Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 163 The Seven Kings Of Twilight (Asking For Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Asking For Mon

Cronus was crying for help.

Numerous red titans feel inexplicable.

Someone among them shouted coldly:

"Cronus, no matter what tricks you make, you will never be able to save you today!"

"Come, die!"

A dry red titan, roaring and moving.

Boom! Boom!

The void oscillated and bombarded Cronus.

The second generation of God King looked shocked.

He roared, "Hey, save me!"

Seeing the red titans, their thick fists had already landed on his ant-sized body.

The breath of death came over the face.

Kronos' face was dripping with sweat.

at this time


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The red titan who attacked first seemed to have tripped over something.

Staggered and fell.

His companions were amazed.

They are the honored people of Twilight, the direct subordinates of the great fallen king.

A powerful life comparable to the original root.

How could it possibly fall?

This idea just floated from their huge heads.

Suddenly, muffled sounds came from their thick legs.

These red titans stumbled and fell down one by one.

when they are getting up.

Cronus was found, long gone.

One by one can only stare wide-eyed. "four five three"

looking at each other.

Not sure what happened.


Throwing Cronus heavily on the ground.

Poros looked at him indifferently:

"Tell me everything you know about Tartarus.

Otherwise I'll let you know that I'm a hundred times scarier than those titans.

Kronos patted the dust off his body, and looked at him with some fear.

He asked with a low voice: "Where did you come from, I remember when I ruled the world.

The sky, the earth, the sea, and the Hades are definitely not as powerful as you. "

"My mother's is the goddess Nyx," Poros told him.

"Oh, so you're here for Erebus?"

Kronos' eyes flashed.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the Dark God?" Poros looked at him.

"Of course I know, no one knows better than me!"

A smile curled up on Kronos' lips.

But his smile just showed.

Poros's eyes were filled with coldness, and he locked him tightly.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense, so please explain to me the situation of the God of Darkness first.

Speaking of which, he also took the 'King of Destruction' that he hadn't used for a long time, and let go of his hand to make a gesture twice.

bang bang!

Well, it's still so smooth, and the beating has a sense of rhythm.

Kronos' face froze.

With a sullen face, he took out a map from his pocket.

"Look clearly, where we are now is the periphery of the 'Seal of the Tree', and this is the 'Realm of Mist'.

"Erebus should be here now, he is being hunted like me.

However, the ones chasing and killing me were only the subordinates of the Declining King, and he was the avatar of the Declining and Destroying Two Great Kings, personally bringing many Twilight lives.

"So he can only hide in the 'Fog Realm', which is the most dangerous area here just like the 'Seal of Trees'."

Poros studied his map carefully.

This appears to be a topographical map of the entirety of Tartarus, in which seven places are specially marked.

"'Seal of the Tree', 'Field of Mist', 'Sea of ​​Chaos', 'Rill of Calamity', 'Lightless Land', 'Cave of Evil', 'Valley of Eternal Day'

See him staring at these seven places.

Kronos took out two crystals containing root breath from his body and chewed them into his mouth like snacks.

One side proudly said: "This most complete map of Tartarus, Erebus and the others haven't gotten it for many years, only I managed to get it."

"Remember these seven places carefully. These are the most terrifying and dangerous places formed by the Seven Kings of Twilight's attack and ban, and their power leaked to the outside world."

"Seven Kings of Twilight?"

Poros noticed the word and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Seeing his reaction, Kronos sneered:


"That's right, there are a total of seven so-called Twilight Kings.

The king of decline, the king of fall, the king of the sacred tree, the king of mist, the king of destruction... each is the existence of the root crown.

The subordinates did not know how many original primary-level dusk lives they had commanded. "

"If it wasn't for a great force that blocked the source of the twilight, as long as any one of them was born, they would be able to destroy our world.

We can't fight them at all. "

He stared intently at Poros' face, wanting to see his reaction.

Back then when he knew that there were seven of the extremely powerful Twilight Kings.

The whole person is collapsed, fearful and hopeless.

Poros also frowned.

But there was silence for a while.

He looked at him coldly: "The God of Darkness and the others have been searching Tartarus for a long time, and what they know is only partial information.

Why do you know so much?"

"Oh, don't compare me with Erebus and Tartarus, those two single-minded fellows."

Kronos sneered twice.

He shook the black sickle in his hand.

"You must have heard of it?"

"The weapon that Gaia gave you when instigating you to betray Uranus." Poros said.

Kronos raised his eyebrows and said: "This thing was actually given to her by the fallen king in the age of ignorance, and she gave it to me later.

I didn't know its benefits until I got to Tartarus.

Hehe laughed twice, he raised his voice and said:

"When I first arrived in Tartarus, I carried it to the Gathering of Twilight Life.

No matter which party's twilight life, they all regard me as the envoy of the declining king, and regard me as the most respected guest. The days are so chic. "

"It's ridiculous that Zeus and the others thought that sending me to Tartarus was to endure endless pain and torture."

Poros was a little speechless, he suddenly understood why Cronus was hunted down.

"So you rely on this scythe to infiltrate into the life of the dusk to know so many things?"

"It's not just that." Kronos laughed, revealing the power of his roots.

"It was difficult for me to touch the original realm, but that group of stupid twilight beings.

He just gave me a lot of root crystals, allowing me to condense my roots. "

As he said, he took out a lot of bright crystals full of root aura from his body.

Show off triumphantly to Poros.

He was lonely after spending so much time in Tartarus with a bunch of stupid twilight beings.

Obviously accomplished a very great deed, but no one can show off.

Finally caught one now.

Unexpectedly, Poros looked at the crystal in his hand for a while, and suddenly laughed:

"This is called the root crystal, right? I'm also looking for some research. Come on, let me have a look."

Needless to say.

He snatched all the crystals from Cronus.

Holding it in his hand, he smiled and beat the emperor carefully.

"You robber!"

Kronos was stunned...

A face full of anger and redness.

He didn't expect that the young god in front of him looked very good-looking and powerful.

How shameless.

He risked his life to get those crystals out of many twilight beings.

For this reason, he was chased and killed by all the twilight beings headed by the declining king.

Nearly died several times.

Now just show it off and show it off.

Just got robbed!


Kronos glared at Poros with red eyes.

There is a great urge to go up and desperately.

But seeing Poros showing the powerful fluctuation of the root law, at the same time shaking the black and thick 'King of Destruction' in his hand,

Only then did the Titan God King calm down.

Angrily said: "If you have the ability, go to the 'Evil Cave' and snatch the Root Crystal from the King of Destruction, which is the largest root crystal mine here. "

"What's the point of stealing me!"

At this moment, Poros suddenly said: "You just said that the king of destruction and the king of decay brought people to the 'Mist Realm' to besiege and kill the God of Darkness?"

"That's right," Kronos frowned, enduring the pain in his heart.

"Although the seven places including the 'Seal of the Tree' and the 'Realm of the Mist' are all dangerous places formed by the power of the Twilight King once upon a time."

"But places like 'Cave of Evil', 'Sea of ​​Chaos', 'Rill of Calamity'.

They have been swept up and integrated by several kings of decline, destruction, and depravity, and have become their base camp.

"Only the 'Sealing of Trees' and 'Realm of Mist'.

There are many evil plants and elemental life that are not deep in wisdom and can only act on instinct.

It is the avatar of the Twilight King, so be careful. "

"Unless the king of the sacred tree and the king of the mist that formed these two places come down by themselves, it will be difficult to crack."

"That's why Erebus hid there, so that he can survive until now under the siege.

"Then why are the two declining and destroying, not asking the king of mist to lower his avatar to break the domain of mist? Are they the kings who need specific conditions to lower their avatar?"

asked Poros.

"Heh, of course this requires very strict conditions, otherwise there would be clones of the Seven Kings of Twilight everywhere, and they would have already killed the 4.2 line."

"However, why do you think that the Seven Kings of Twilight must be of one mind?

It is also a king, why does the Mist King listen to the decline and destruction of the two, and go out of his way to help them?"

This slightly sarcastic rhetorical question from Kronos.

Take Poros by surprise.

He really never thought about whether there were contradictions and factions among the life in the evening.

After all, he hadn't encountered many twilight beings in the first place.

All I saw was a group of fanatical monsters clamoring to make dusk fall.

But think about it.

Ordinary twilight beings all look like they are not working well.

But the fallen king I have come into contact with is not this style of painting.

Very personal.

The more individual and intelligent beings are, the more often they will have different opinions from others.

Then the so-called Seven Kings of Twilight, do the seven kings all have the same idea?

Think for a while.

Poros said to Cronus: "Come on, let's go to the cave of evil.

Kronos froze.

"'The Cave of Evil', you don't really want to go there to grab the Root Crystal, do you, you're crazy!"

"I don't want to go to that kind of place, bye!"

As he said that, he wanted to slip out.

But the figure of Poros stood in front of him early.

"Follow me obediently, you can't run away.",

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