Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 104 The Afterglow Of Ignorance

The dark realm of night.

It is still the eternal darkness and tranquility.

The stars all over the sky are like gems, shining brightly inlaid in the thick night.

He greeted the god who was not quite normal in the Dark Night Realm that he encountered.

Poros finally came to the deepest part of the dark night.

"Goddess Nyx, please meet me." He called forward politely.

Thick night, then a wave of ripples.

In layers of darkness.

A hazy and illusory graceful figure slowly emerged.

With deep eyes as bright as stars, he quietly stared at Poros standing in the distance.

When he saw the beautiful figure lying in the crystal coffin he took out.

The bright eyes that seemed to remain unchanged from ancient times suddenly blinked like stars.

"It's her...Pandora!"

The quiet voice like a lullaby, with a hint of surprise, echoed in Poros' ears.

Poros looked up.

"Goddess Nyx, you really know her.

In the heavy night, the hazy and graceful figure was silent for a moment.

It's like contemplating, but also like reminiscing.

Finally, he said softly: "I remember the first time I saw her, it was still in the early days of the ignorant age.

"At that time, Erebus and I had just been conceived by Father Chaos, and the world was still barren."

"And she appeared strangely from an unknown place and became the first human being in the world, receiving all blessings and all curses, a powerful and special existence.

"The first human in the world, what is the purpose of human existence, to fight against unknown disasters?" Poros asked.

Nyx's starry eyes stared at him lightly:

"You know quite a lot, the essence of human beings is a kind of power.

And there is another kind of power in the world, if it breaks out, it will bring about the most terrible disaster, and the world will fall into a deadly dusk.

"It sounds similar to the scene of the island in the ocean, the field."

Poros frowned.

Nyx nodded: "Guigantes, a creature, is a manifestation of the power named the Force of Twilight.

Therefore, the gods are naturally restrained, but they are only one of the countless terrifying aspects of the power of the twilight. "

"In the age of ignorance, Gaia and Uranus used the power of the twilight such as Guigantes to become the biggest victor in that disaster.

But it also caused irreversible consequences, which ended the era of ignorance.

After a pause, she continued in the night:

"And in order to fight against the power of the twilight, the gods of the ignorant age have done many researches, and one of the most effective results is 'human beings'."

"No one knows who was the first to discover the existence of such a life group.

But humans, beings whose appearance and structure are similar to those of the gods, do have some kind of special power that can restrain the power of the twilight. "

Her quiet tone carried a slight sigh:

"By creating human beings, we have extended the age of savagery by hundreds of thousands of years.

Otherwise, before the door of ignorance appears, the whole world would have already disappeared under dusk.

"The gate of ignorance, the gate in the Temple of the Goddess of Destiny, and what is it?"

asked Poros.

"It is the door that closes the age of ignorance, and it is also the door that opens the hope of the future." Nix said quietly.

This answer made Poros ponder.

After a while, he pointed to the crystal coffin on the ground and said:

"Goddess, what do you think I should do with her?"

"Take her among the humans," Nyx replied.

"The human beings that Prometheus created were not perfect, and only when she opened that box did they become real human beings.

Only by living among humans can she slowly recover all her strength and memory. "

"But Goddess, I can feel that this box is full of terrifying things that will bring endless disasters."

"This disaster will only affect human beings, and human beings are born because of the disaster.

The release of Calamity in the Box was exactly what was necessary to make them complete. "

"And in the box, there will be one most important thing left."

Nyx said meaningfully.

Poros sensed that there was something else hiding in there, but Nyx clearly didn't want to tell him yet.

I had no choice but to nod slightly.

"Goddess, I will do as you wish."

Nix reminded at this time:

"Pandora has a terrible curse and unknown, only the power hidden behind the human beings can resolve this curse.

Although you have a lot to do with human beings, normal contact is no problem.

But if it is too close, it will be shrouded in unknown and terrible disasters will appear, you should pay attention to it yourself.

"Thank you for your reminder."

Poros nodded.

I also know what kind of heart Zeus had in mind.

Do you want to use this woman to kill yourself?

"Goddess, I'm leaving first."

Just when he said goodbye.

In the thick night, Nyx called him suddenly and told him a news:

"Not long ago, Hades entered Tartarus."

The words of the Evernight Goddess made Poros look condensed.

"You mean that Hades went to Tartarus because he was defeated by me.

Want to seek help from the Lord of the Abyss?"

In the bright night surrounded by stars, Nyx nodded slightly.

"He was defeated by you and held a grudge.

But I don't want to bow to Zeus, and I know that I am behind you.

So he chose to go to the abyss to take a risk. "

"Will the Lord of the Abyss help him?"

Poros asked solemnly.


Tartarus, the lord of the abyss, is an extremely mysterious and terrifying one among the original gods.

There has never been a specific story of him in the world.

The gods only have rumors about how terrible and terrible he is.

But no matter what kind of existence the Lord of the Abyss is.

He must be an incomparably powerful and terrifying primordial god.

Not inferior to Gaia and the Evernight Goddess.

Hades entered the abyss, if he really got the support of this one.

The situation in the underworld might be turbulent again.

Poros stared at Nyx intently.

Unexpectedly, Nix's answer surprised him even more.

"Tartaros will not help him."

"Because Tartarus should have fallen!"

Mount Olympus.

Once again came to the dim Temple of the Goddess of Destiny.

Zeus' face was very ugly.

"Pandora was stolen by the 'Fire Thief'." He told the Fates the news.


"We heard movement on Olympus."

The three Atropos sisters sat in front of the spinning wheel with solemn faces.

Zeus said anxiously: "Understood, why don't you hurry up and find the 'Fire Thief' and bring back Pandora?"

"King of the gods, you should know.

We couldn't find the 'Fire Stealer', and neither did Pandora. "

The three goddesses of fate sighed quietly.

There are very few existences in this world that are not under the surveillance of fate.

But they keep running into each other recently.

Zeus panicked:

"Don't you just sit and watch Pandora get stolen? Well, you are not in a hurry, and I am not in a hurry either!"

He snorted coldly and was about to turn around and leave.

At this time, the three Fates in front of the spinning wheel stopped him.

"King of the gods, it doesn't matter whether Pandora was stolen or not."

"No matter where she is, she is destined to fulfill her mission."

"The 'Fire Stealer' took her away, maybe it was the beginning of his nightmare.

Unknown and disaster, Tianhui will solve this for you. "

Zeus' face softened a little.

But he still said coldly: "Who knows if what you said is right, but anyway, I don't know what you are doing."

"Everything we do is to safeguard the world and all life in the world."

The three goddesses of fate stood up solemnly.

Staring at the tall portal behind them, they solemnly said:

"The gate of ignorance will finally open. When dusk returns to the earth and disaster covers the gods, it will be the end of our battle with it."

"The gods shall prevail!"

The declaration-like words of the three goddesses of fate.

It made Zeus feel baffled.

But he still suppressed and asked: "What do you mean, don't worry about Pandora?"

"That's right, we have more important things to do pills!".

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