Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 105 In The World (Asking For A Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Asking For A Monthly Pass)

"Tartaros, Lord of the Abyss, may have fallen.

Until it is out of the underworld.

Nyx's words still echoed in Poros' mind.

In the realm of night.

He tried to ask further why the Lord of the Abyss fell.

But Nyx was silent.

Poros could only stop asking.

But there was another question in his mind.

If the Lord of the Abyss has fallen.

Why then did Nyx remind him that Hades had entered Tartarus?

Tartarus, the cage of the gods, what is going on now.

Another original of Hades, her husband Erebus, the god of darkness.

It has not appeared for a long time.

Is it also related to this?

With these questions in mind, Poros left Hades.

As the new main god of Olympus.

Poros on Mount Olympus.

It also has a temple, not far from Athena's Temple of Wisdom.

He lives in this temple.

It took a while to get to know all the main gods of Olympus.

The gods are also familiar with his existence as the God of Opportunity.

And since the treasure house was stolen last time.

Shenting restored its previous calm. "Twenty Seven"

Zeus was silent for a while.

Then the old problem relapsed and took Hermes all over the world.

I met many goddesses and mortal girls.

This allowed Poros to see Hera's ability to catch the mistress.

Basically, every few days, there is a god king in a certain place, who has a relationship with a certain new love.

After the God Empress found out, she jealously persecuted the new favorites of the God King.

Things are going crazy.

People always like to gossip.

Not to mention the gossip between the god king and the god queen.

When the gods of Olympus meet, they basically talk about these things.

Poros is indifferent to such things.

He still has a lot to do.

The underworld and the ocean have to run around every three days.

At the same time, we must take Pandora, the coffin girl, to integrate into life among human beings.

In a trance, twenty years flowed quickly.

On this day, the oldest and most prosperous city-state of mankind, Athens.

Poros turned into a priest, sitting quietly at the door of a temple.

The name "Temple of Opportunity" is written on this temple in concise and powerful words.

Yes, this is his temple in Athens.

And now he is his own priest.

After more than 20 years of recovery, the number of human beings has been halved due to the fire.

Soon the population recovered and even grew to a larger size.

In this day and age.

Human beings are usually twelve or thirteen years old, when they have reached initial physical maturity, they immediately get married and have children.

For more than 20 years, there are two generations.

And because of sufficient resources, more children are raised.

The population exploded directly, and not only recovered the number of millions before the fire, but even doubled it.

The growth of population means the increase of labor force and productivity.

As a result, there are some workers who are not directly involved in production.

Chief among these are the priests of the gods.

As the God of Opportunity, one of the main beliefs of mankind, Poros now has a total of ten priests.

It is already fifteenth after Athena.

Other ordinary main gods such as Apollo and Hermes often have only three or four priests.

Ordinary gods generally have only one priest.

There are even embarrassing scenes where multiple gods appear and share one priest.

No way, the number of human beings is not large now.

There are two million people, more than half of whom are children.

Only hundreds of thousands of decent labor.

They are also mainly engaged in productive occupations such as agriculture and hunting.

Being able to support more than a thousand clergymen is already remarkable.

In this Temple of Opportunity in Athens, there were usually four priests.

The other six are in other cities newly established by humans.

And among these four, two of them have to take care of farming, and they only come on important days.

The other one is busy today.

So in front of the huge temple, there is only Poros, looking at the street outside boredly.

On his table, there is a crystal-carved doll.

Of course, this is from the perspective of outsiders.

In fact, it is Pandora lying in the crystal coffin.

This beautiful girl was lying in a crystal coffin on one side.

While sarcastically saying: "You also said that you are the gods that human beings mainly believe in, so why do you want to be a priest yourself?"

"I'm not here to bring you closer to mortal life." Poros glared at her.

Pandora laughed and said, "The God of Opportunity with many believers, why didn't anyone come to you this morning?"

"Maybe it's the busy farming season recently."

Poros looked out at the street with a guilty conscience.

The Temple of Opportunity is located in the center of Athens, and there is no shortage of people.

But since he came, he really didn't meet many believers who came to worship.

"Under the title of God, the mainstream belief of human beings, I can't be all zombie fans, right?"

Poros pondered.

Is it his way of deliberately lowering his sense of existence and gaining fame after a while.

Let the forgetful believers already believe in him with their mouths.

I don't actually come to the temple to pray.

As the time goes.

Just when Pandora in the crystal coffin, the ridicule squeezed out from the corner of her mouth became more and more intense.

A swarthy young boy finally ran from afar.

He quickly came to Poros.

Sincerely said to him: "Priest, I have come to pray to the great God of Opportunity.

"Look, here are believers." Poros glanced at Pandora.

He kindly said to the boy: "Do you know the ritual of praying to the great God of Opportunity?"


The dark-skinned, ordinary-looking boy nodded repeatedly.

Poros led him into his temple.

Pointing to the statue above, he said:

"If you have anything to do, just pray directly, and the God of Opportunity will listen to your voice.

The dark boy bowed his head to the statue in front of him.

Cross your hands and put them together in front of your head.

Seeing his standard action, Poros was secretly satisfied.

This is called "hands salute", which is a prayer gesture invented by himself.

It's like drawing a cross on the chest of a certain religion.

The dark boy over there has already started praying.

"Great Poros, you are the giver of all opportunities, the guiding god of ways and directions, the source of invention and creation.

Your follower is a farmer who domesticates and breeds wild boars, but recently the sows I have bred are always unable to conceive piglets.

I beg you to grant it fertility, praise you, great Poros. "

Hear this prayer.

Poros' face darkened.

Originally, this young man came at a good time, and his attitude can be regarded as sincere...

He is ready to meet his needs.

But what the hell is giving sows the chance to be productive?

Matters related to childbirth are out of my control.

And it is also the breeding of livestock.

Although in theory, the power of opportunity can indeed give sows the opportunity to prolific.

But what is this?

Will it be publicized as known

The God of Opportunity made your sow give birth......

This is so ambiguous.

You'd better let Zeus do it, he's in the mood, sows can't do it...

Muttering inwardly, Poros still had a calm and kind expression on his face.

The young man who had finished praying gave a 'hands-on salute' and said: "Opportunity will bless you!

The youth left contentedly.

After he left, Pandora in the crystal coffin burst into laughter.

"Give the sows a lot of fertility, God of opportunity, go quickly."

Poros gave her a stern look, went back to the table and sat down.

After twenty years of getting along.

He has a good friendship with Pandora who has been lying in the crystal coffin and sleeping most of the time.

This young girl who was a bit timid at the beginning also fully knew him without a mask, and became more daring and liked to joke with him.

As for her powerful and terrifying side, it has never been reproduced until now.

Needless to say, there is such a beautiful person in front of my eyes.

It is also an eye-catching thing to look at.

After getting to know each other well, she likes to be sarcastic.

After a while again.

A vigorous young girl with a bow and arrow on her back walked into the temple.

Poros also took her to pray.

"Great God of Chance, I beg You to grant me Chance.

I hope that you will give me the opportunity to accurately meet the target with the bow and arrow on my body. "

Looking for archery ability in disguise?

Then you should go to Apollo or Artemis.

Poros secretly complained that the field was wrong.

But it felt like a reasonable plea.

Thinking about whether it can be realized with the power of opportunity.

But at this moment he suddenly heard the second half of the girl's sentence:

"Then I can use my bow and arrow to shoot all those damned mosquitoes that damage 0.3 of my skin to death!"

As she spoke, she pushed back her sleeves, exposing her forearms.

Good guy, on his fair skin, there are really big bumps from mosquito bites.

But I think, what you need is a bottle of mosquito repellent toilet water.

Poros secretly gave her a chance to meet a pharmacist who knew how to make mosquito repellent.

Sitting back at the table bored again.

Pandora laughed and said:

"I feel that they regard you, the god of opportunities, as a panacea, and they can ask you for opportunities in everything.

"This shows that I am omnipotent and have a wide audience." Poros rolled his eyes and said.

He just sat in front of this temple for a whole day.

In the end, seven or eight believers were received one after another.

But as Pandora said, he regards his opportunity and authority as a panacea.

Few of the entreaties were serious.

Even more outrageous than that plea to impregnate a sow.

End the life of a priest for a day.

Poros shut the temple door silently.

At this moment, a reminder sounded in his mind, which brought surprise to his face.

"Ding, your reputation value has reached 3 million, do you want to open the 3 million reputation value gift pack?"

"Huh, you are finally here!".

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