Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 9 Swallowed By The Vortex Monster

Chapter 9 Swallowed by the Vortex Monster

"Charybdis! The great vortex monster in Greek mythology that devours everything!"

Skira's roar made Hephaestus feel vigilant.

And think of the resume of Charybdis, the sea monster and monster.

It is said that it is the daughter of Poseidon, the king of the sea, and Gaia, the goddess of the earth. It makes waves in the sea from time to time, devouring all creatures that pass through its domain! Very ferocious and cruel!

Thinking of this, Hephaestus slowed down a step and failed to catch up with the monster in front.

I saw the sea monster Skyla, who was on the verge of death, screamed, leaped up, and plunged into the sea! Set off a huge wave of fury!

In an instant, this small piece of sea was blood-stained scarlet! !

"See where you can escape!"

Hephaestus hesitated for a moment, picked up his shield and machete, and jumped into the sea.

He is proficient in aquatic breathing and swimming, and he is no worse than a siren in fighting in sea water.

Even the Maelstrom Monster may not be able to kill him.

And there is also a firm idea that Hephaestus has chased after him, that is, he really wants to capture these sea monsters alive, and ask them why they want to kill him?


Hephaestus fell into the sea.

The bone-chilling sea irritated Hephaestus' skin.

He circulated his divine power to swim continuously, and his body quickly warmed up.

"Hahaha! Brat! Do you still dare to enter the sea? Court death!"

Scylla saw Hephaestus chasing him in the sea, and couldn't help but sneer.

Charybdis met it not far away.

There is no doubt that this little devil will die if he goes into the sea.

It knows the strength of its companion, even if this brat is twice as strong, he may not be an opponent.

— Nonsense!

Hephaestus moves swiftly in the sea like a fish.

With a series of bubbles, he came behind Skila in the blink of an eye.

This speed surprised him, and his heart went straight to his throat!

It never expected that Hephaestus is so good in water!


Hephaestus swung the machete, forming the light of a black full moon.

Seeing that the knife was aimed at his neck quickly and accurately, Skila couldn't make a sound, so he could only raise his two legs to block it.

Although it will be crippled, at least it can save life.

Just hold on for a moment, and Charybdis will come to the rescue.


I saw that black full moon passing directly over those two legs.

Like scratching tofu, cut off the last head of Skira!

One hit kill!

"Leave the sea as soon as possible. If Charybdis really comes, I'm afraid I'm not an opponent yet."

With the machete in his mouth, Hephaestus held Skyla's huge corpse with both hands to keep it from sinking, and swam towards the shore.

But just when he surfaced.

Pointy white hills appeared all around, forming a circle.

Each mountain is almost the size of an island, and the color is white, like the teeth of some giant beast.

"It's here?"

Seeing this, Hephaestus' complexion changed.

Before he was given time to act, the sea area was rumbling and twisting, forming a huge vortex!

There is no doubt that this is the great vortex monster in Greek mythology.


Hephaestus secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong.

His whole body was uncontrollably wrapped and twisted by this vortex!


The eerie loud noise also filled Hephaestus' ears! At this moment, he felt like his head was about to explode!

The turtle shell shield was swept away at some point, but Hephaestus still held on to the machete!

In the sea water, his Vulcan spell can't exert its power, this machete is what he relies on to kill the big vortex monster! Although Hephaestus wasn't sure if he could break through the defense of this huge and terrifying sea monster.

I don't know how many turns the vortex twisted.

Hephaestus felt dizzy and staring, unable to recognize the direction.

But he could clearly see that the surrounding forest and white mountains were gradually gathering together!

It's like the gates of hell slowly closing! Boundless darkness descends!

"Is this the sea monster that swallowed me?"

Hephaestus forced himself to think calmly.

But the constant pounding into his body in the sea was too disturbing.

Those were some aquarium fish and reefs, as well as unknown rags, and perhaps the broken corpse of Skila.

Hephaestus used divine power to circulate in his body, and soon he was full of strength again. He held the machete tightly and kept slashing around his body.

Many fishes were smashed to pieces, and suddenly fewer hit Hephaestus.


At this moment, a sense of weightlessness swept over Hephaestus' body.

He fell into the water again.

This time he had the feeling of falling from a tall building.

But fortunately, he was not injured, but was thrown in a mess.

"It's too dark in here to see anything!"

The stench of decay was strong and unbearable, almost suffocating. Hephaestus struggled for a while to calm himself down.

He blinked and looked around.

But it was pitch black all around, and he couldn't see anything at all.

So, Hephaestus raised a hand out of the water and cast Vulcan.

Scarlet warm flames illuminate the place.

Only then did Hephaestus realize that there were many tattered ship corpses around.

And not far away, Skila's huge corpse was also floating on the water.

He also plans to use this sea monster's body to make items, and it will be a big loss if it is lost.

"There are so many boats and so many aquarium fishes, they won't starve to death for a while."

After Hephaestus found out his situation, he gradually felt relieved.

The only thing that makes him unbearable is that it stinks here!

With the machete in his mouth, Hephaestus swam up to Skyla's body, grabbed it, and swam to the largest wreck nearby.

This wreck is relatively complete.

It can provide a temporary foothold without soaking in sea water all the time.

Stepping on the plywood, Hephaestus searched the storeroom, finding nothing.

The items are all rotten, and the food is also moldy and rotten, and there is no way to use it.

"It is necessary to create items and get rewards from the system, so as to improve the strength as soon as possible, so as to leave this ghost place."

Hephaestus calculated calmly.

Looking around, he set his sights on the corpse of the Sira siren.

The skin of this monster is tough and soft to the touch, and it can be made into many things.

Hephaestus jumped into the water, cut off most of one leg of the monster's corpse, and after peeling off the skin, threw the whole leg into the water again.

Not long after, many sharks and other aquatic animals swam over to nibble on the leg meat.

Hephaestus picked up a shark and hacked it to death. He carried it to the deck and dissected it. He took its sharp and slender fishbone and fish intestines, and tied the fish intestines to the end of the fishbone, so that the "needle and thread" was made.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully creating the item! The system rewards [charm value +1]!"

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