Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 10 The Whirlpool Monster Can't Take It, He Runs Away

Chapter 10

The needlework Hephaestus made from fishbone and fish intestines was going to be used to sew up the skin of Scylla to make a simple tent.

"To make a tent, you need a pair of brackets."

Hephaestus hacked off a deck with a machete.

Then split it into four wooden strips of equal thickness, tie them into an X shape with washed fish intestines, and support them in the siren skin.

Later Hephaestus began sewing the siren skin with needle and thread.

Needle by stitch, it took half a day for Hephaestus to complete the work.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully creating the item, and the system rewards [Ten Years of Divine Power]!"

As Hephaestus thought, he got a lot of system rewards.

If this continues to be produced, his strength will soon be raised to another level.

Hephaestus clicked the plus sign behind the strength box on the system panel, and his body was immediately filled with endless power.

The fatigue from before was gone.

Later, Hephaestus used the deck and Sgara's skin to create a pair of leather drums, which gave him ten years of power and a little charm.

He also made a small kayak, and small objects such as baggage. In total, he got forty years of divine power and seven points of charm.

After adding everything to himself, Hephaestus opened his own system panel.


Host: Hephaestus

Race: Greek gods

Bloodline level: the ninth rank of the main god

Strength level: The seventh rank of lower god

Clericship: None

Items: Simple splints for fixing broken bones, toothpaste, toothbrush, simple wooden house, fire drilling tools, iron bows and arrows, iron spears... Siren skin drums, Siren skin tents, Siren skin air rafts... .

Charm: 14/point

Divine Spells: Vulcan, Clairvoyance, Aquatic Breathing

Talent Proficiency: Bow and Arrow Proficiency, Spear Proficiency, Swimming Proficiency


Now the strength of Hephaestus has been successfully promoted to the seventh rank of the lower god.

More than twice as powerful as before!

"It should be able to cause damage to this whirlpool monster."

"It's time to get out."

Hephaestus showed determination.

He threw the Kraken raft into the water, stepped on it, and rowed away.

He is currently in the stomach of Charybdis, and if he cuts his stomach open, he will be able to get out naturally.

It was a long time paddling on a kraken before Hephaestus saw the stomach lining of this monster.

As if endless, all you can see is blood red, and the flesh wall is constantly wriggling and secreting mucus.

The surrounding water is more fishy than other places, and there are piles of fish skeletons and ships.

They are all rotten.

"Look how thick your stomach is!"

Hephaestus raised the knife with both hands, and a raging fire ignited on the iron knife, shining in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped on the raft with both feet, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball!


I saw huge fireballs constantly bombarding the thick stomach wall of the sea monster.

The blood-red flesh wall immediately exuded a burnt smell, and convulsed.

Hephaestus continued to destroy a large area with the machete Vulcan technique for a while, but he never cut open the sea monster's stomach.

This thing is ten times thicker than the city wall!

"Ho ho ho ho!"

However, this move also caused Charybdis to howl.

After a burst of ups and downs, a large whirlpool immediately formed in the stomach, constantly twisting everything! Seems to smash this restless crawler in the stomach!

Hephaestus tried his best to resist with a machete on the flesh wall, and was not pulled over.

And it continues to launch fireballs, causing large-scale destruction!

In this way, after a long time, the vortex, which was more destructive than the tsunami, finally stopped and gradually subsided.

Hephaestus felt strange and frowned.

—Is this sea monster dead?

Just when Hephaestus had doubts.

A light suddenly appeared above the head. Vaguely, the white mountains opened up again, and a gust of hurricane poured in.

Shattered Hephaestus couldn't open his eyes.


The hurricane stopped, and all the water in the sea monster's stomach was lifted up by a huge force.

Hephaestus knew that Charybdis couldn't hold on, and wanted to spit himself out!

So he pulled the machete out of the meat wall and went with the flow.

Boom boom boom~

After a deafening roar.

Hephaestus followed the broken boats that had been piled up for many years, rotten fish and shrimps, and even hills, including the newly made drums, rafts, tents, and the body of Skila was vomited out together!

The originally calm sea was boiling.

The sea water is still fishy and salty, but it doesn't have the rotten stench in the sea monster's stomach!

Hephaestus saw the sun again, breathing heavily, feeling extremely comfortable.

At this time, the sea monster howled and disappeared into the depths of the sea.

"Want to run? Where to run!"

Hephaestus found that the sea monster was gone, and immediately used clairvoyance to investigate.

It didn't take long to discover the huge monster in the sea a hundred miles away.

He first threw Skira's body and the things he had made on the shore of a small rock. Then he swam to catch up.

Anyway, the other party can't kill him now.

Hephaestus will not rest until he achieves his goal.

After chasing and fleeing, the two came to the Strait of Mexico.

The big monster was moving very fast, and it slipped across the strait in no time.

Hephaestus searched with clairvoyance for a while before he spotted him.

In addition, he also found a surprise here.

On one island, he saw a familiar red-haired woman.


"You are actually here."

Hephaestus was quite happy in his heart.

The size of the Maelstrom Monster is too large, and it is unrealistic for him to kill him at this stage. Not to mention capturing the opponent alive to ask for information.

But the siren is different. This siren only has singing as a threat.

And it doesn't threaten Hephaestus, so it's easy to handle.

"Siren, I hope you will not disappoint me."

Hephaestus gave up chasing the Maelstrom, swam to the desolate and primitive island, and headed for the Sirens.


At this time, the siren is dealing with the corpses of two sailors.

This was just snatched from a passing ship.

Only by eating more people can she recover quickly from her injuries.

While savoring the feast, the Sirens happily waited for the good news from their companions.

Although she was nearly killed by Hephaestus, she had enough faith in her companions. In her opinion, both Scylla and Charybdis have the ability to kill Hephaestus solo.

"I just can't get the kid's body."

"But there's no way for Pitong to renege on his debt, right? If the gods know that it has done such a thing, the queen Hera will never be able to hold her head up on Mount Olympus again. Therefore, this golden apple must be I can get it!"

Siren thought to himself,

Suddenly there was a rustling sound in the jungle behind him.

The siren suddenly turned around and called out vigilantly, "Who?"


A little savage with a machete came out of the jungle.

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