said, she really rarely called him that.

"Okay, I won't tease you. Let's talk about it. What's on your mind?"

Qingshui Koji smiled and looked at Haihara Ai quietly.

In these short few minutes, he had actually made a decision not to talk to Haiyuan Ai for the time being.

Although this is a bit sorry for her, is it really worth saying it? What should I do next? In short, a lot of problems are put together, that is, I can't tell Haibara Ai for the time being.

"It's nothing to worry about. It's just you. Can you, don't, don't do that?"

Haiyuan Ai was so nervous that she stuttered, and she didn't know why she was nervous. Qingshui Koji didn't do anything to her now.

"Why do you look weird today?" Qingshui Koji frowned, stood up, and sat directly next to Haiyuan Ai, then stretched out his hand and took her into his arms.

Suddenly, Hui Yuan Ai was no longer nervous.

Her face turned slightly red, but her eyes became clearer and brighter, "I'm just saying, can you please stop doing these excessively intimate behaviors in the future? I'm still just a primary school student."

"By the way, don't get me wrong, I just said, no."

Before Haibara Ai started to explain, Qingmizu Koji interrupted her again, "Don't you like it?"

Simple and straightforward, Haiyuan Ai was stunned by the question. This question was not what she expected at all.

She wanted to keep a straight face and be tough, but she couldn't do it at all. She didn't know at which moment she seemed to have lost the confidence to be tough in front of Koji Shimizu.

Qingshui Koji looked at Haibara Ai who was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help but curl his lips, stretched out his hand to pinch her nose, and then reached down to pinch her feet. One part was warm and delicate, and the other was cold and tender. , it can be said that there are two heavens of ice and fire.

"I probably understand what you mean. Well, I can assure you that I will never be too close to you in front of outsiders."

In fact, Haibara Ai wanted to say much more than that, but as soon as she saw Qingmizu Koji, she subconsciously didn't want to think about him having a girlfriend, and she had no choice but to make her soft in this situation. Yes, mention it when you blush.

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