Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 164 \"Waiting Wei And Rescuing Zhao\" (Asking For Subscription, Asking For Flowe

"Damn, you really brought me here!"

Looking at the ferocious huge mouth opened like a wild beast in front of him, the cave exudes an incomparably evil atmosphere.

Cronus, who was forcibly pulled by Poros, looked very nervous.

He said to Poros in puzzlement:

"Since you came here to save Erebus, you shouldn't be rushing towards the 'Mist Realm' right now?"

Poros looked at him lightly:

"The avatars of the King of Destruction and the King of Decay should be the only two avatars of the Twilight King that Tartarus currently has?

Do you know what strength they are?"

Kronos nodded.

"The stronger the twilight life, the more severely restricted the power of the twilight, so it is difficult for the twilight king to lower his clone.

Now Tartarus really only has two clones, the King of Destruction and the King of Decay.

And their personalities should all be root vortexes, but they are suppressed by the power of the ban, and their real strength is about the limit of the root law.

"Then do you think the two of us can save Erebus from them by running to the 'Mist Realm'?" Poros asked.

"Heh, one root legal position and one root primary position, if we can beat one of them together, we will be considered powerful.

What's more, apart from the two of them, there are many other Twilight beings there, and all of them have the strength above the root level. "

Kronos sneered sneeringly, and suddenly came back to his senses.

"Wait 17, when did you and me become 'we'?!"

Poros smiled faintly: "You and I both came in from the outside, and both are enemies of the life of the dusk.

The origin is consistent with the goal, of course we can be called "we". "1

"Hehe, return my root crystal to me first!" Kronos said angrily.

Poros took out a handful of root crystals from his pocket: "There are only so many left, and I used up the rest on the way.

"Bastard, you are doing something wrong!"

Cronus took the last root crystal with grief and anger.

How much thought did he spend at the beginning.

It was only then that a large number of root crystals were deceived from the twilight life everywhere.

For this reason, he was wanted by the declining king and hunted down by the dusk life of the guest place.

Hide and hide, embarrassed.

He originally wanted to use this batch of crystals to try to advance to the root law after he was able to stabilize.

But now everything is ruined.

"That's all that's left..."

The former Titan God King held the spar in his hand without tears, with a desolate expression.

Looking at his wronged little daughter-in-law.

Poros rolled his eyes.

In fact, he robbed Cronus of the root crystal, and he was really preparing to study it.

It doesn't mean to swallow it completely.

But unexpectedly, I was playing along the way.

It was found that these crystals were so effective in strengthening the root, and most of them were used up inadvertently.

With the root power of his "tomorrow's body", he also successfully entered the root law from the beginning.

It has reached the deeper level of root law.

It is estimated that with such a large number of crystals, it will be able to approach the limit of the root law.

This makes other people whose main purpose is not originally.

At this moment, I looked at the 'Evil Cave' that was said to have the most root crystal mines.

There is a lot of eagerness in the eyes.

He said to Cronus: "You also said, the two of us together, it is impossible to be the opponent of the two incarnations of the Twilight Kings."

"So going directly to the 'Realm of Fog' for rescue is an extremely stupid way."

"And this 'Cave of Evil' is the lair of the King of Destruction, as well as the precious root crystal mine.

As long as we take it here, the two kings in the 'Mist Realm' will come back immediately after hearing the news?"

"This will not only help the God of Darkness, but we will also be able to harvest a large number of root crystals."

Listen to Poros' plan.

Kronos was startled, he didn't know the allusion of "surrounding Wei and saving Zhao".

I just feel that the god with blond hair and silver eyes in front of me is really smart.

But still snorted coldly:

"Although the powerful Twilight beings in various places have been destroyed and decayed by the two kings, they have been brought to the 'Mist Realm'."

"But the mine in the 'Evil Cave' is also extremely important to the King of Destruction.

It is impossible not to leave adequate defense. "

"And why should I do such a dangerous thing with you?"

"Heh, it's still dangerous if you don't come with me.

Twilight Life will not let you go, the guy who once used the name of the Declining King to bluff and deceive them.

Poros sneered.

"And make this big deal with me, and I will share a lot of root crystals with you later.

Let you be promoted to the root law position, what are you afraid of killing?

Even if the decline and destruction of the two king clones come in person, you can escape to a place where you can save your life, just like Erebus. "

Kronos fell silent.

Indeed, he is now in a dangerous situation.

It is impossible for the strength of the mere root cause to resist the pursuit of the twilight beings.

But if he has enough root crystals, he can rise to the root law.

The situation was very different.

Gritting his teeth, he said to Poros:

"Okay, I will make this big deal with you, but I will share half of the root crystals I get afterwards!"

"Yes, I promise you!"

Poros nodded and smiled.

After reaching a consensus, the two quietly touched the "cave of evil" in the distance

The two quickly entered a dark and strange space.

Cronus showed Poros the way.

He used to swindle food and drink at this place for a while.

At that time, the King of Destruction did not lower his clone.

The men who destroyed the king here were all deceived by his rhetoric.

Thinking that he was the favored minister of the declining king Xinnaiyoujia, he was very warmly entertained.

Under his leadership, the two quickly arrived at the gate of a mine guarded by several twilight beings with horns on their heads.

far away.

Poros also feels a strong and pure root flavor.

Shrouded by Poros as the 'Shadow of No Shadow', Kronos whispered:

"Twilight life can be roughly divided into seven categories, which are ruled by the seven kings of Twilight.

The red titan that hunted me down before was called the Decaying Titan, and it was led by the Declining King.

Those vegetation and vegetation-type dusk life in the "Seal of the Tree" are led by the "Sacred Tree King".

And it is these horned hell demons who are commanded by the King of Destruction. "

Poros nodded.

He could feel that the seven or eight demons stationed at the door all had personalities not inferior to the original origin.

Under the suppression of the banning power in Tartarus, probably the two combined can be compared to an ordinary root position.

Among them was an older demon with a goatee.

The breath is the most powerful.

It has already reached the level of root law.

Even if it is suppressed by the power of ban, it still has a power that is stronger than the limit of the original root position.

Defense cannot be underestimated.

This is still in order to besiege and kill Erebus, and the King of Destruction took away some of his subordinates.

The two were watching in the dark.

At the gate of the dark mine over there, an old devil with a goatee, his hands behind his waist.

You Huang instructed seven or eight tall and mighty demons:

"Your Majesty is not here, so I have the final say here."

"Listen to the old man, and show me the mine carefully.

If there is one root crystal missing, I will blame you all!"

The seven or eight demons at the beginning of the root cause nodded helplessly and agreed:

"Lord Nale, don't worry, there will be absolutely no problems in the mine."

The old devil blew on his beard, glared and said: 007 "It's better like this, the old man will go back and have a few drinks first, and then I'll see if you guys are lazy."

Watching him walk away leisurely with his hands behind his back.

No matter the two Poros in the dark or the demon guards, they were all speechless.

Obviously you are the only one who is being lazy.

"This old devil named Nar is the steward of this 'cave of evil'.

In the past, when the King of Destruction was not around, he was responsible for all the big and small things.

But this old guy is very sneaky and sneaky, what he likes to do most is to use the name of destroying the king to go out and scare people.

Kronos seemed to have a lot of complaints about the old devil, and stared at his back for a while.

Then he asked Poros: "The old devil is gone, shouldn't it be time for us to do it?

But there are still seven or eight demons guarding the root, and this door cannot be touched directly. If we attack by force, we may not be able to please. "

Poros nodded.

Suddenly a smile appeared on him.

"So, I'm going to trouble you to make a sacrifice?"

"what are you going to do?"

Sensing the maliciousness in his smile, Kronos' expression changed suddenly.

At this time, Poros suddenly took away the 'Shadow of No Shadow' from him.

Immediately, the Titan God King.

Expose to seven or eight powerful demons guarding the gate of the mine.

"Cronus, it's you!"

These demons immediately recognized the guy in front of them who had come to deceive them.

One by one, they flashed their weapons angrily.

Kill towards Cronus.

"Damn it, you're playing with me!"

Cronus lost his voice in shock.

Holding the sickle in his hand, he fled outside.

A group of demons chased after him.

Wait until they all go away.

Poros smiled lightly and blasted open the mine portal in front of him.

In an instant, a large area of ​​mined and unmined, bright and bright crystals appeared.

floating in front of his eyes. .

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