Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 30 New Human Beings (Asking For Flowers, Asking For Comments, Asking For Monthly Tickets)

The small lake is clear, and the rippling water waves are like mirrors carved from crystal.

The birch is straight, and the lush branches and leaves are dancing in the breeze.

In the shade of the lake and the trees.

When the water and soil in Prometheus' hands were completely fused together.

Accompanied by the fingers of the greatest prophet of the court.

Bright rays of light burst out, and the outline of the human figure intertwined with water and soil became clearer and clearer.

Poros focused on the scene intently.

I don't know when it started.

He felt an indescribable great force and was drawn invisible.

Haunting Prometheus.

Originally, it was only the Prophet of the fifth level of the main god.

His figure, which was not considered burly, revealed a vast and monstrous aura.

The sky, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars...everything in the world.

At the moment, it loses its color because of it.

Like a minister who calls the wind and rain on weekdays.

When encountering the patrolling monarchs and kings, they lost the slightest bit of their usual dignity.

Only prostrate trembling, respectful service.

In the reality of the world seen by the eyes of mystery.

That touch of light and shadow that symbolizes the law.

All become blurred and dim.

The countless tangled threads seemed to be straightened at the source by an invisible giant hand.

Extraordinarily orderly.

brush! brush!

Prometheus waved his hand abruptly.

Two spots of light fell from the human silhouette mixed with water and soil.

After falling to the ground, next to the tree and the lake.

Become a man and a woman.

At this moment, the whole world shook.

The gods of Olympus, the sea, the earth, and the underworld are all drawn to the target.

I saw that the color of water and soil gradually faded under the shroud of crystal light.

Two humans with fair skin.

"The Great Flood just destroyed the Bronze Human, is a new Human about to be born?"

"But why is it Prometheus, he is usurping the authority of the god king!"

The gods stared at everything here in amazement.

But Prometheus' actions did not stop at all.

He quickly shakes the human silhouette mixed with water and soil in his hands.

Pieces of mud-like light spots were swayed down.

Turned into a human being on the ground.

They are male or female, and the skin is formed shortly after.

Fades the color of water and soil.

Turn into clean and fair skin.

Vigorous vitality glows in them.

These newborn men and women.

They all slowly opened their innocent eyes and looked at everything around them blankly.

A new human being is born.

But Poros couldn't help frowning.

The Eye of Mystery.

A sense of inadequacy emerged before his eyes from these newborn humans.

at this time.

Prometheus sitting by the lake.

Suddenly he smiled and looked at the sky.

"Athena, why did she appear!"

The eyes of the gods also paid attention to the sky.

I saw white clouds floating in the sky.

A dignified goddess with bright long skirts, sacred demeanor and graceful manners.

Slowly falling from above.

She has a delicate face with pale golden eyes, and a warm and majestic smile.

It is these years that he has been famous in the court of God.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom who crowned the goddesses of Olympus.

After falling from the sky.

She first smiled slightly, and said to Poros:

"Goddess Nyx bestowed upon the gods of Hades, venerable Poros.

Didn't expect to see you here. "

Under the gaze of the gods, Poros responded gracefully:

"Goddess Athena, I mentioned it to you in Hades before.

When I was born, my mother asked Lord Prometheus to be my teacher. "

The two had a short conversation.

Let the gods remember this young god who followed Prometheus.

"The youngest son of the goddess Nyx, the god of the underworld, and the student of Prometheus."

"It's no wonder that his divine power fluctuations are very extraordinary. It turns out that he is an excellent god hidden in the underworld."

Gods all over the world remember the name of Poros.

But I didn't care too much.

This moment.

Their attention is on Prometheus and Athena.

The gods are watching.

But I saw Athena approaching Prometheus gracefully.

Looking at the number of men and women around them that is still increasing.

She said quietly:

"Great King of Olympus, my High Father.

Convey your will, let me bestow the blessings of wisdom on the human beings created by Your Highness. "

A brilliant ray of light.

Immediately, from this beautiful and sacred goddess, it quietly enveloped many newborn humans around.

These newborn men and women.

The ignorant eyes suddenly became lively.

Look in all directions around you.

Emerging joy, fear, excitement, respect and other emotions.

Poros looked over again.

The new human beings under the eyes of mystery, the sense of deficiency just now.

greatly reduced a lot.

eventually come to perfection.

Sitting by the small lake.

Prometheus has been very peaceful since Athena came.

His hands were still shaking constantly, creating many newborn humans at the same time.

He stared at Athena and asked:

"The king of gods is so generous, did you mention any additional conditions?"

His voice just fell.

In the dignified eyes of the gods.

In the vast sky, thousands of blazing lightning flashed suddenly.

The bright electric arcs are like thin snakes cruising, intertwining in the vast sky.

In the sound of thunder.

A burly and tall stalwart figure was inlaid in the void by countless electric lights.

See this figure.

Poros' eyes narrowed slightly.

No one needs to tell.

He knows it all.

This is the king who rules all life under this sky, Olympus and the whole world.

It is also his ultimate goal.

Zeus, king of the gods!

This was the first time he saw Zeus.

He tried his best not to fluctuate in his emotions.

The same is true with Athena beside her.

Bow down in a respectful gesture.

Pay respect to the phantom of the god king intertwined by lightning and sky.

Zeus didn't care about his existence in the slightest.

Those deep eyes with electric arcs beating.

Since its appearance, it has been locked on Prometheus.

"Son of Iapetus, my old friend."

"Congratulations on successfully creating a new human being. This has relieved me of a great deal of worry."

"You must know that since the previous generation of imperfect race was destroyed.

I have been worrying about how to create new humans. "

The majestic and indifferent voice of the king.

It resounded clearly in the ears of Prometheus and all the gods paying attention to this moment.

Many gods lowered their heads in fear.

There have long been rumors in the world.

God-kings of all ages wanted to create human beings.

It is because humans are a race that resembles gods in appearance.

It is closely related to the supremacy of the God King.

So when Prometheus created new humans.

These gods cast their eyes secretly.

I want to take this opportunity to peep into the secret of the God King.

And Zeus's words at this moment are undoubtedly beating them.

It is also showing.

He has no fear at all that human beings were created by anyone.

The so-called rumors that human beings are related to the throne of God Wang Quan.

Just nothing.

Not enough to believe.

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