Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 182 Dawn Star's Reinforcement (Ask For Subscription, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly P

The voice of Moros urging.

Leaving Poros speechless.

Originally, since meeting him, the other party showed a deep look of knowing a lot.

He thought it was a steady and wise powerful god, but it also fit the image of the first genius god in the ignorant age.

But unexpectedly, the person turned into a child.

The character is not so stable.

"What's the rush? It's the outside situation that worries me. Let me ask them for help first.

Poros pouted.

Take out the signal object that the star gave him.

Moros hanging on the door stared at him: "This is the contact item of the Dawn Star, put it in front of the door crack of the 'Gate of the Future'~."

"I don't want you to remind me of this."

Poros moved closer to the silvery-white door-door that looked like rippling water.

Insert the signal into the gap.

In an instant, a silvery-white light passed through the gap and entered the door-opposite.

"Sure enough, he is the leader of our own family, and he will not stop him at all."

"The next step is to see if Xing talks nonsense, his reinforcements will really arrive soon.

Otherwise, I can only count you as unlucky, and I can't save you alone. "

Poros turned his gaze back to Moros.

He asked, "How can I save you?"

"It's not actually rescue."

Moros blinked his eyes wide.

"Because of the power of the source, I was fully integrated into the gate of ignorance', and I was severely injured by the declining king. When I fell here, I was already about to fall."

"Only by merging on the 'Gate of the Future' can we maintain our final vitality."

"Do you have the 'Crystal of Roots'?"

Poros nodded: "How much do you want?"

"This world we call 'Tartaros' is actually the ruins of the battlefield where the former 'Future Ones' led the coalition forces of all time and space in the future and fought against the life of Dusk.

Due to the fall of too many primordials, their root power was scattered, and only then did they form the rare treasures such as the crystal of the root that can help the primordial upgrade.

This is rare in all time and space, and the seven kings of Twilight attach great importance to it, and send people to mine it.

I don't think you can get much. "

Moros sighed:

"If I can fully recover, it will cost tens of thousands of root crystals, so you can find a way to get one or two thousand makeup.

Poros had a strange expression on his face.

"Why, one or two thousand coins is too much?"

Moros was frustrated.

"The five or six hundred pieces are fine, there really can't be any less, otherwise it won't be enough for me to recover.

Then as soon as I walk through the 'gateway to the future' I'm going to collapse and get up. "

The god of fate, who only looked like a seven or eight-year-old child, stared pitifully at his eyes.

Poros wanted to laugh a little: "Have you seen enough of this?"

He took out a bag and slammed down a mountain of root crystals.

Moros stared.

"Not enough for me."

Poros' faint voice came next.

The God of Destiny nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Enough is enough!"

"Where did you get so many root crystals, take me with you in the future!"

"Ha, there are as many as you want in the mine of the 'Evil Cave', let's dig together next time.

Poros smiled.

He took over the lairs of the two kings of destruction and decline, and the root crystal received the most goods.

Said it was five or five points with Kronos.

In fact, only a small part was given to him.

The rest spent some time on Erebus' wounds.

There are more than half.

I am going to take it back to improve the real body, and at the same time help my sister to upgrade to the original.

Athena has finally reached the ninth level of the main god these days.

However, there has been no breakthrough in reaching the root cause.

Originally, it took a lot of energy to help her advance to Yuanyuan.

But with this batch of root crystals.

Things are much easier to handle.

Sure enough, robbing and getting rich quickly, he wanted to see if he could pass through this 'gateway to the future'.

Go down the river of time that has been taken over by twilight and see if you can get something good.

It is expected that the people of the "Dawn Star" can deal with the Seven Kings of the Twilight there.

The time and space in the future should not be completely extinct.

While he was thinking about this.

The 'Gate of the Future' in front of me suddenly made turbulent ripples.

The towering silver portal.

It suddenly churned up like the surface of water, and there was a faintly curvy, graceful silhouette of a human figure.

From the other side of the door.

Get out quickly.

The "Gate of the Future" issued a magnificent power to help her out.

Poros reacted immediately.

This is the arrival of reinforcements from Dawn Star.

'The Door to the Future' is opening the back door for his own people.

Moros also stopped absorbing the Root Crystal.

The two people stared at each other.

A silver-clothed woman with a slender figure and exquisite features.

………ask for flowers…

With a serious and cold face.

Get out quickly.

"Which of you sent the distress signal?"

"I sent it."

Poros went up to meet him.

The silver-clothed woman glanced at him indifferently, and said coldly:

"You are not a member of us, say, how do you have our signal object, where is the star?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at Moros in surprise at the same time, who was embedded in the 'Gate of the Future'.

"Xing and I are friends, this time we raided the 'Valley of Eternal Sun' together, but we were ambushed by the Declining King and the Destroying King.

He is on the verge of death now, and your superiors must go out to save him. "

Poros quickly pointed to the north entrance of the Valley of Eternal Day.

The woman in silver looked solemnly.

"You didn't lie to me, there is indeed the breath of the stars, and the two kings of decay and destruction!"

Her face was still cold, but her tone was calmer.

Suddenly, an infinite chill erupted from her body, turning into a ray of snow-white light.

Head north.

A great aura shook the entire 'Valley of Eternal Day' in an instant, and the terrifying chill seemed to freeze the world.

Poros' eyelids twitched.

Go away first.

And Moros, who was hanging on the 'gate of the future', couldn't move.

In an instant, he was frozen white all over.

The hair and eyebrows are all white frost.

He pouted and said:

"Brother 'Gate of the Future', there was a dusk being who wanted to kill me before, and you protected me, so you should react this time!"

"With the power of his own people, of course he doesn't react."

Poros smiled back at him.

Looking at the terrifying chill that spread in an instant and froze the void.

With a serious face, he said: "The root vortex, I don't know how it is compared to you back then?"

"Of course it is..."

Moros seemed to have wanted to flatter himself.

But feeling the terrifying chill that densely covered the 'Valley of Eternal Day'.

He finally said in a low voice:

"It's about the same as when I transformed the 'door', at most a little stronger."

"But now when I go back and accommodate the 'Gate of Ignorance', she will not be as good as me.

"You know, the power of the 'gate' contains a hint of eternity.

"Eternal characteristics, what is this?"

Poros asked, he felt that this involved a lot of secrets. .

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