Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 37 Prometheus Hasn't Stealed Fire

Chapter 37 Prometheus Has Not Stealed Fire


That night.

The world fell into darkness.

A cool breeze blows in front of you.

Her Faith's hood was blown off, revealing a handsome face, and the flames surged, adding an evil charm to him.

He held a handful of scarlet flames in his palm.

It is the only fire in this world.

"There's a village ahead."

Hephaestus walked through the air, muttering to himself.

With his magic clairvoyance, he can see clearly the scene hundreds of miles away.

There is a village inhabited by humans.

At this moment, on a night that should have been peaceful, the village was in great chaos.

A group of adult men are holding wooden sticks and stone-polished weapons to drive away a group of hungry wolves.

Vicious packs of wolves are scattered in the darkness.

Pairs of bloodthirsty eyes exude a creepy oily green, they choose to devour people, and they keep trying to attack humans, slowly approaching.

And this group of humans.

Facing a pack of wolves that is more than double the number of our own, we can only be forced to defend, constantly shrinking the defensive range.

Most of them were so frightened that their legs went limp and their bodies trembled.

Their eyesight at night is not as good as that of wild animals.

And the weapons are quite rough and tattered, it is difficult to kill these beasts.

If the wolves did pounce, they would most likely be bitten through the throat.

But even so they cannot escape.

Because there are women and children behind them, they have to defend their families!

"In a world without fire, human beings are so vulnerable."

Hephaestus' eyes flickered.

Along the way, he has seen many villages, where life is very difficult.

Because there is no fire, most of them drink blood like savages.

Those with better conditions eat fruits, but the food is very poor.

And without fire, there is no way to forge iron and bronze. Weapons are basically made of wood or stone. When fighting against wild beasts, they are easy to break and are injured by wild beasts instead.

Even the capital of Libya, the great city-state that Hephaestus visited, had weapons made of wood.

The only tip of the spear is a sharpened stone.

As for these villagers living in the wilderness, the quality of life can be imagined.

As long as night falls, they must be on guard against the invasion of wild animals at all times.

"Prometheus hasn't stolen fire yet."

"According to the myths I know, it seems that after I became the main god on Mount Olympus, Prometheus went to steal the fire."

Hephaestus thought to himself, walking non-stop.

Because there is one more thing he needs to do.

Hephaestus dodges and disappears in place.

When it reappeared, it was already above the village.


He moved with divine power! A huge flame suddenly rose up! Shine this land with a radius of hundreds of miles like daylight!


The wolves were suddenly frightened, fled in a panic, and soon disappeared.

This group of humans looked up in fear and surprise.

Meet Hephaestus standing in mid-air.


"It's Vulcan!"

"Kneel down and pray!"

The villagers, regardless of men, women, old or young, fell to their knees and kowtowed excitedly.

There were also some women with tears in their eyes, kowtowed and prayed:

"Great Vulcan, please give us fire! Protect us from being invaded by wild beasts!"

"Gods have mercy! Gods have mercy!"

Face their prayers.

A ripple appeared in Hephaestus' eyes, but he did not respond, but retracted the flame.

Although he was promoted to the main god, he was still far from defeating Zeus.

So he can't give fire to the world and do things that offend Zeus, he is not Prometheus.

However, when he becomes stronger, it will be another matter.

"Strengthen your houses and build more wooden fences to keep out wild animals. Try not to come out at night."

" will have it in the future, it won't be long, I promise."

Hephaestus said.

He took up his hood and stepped away from here.

If he didn't really become stronger, he bestowed the fire on earth, and he would end up just like Prometheus in the myth.

"God! Don't go!"

"Great Vulcan! Please give me fire!"

The villagers raced to chase the firelight in mid-air.

But Hephaestus disappeared into the sky in an instant.

The flames that illuminated the night also faded away.

The biting cold wind was blowing, and the villagers were all shivering in fear, and hurriedly hid inside their houses, hiding in the despairing darkness.


Hephaestus did not go far.

He found a cave in the mountains not far from the village and lived there.

The fire dispelled the damp and darkness in the cave.

Hephaestus sat quietly by the fire, lost in thought.


Suddenly, a voice came from the darkness.

Hephaestus focused his eyes, stabbed fiercely where the voice came from, and said, "Who?"

"It's your friend, Hephaestus, don't be nervous."

There were rustling footsteps in the darkness.

Not long.

A man came to the cave entrance.

He has bright eyes, a bushy beard growing on his cheeks and chin, and he wears a loose robe that reveals half of his shoulders. Feet are bare. It was Prometheus, but he looked entirely like a powerless mortal.

"I'll give you three breaths, I don't know why you came here."

"I will keep you out of this cave."

Hephaestus said lightly, his eyes flashed the faint blue thunder.

"My name is Prometheus. You must have heard my name. I came to you to make a good relationship."

said Prometheus.

He smiled, and didn't care about Hephaestus' murderous threat, and walked directly to the fire and sat down.

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