Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 183 \"Flower Of Ice\" Weiwei (Asking For Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Askin

"Come on, keep going.

"My real body has reached the depths of the 'Valley of Eternal Day', and I have successfully transmitted the distress signal through the 'Gate of the Future'. w

"Valley of Eternal Day" to the north.

The fierce fighting was brutal, and under a transparent mask, the shadow of Poros was drinking.

Hear the name 'Gate to the Future'.

A Dawn Star member of the star class who was drenched in blood and fought with the Twilight Lifecycle.

They all looked happy.

"Poros, you have really entered the depths of the 'Valley of Eternal Day'."

"Of course, you have to hide it from me. It turns out that the so-called source of twilight was also suppressed by a sect.

The shadow of Poros stared at the star, and said unhappily.

The latter struggled to release the mighty power of the starry sky, and retreated under the light shield from the outside.

"Poros, I am also disciplined, please understand."

"But when you saw that door, why did you know it was called the 'Gate of the Future'?"

"Because the person I'm looking for is hanging on the 'Gate of the Future', he told me.

"Did you find Moros in "Seven Five Three"? He is in the 'Gate of the Future', which is another 'gate that seals the source of Twilight?'"

Erebus fighting fiercely over there.

Shout loudly.

He also fought and retreated, retreating into the mask.

This mask was released by the star at the beginning of the fierce battle.

Relying on its protective power.

Under the siege of more than a hundred Twilight beings led by the two kings, all the talents have persisted until now.

Poros was surprised at the time.

Why is this mask so strong.

Now he can see that the charm revealed by the power of the mask is strikingly similar to the 'Gate of the Future'.

It seems that the star has something to do.

When approaching the "gate of the future", borrow the calendar area of ​​the "gate of the future".

But Rao has this protection.

Under the fierce siege of many evening life.

There were still huge casualties.

Dawn Star Squad, only half of its members are left at this moment.

The short-bearded vice-captain Luka also fell under the twilight ecology.

Although he has a bad temper.

But when he died, he was also very heroic.

It blew itself up directly, taking away four or five twilight lives at the beginning of the root.

"Nizi's Nizi, your grandfather, I really regret listening to you and coming to this poor place!"

Cronus brandished a black scythe, and was caught in the attack of Dusk Life.

His condition is very bad.

Perhaps because of her notoriety, she was taken care of by the Twilight beings.

Dangerous situation appeared several times.

As the situation became more and more critical.

He couldn't help yelling at Poros any longer.

But when he heard him swearing, Poros wanted to laugh:

"Keep going, the reinforcements are really coming, I really didn't lie to you this time!"


Kronos spat.

He doesn't believe a word from Poros.

It's just that it's hard to get off the tiger right now, so he can only do his best honestly.

The pitch-black scythe kept waving in the dark night.

The gray-white knife light streaked across the bodies of many dusk beings.

Standing tall in the sky.

The face of the declining king was a little ugly.

"It's been so long, and I haven't captured these people yet!"

He stared at Poros standing on the mask, when Poros said "the door to the future".

He knew that this hateful opponent had really successfully entered the 'Valley of Eternal Day' to ask for help.

"No, it has to be before the reinforcements from 'Dawn Star' arrive.

Kill them all!"

He roared angrily, signaling to the King of Destruction beside him.

The two kings looked at each other, revealing a monstrous killing intent at the same time.

Standing in the open sky.

With the horns on the head of the King of Destruction, the arc-like destruction rays danced endlessly.

Unleash an astonishingly destructive force.

And on the fallen king.

The same turbulent red light is filled with decay, decay, filth, disaster and other breaths.

torrential down.

The terror of the two kings.

It struck the illusory mask like a thunderbolt.

Poros' expression changed.

The mask above the head began to crumble.

He also hastened to use his strength to support the mask with the power of the source.

His shadow.

It also barely has the strength of the root position.

But under the mighty force of the fierce impact of the two kings.

It doesn't look like it at all.



The terrifying power of the two kings tore apart the space and wiped out everything.

Although the mask above the head is the power projection of the "gate of the future".

But after all, it is far from the real 'gateway to the future'.

Soon trembling cracks appeared.

Xing, Erebus and the others looked shocked.

The same delivery power, mask.

But there are still a large number of twilight beings in the periphery, and they are also cooperating with the impact of the two kings.

bang bang bang!!

Accompanied by a muffled loud bang.

The invisible mask cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

High in the sky, the Fading Lord grinned cruelly on his red cheeks.

"Meet the destruction!"

at this time.

A shocking chill suddenly came from far away.

With the majestic cold air that freezes everything and freezes time and space, it spreads from the depths of the 'Valley of Eternal Day' in an instant.

The harshness and turbulence of the midwinter descended.

Countless crystals of snow and white make up every inch of space, interweaving a death-like world of ice.

Poros was the first to look there.

In the infinite cold ice, a tall and beautiful silver-white figure blooms like a snow lotus in the infinite whiteness.

His demeanor was indifferent, and his eyes were expressionless.

Raise your hands and let the whole world fall into the cold winter of death, forming a vast time and space......

"Senior Sister Weiwei!"

"'Flower of Ice' Vivi Neotin!"

First, the star made a surprise sound.

Then came the cold growl of the fallen king.

Both he and the King of Destruction stared solemnly at the Infinite Ice King.

Graceful and tall silver-white figure, delicate and glamorous face.

The latter has silvery white eyes that are colder than ice.

Indifference swept over them.

"Two twilight king clones, it's not in vain for me to go through it."

Snow and ice fluttered all over the sky.

Amidst the infinite crystals, she indifferently raised her slender fingers, revealing a crystal-clear snowflake.

Suddenly flying across the void.


The roar of the fallen king shakes the sky.

The majestic power of decay, decay, filth, and disaster intertwined in the tall figure, forming a bright red light.

Meet the crystal clear snowflakes.


The void trembled.

I saw the pure white snowflakes flying, and the crystal brilliance sprinkled the sky.

A puff of red light released by the decaying king.

Frozen on the sky like water.

See this situation.

The King of Destruction hurried up to help the King of Decay.

A pair of purple horns on top of the head.

Unleashes a series of thick destruction rays.

He slammed fiercely at the silvery-white figure in the cold ice.

Unexpectedly, the woman's slender white fingers dropped again, and the turbulent chill spread.

In an instant, the thick rays, at most like a wandering snake and python, condensed like a picture.

This picture is shocking.

The incarnations of the two kings of decline and destruction are both root vortices.

It's just because of the suppression of the twilight life in this world by the "Gate of the Future".

That's why they can only exert the power of the root law limit.

But with their real bodies, they are based on the great figures of the supreme realm of the root crown. 3.0

Even if it is only the power of the root law limit.

Their real combat power far exceeds that of the same level.

With the body of the root law, Poros' "Eternal Form" and "Shadow of No Shadow" cooperate to the extreme.

Relying on a sneak attack, he defeated the king of destruction who bound his hands and feet.

And at this moment, the silver-white woman.

Unexpectedly, one person easily suppressed the two clones of the kings.

Such strength, I am afraid that it is impossible to put it in the root vortex.

The next moment, an even more astonishing scene appeared.

Stand high above the sky.

The silver-white woman looked down indifferently on the numerous twilight lives below, flashing a hint of disgust.

The slender palm is gently raised.

A terrifying chill descended from the sky.

Click! Click!

The sound of freezing ice is clear and endless.

For a brief moment.

Hundreds of violent and violent, twilight beings with primary roots.

In the scream of horror.

Frozen into ice sculptures.

Standing on the vast ground with different expressions. .

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