Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 38 Prometheus Prepares To Steal Tinder

Chapter 38 Prometheus Prepares to Steal Tinder


Hephaestus was taken aback.

Isn't this guy in Mount Olympus? Why did he come to the world to find him?

He doesn't know the Titans...

"Don't question it, Hephaestus."

Prometheus sat next to him very casually: "I want to talk to you. But before that, I want to remind you that it is best not to use the power of thunder! It will bring you disaster!"


The scene fell silent.

After a few breaths.

The thunder in Hephaestus' eyes was still bright.

It is impossible for him to relax his guard just because of a few words.

"You must know that the Thunder belongs to Zeus' authority. It is his reliance over the gods. If you let him know that you also have the power of Thunder, believe me, Hephaestus, he will kill you without hesitation. "

Seeing this, Prometheus said solemnly, "Now, should you have a good talk with me?"

"...Thank you for the reminder, Prometheus, but you must tell me your real purpose. Otherwise, I can't talk to you."

Hephaestus stood up slowly.

He knew that what Prometheus said was true.

Therefore, if Prometheus' purpose is not pure, and he is an enemy rather than a friend, he must kill the opponent!

But Hephaestus believes that this god who will suffer for mankind is not bad.

That said, today's conversation shouldn't be too bad. But he still needs to know the real purpose of the other party, which is the basis of the conversation.

"Sit down, Hephaestus, and listen to me, of course I will tell you."

Prometheus smiled.


Hephaestus sat down again.

"Do you know what Zeus did before he went to recruit you?" Prometheus asked.


"He came to me. Let me prophesy something. Yes, about you."

Prometheus calmed down and said:

"Zeus asked me to predict your potential. I saw your future and would become the original god! I told Zeus truthfully what I saw. So Zeus asked me to continue prophesying whether you will replace him, kill Die I prophesied again and told him that you will not pose a threat to him...he will also become the original god, continue to lead the gods, and serve as the king of the gods."


Hephaestus frowned.

He was very surprised by these words.

It turned out that Zeus had done such a thing before recruiting him.

"The original god..."

Hephaestus frowned: "So, if Zeus thinks I will threaten him, he will kill him!?"

His thoughts flashed and he quickly digested the information.

At the same time, he thought to himself, if this is really the case, why did Prometheus come to him?

Suddenly, the light of wisdom flashed across Hephaestus' eyes, and he whispered to the man beside him, "You lied to Zeus, right? Prometheus!"

"You are very clever, Hephaestus."

Prometheus nodded unsurprisingly, with complicated eyes: "I see you in the future, powerful and benevolent, you will be a better ruler than Zeus, so I can't just sit and watch him kill you. I deceived Zeus .In the future, you will be far more powerful than Zeus, and he will not become the original god."


Hephaestus fell silent.

If all this is true, then Prometheus is equivalent to saving his life.

"Of course, I still have a little selfishness."

Prometheus said: "Hephaestus, during your travels in the world, you must have witnessed the dire situation of human beings.

Without fire, they are still drinking blood like wild beasts, and they don't even have the ability to protect themselves.

So, I want to give tinder to humans. But in the future I foresee, Zeus does not agree with my proposal. So this project, Hephaestus, requires the two of us to do it secretly. "

Prometheus looked a little excited.

In fact, he already had the idea of ​​stealing fire.

But he never made up his mind.

Because he knew that Zeus would definitely punish him!

It will even ruthlessly take back the fire... not to allow humans to enjoy the rights of gods!

Although he is also in the main god realm, he is not the opponent of Zeus at all, and cannot interfere with all this.

That's why Prometheus was delayed until now.

Until he sees Hephaestus in the future.

Prometheus knew that his chance had come.

"The two of us? Prometheus."

After hearing what he said, Hephaestus shook his head and smiled helplessly: "You think too highly of me. I can't beat Zeus, and I can't help you with this."

"Of course I know."

Prometheus was not discouraged, and looked directly into the boy's eyes seriously:

"But you have the sun fire! As long as you take me to hell to hide for a while. You know, the gods of hell are afraid of the sun fire. And hell can block the gods of Mount Olympus."

There is some truth to what Prometheus said.

But Hephaestus thought hesitantly.

If he plays steadily, he will surpass Zeus in no time.

At that time, it can still give the world fire. No need to take risks now,

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Prometheus made a request to him now, and he happened to owe Prometheus a favor...

Hephaestus thought about it, and decided to agree.

Looking at each other, Hephaestus said:

"After you succeed, come to me immediately. I will take you to hell for refuge."

"Okay! Hephaestus, I knew it, I saw the right person."

Seeing his promise, Prometheus smiled happily: "I'll see you later when I steal the fire. By the way, Hephaestus, remember, no matter what happens, don't use the power of thunder again.

The reason why Zeus knew that you would become the original god and still didn't kill you was because he was confident that at the same level, he was invincible with the power of thunder. But if you let him know that you have also mastered Thunder, then you are in danger. "

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