Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 29 Prometheus Creates Man (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation, Ask For Monthly Ticket)

Compared to when collecting dead souls before.

Now the earth has been devastated from the great flood.

The former richness and fertility have been restored.

Lush vegetation grows densely on every inch of land under the sun.

Breeding vitality.

I don't know if they survived the flood or were all kinds of animals recreated by the gods.

Such as birds, flowered deer, white rabbits, lions and tigers, all gallop on the earth.

Or play by the river, or look for food in the forest.

The world has returned to its original appearance before the great flood.

Except for a certain race that was completely wiped out.

Come out of Hades.

By a small clean and bright lake.

Under the melodious and straight birch trees.

Poros followed Prometheus.

Walk on the vast land.

The greatest prophet of the court.

He didn't say a word along the way, and he didn't seem to know the destination at all.

Just keep walking with Poros.

Walk in the plains, walk in the mountains, walk in the grass, walk in the forest...

Regardless of torrential rain, wind, thunder and tsunami.

The two kept walking.

Prometheus is in the front, Poros is in the back.

Always face the road ahead.

Feel every inch of soil in the vast land, every inch of mountains and rivers under the boundless starry sky.

They have seen the fish jumping in the waves of the rushing river.

A cacti that grows tenaciously in the dry and boundless desert.

On the top of the majestic mountain, there is smooth moss under the wind and snow sword.

The natural law of the jungle is cruel.

But the hymn of life will always be sung loudly in this land.

In the blink of an eye, nine years have passed.

The two of them walked around the whole earth with their footsteps without any divine power.

Back to the bright little lake where they started.

Prometheus sits by the lake.

His originally clean white robe, after nine years of wind and frost.

He was already black and tattered, and his hair and beard were also messy.

But the light on the face of the great prophet.

But it was brighter than ever before.

It's like realizing the ultimate truth of the universe.

Watching Poros gently wash his face with the water from the nearby lake.

He stroked his beard and asked calmly:

"Poros, you haven't asked me a word in these nine years, you just kept following me."

"Don't you want to know what I'm going to do?"

Wipe off any water stains on your face.

Poros rested his index finger on the tip of his nose, and said with a 'hush':

"Truth needs no words.

In nine years, teacher, although you haven't said a word to me. "

"But what you want to tell me has already passed through every inch of soil we walked through, every breeze we faced, and every flower we smelled."

"Represented in my mind."

He looked at the birch tree by the lake.

"Everything is the same as the white birch, which was still very small at the beginning, but now it is towering and sheltering from wind and rain.

Take root and sprout, grow and mature. "

Prometheus smiled at him.

There was a little emotion in the clear eyes.

"When your sister sent you to me.

I feared you would be another Cronus, another Zeus. "

"But now it seems that I don't see people as well as your sister."

"Cronus and Zeus are two savage bastards.

Even if I walk with me for ten thousand years, I still can't understand the slightest thing I want to express. "

"How can they compare with you."

"Poros, you will be my favorite student."

The usually gentle and reserved Prophet of Shenting laughed wildly at this moment.

A cloud of water and a piece of soil appeared in front of him.

The water is transparent and crystal clear.

The soil is turbid and fertile black soil.

Hold the water in one hand and the soil in the other.

The outline of a human figure took shape immediately.

Prometheus looked solemnly at Poros.

He said to him: "Look, this is what I spent my whole life researching..."

"The path that belongs to my roots!"


Mount Olympus.

The resplendent and majestic Palace of the Divine King.

Zeus, king of the gods, sits aloft on his throne.

In the stalwart figure, the face flickering with electric arcs is terrifying and deep.

Let Hermes stand under him, dignified.

"Nine years, is Prometheus finally going to start?"

Can't hear the joy or anger, can't taste the joys and sorrows, the plain words with amazing information.

From the mouth of Zeus resounded through the huge temple.

Hermes in the temple suddenly raised his head.

"Father God, do you really want to let Prometheus go on?"

"Creating human beings is something that only the king of gods is qualified to do in the past dynasties."

The face of this loyal messenger of the gods was full of anger.

Zeus glanced at him lightly.

Indifferently said: "From the golden humans of Uranus and the silver humans of Cronus.

Then to my bronze human beings, none of them were successful. "

"Since Prometheus has made a breakthrough, why not let him try again?"

"However, human beings are closely related to the position of the king of gods. Prometheus has never been completely loyal to you, Father God."

"Let him be a human creator, I'm afraid it will be bad for you in the future."

Hermes couldn't help but said.

On the large throne, Zeus had a sneer on his face:

"Put away your ignorant conjectures, the existence of human beings does have special functions.

But how can they, who are as humble as ants, be related to my Wang Quan? "

"As for Prometheus, he'd better remain as clever as ever, or I don't mind letting him understand my methods."

Hearing Father God's scolding, Hermes lowered his head.

After a while, he said again:

"Father God, the young god who followed Prometheus for the past nine years is the one I told you about.

It is he who has repeatedly hindered my actions in the underworld, so that I have not been able to achieve your expected plan. "

"Hmph, he's just a kid who hasn't yet grown up, and his personality is indeed not bad.

But aren't you useless, Hermes? "

Through a mirror-like artifact, Zeus casually glanced at Prometheus.

After finding nothing special, he glared at Hermes with a cold snort.

The latter took a few steps back timidly.

It made Zeus angry and annoyed.

He suppressed his anger and told him:

"Go tell Athena what Prometheus is doing now."

"Let her go to the earth and help Prometheus."

Hermes seemed to be pardoned.

Nodding quickly, he ran out of the hall.

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