Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (Two hundred forty-nine) the end of the second battle

   Now I am sweating like I am constantly looking around at the gradually changing affected environment, and then using my magic to start looking for a way to escape.

   But all these complex magical conditions, I am afraid that it is not completely sufficient for magic knowledge... It is like a tragic situation that is harder than Den.

  Huhuhu, gada gada, 噌噌噌, 咚哐咚哐, quack

   Disagreement... It's too late! I'm going to hit it! ! !

   嘭 嘭 嘭, Zi Zi Zi

   "I can't be great and powerful, I was actually...Ah ah ah!!!"

Before it could find the answer, the quartet-like magic directly opened its magical barrier, Snake III, and bombarded it. I am afraid this was the first time it was on its home court, and in turn it completely trapped it to death. Right?

  The wind marries the ice gun, the space tearing, and the penetration attack of plants. With this powerful compound power, even I can't get out of it! It looks like that can only be done!

   buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

   Huh Huh? here it is! ! ! x5

What’s very interesting is that at that time when the four-fold magic attack was about to hit its barrier, the snake was really frightened. Three had to temporarily disarm his inherent enchantment magic, and all the scenes returned at once. Originally the world was Zheng

  Using this kind of method as if replacing the space position, he evaded all the mortal attacks of the trapping situation for the first time, making all the people who love the sauce return and even gather together, as if they were taken aback.

   The huge magic power that has also been paid out a long time ago has also completely disappeared in their invisible place due to the change of the venue and the dislocation of the space... The fastest update of Qiba Chinese^ Computer terminal: https://

   Good insurance, good insurance! It was absolutely desperate just now!

"Hahahaha...hahahaha...I almost died in my own hands! It's really a terrible group of invaders! If it weren't for the sudden thought of having this hand! I'm afraid it's really self-defeating! Don't live for sins!"

However, although the venue has returned to its original point, the position of Snake San was changed to the side that was favorable to him at the same time as he came out, so that he immediately disappeared out of the exploration range of Ai Jiang and the others. I am afraid that after resting in place, he is ready to escape. That's right!

   After all, this way of forcibly removing the inherent barrier, its magical double consumption and anti-repulsion effect is not a joke! So a little exhausted, it seemed to show a very reassuring smile, lying on the ground and panting!

   "Hey hey! Good juggling! But is there anything more exciting than this one?" あ七^八中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7\\8z*w.còм

   "How could there be any more! After all, when I thought of this stupid way, I was doing my best! So in the end, running away quietly was the only way out for me, okay! Hahahaha...hahaha..."

   But just when it was very confident that its position could not be found by anyone, a figure covered with flaming hair, holding a snow-white silver gun, appeared at a position not 100 meters away from its side.

The most interesting thing is that it feels like a small chat, and it continues to extract all the information of Snake Sans very easily. After all, it is completely relieved this minute. I am afraid that it will delay thinking paralysis like a long reflex arc, so there is no Be defensive and tell the truth!

   "Isn't there anymore? Then I will reap your life!"

   buzzing, whirring

   "Hey? Who and who? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

   唰啦, 唰唰唰

   But when the other party seemed to be very relieved to make such a happy killing declaration, the snake that finally reacted was also a side effect due to the lack of magical power of the body's function!

   is exactly like a standing wooden stake. It was directly torn into a horrible state of flesh by a series of offensives like a series of offensives with a magical halo...

  This magic! x4

   "Damn, even though he didn't let the vile snakeman escape! But in the end the head was taken away by that guy with pleasure. The face and figure with such a lovely face is indeed such a bloodthirsty and terrible existence..."

   "Hmm! We all agree on this point! He is really an unexpected guy! x2"

   "Well, this is not the role of Silver as the strongest guardian of the demi-human village, so you don't care too much, okay! It just depends on my face, okay?"

And just after the execution was completed like a mysterious character on the other side, the other side was about to search again for the Aichan and the others who killed the snake, they sensed two familiar magical fluctuations, but one of them was completely completed at that time. Gone!

That’s why the former lord sister, who feels very upset about this, complains a lot about the situation like Hexiang and the others, but on the other side knows that Yin’s love for sauce is like a peacemaker and comforts and heals from it. Muddy.

   So now there is only the other side of the situation, right?

   "Next, let's go and meet my dear!"

   "Understand! x3"

   da da da

   And Aichan, who also realized that most of the battles are, couldn’t help but understand that the most important thing now is to rush to the cloud where they are, so after so quickly unifying everyone’s consciousness,

   After removing the magical means of the surrounding sealed space, they walked into the juice of the portal that leads directly to the undead temple guided by the beacon...

   Unforgivable! In the end, they actually fooled around with some inhuman beings!

"Looking at this look, I will first abolish your monster buddies, and then slowly cut off your hands and feet to make a doll that can not only eat and sleep, that way, even if you want to betray and leave me, it will be impossible. Ha! Ha! Ha!!!"

   buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

   "Woo... holy attributes... it seems that she really used the very pure goddess magic power! Priest! I am afraid the situation is overwhelmingly bad for us! x2"

And at this point in time when the battle between the two sides is over, the half-goddess-turned Kirito, who is becoming more and more ill, is now using the goddess appearance, but the very distorted smile situation, I am afraid that it is like the kind of demon that is about to fall into a demon. Or a harbinger condition like a depravity!

   Just after she joined forces with Yun and the priests and the three of them, they were all attacked by the magical light ball after they drank it, and they were defeated and even showed signs of large scale injuries!

   The two thousand generals, Delphi, who knows the current situation and the danger of Kirito best, were just like a strong recoil hitting the priest beside him and softly reminding the priest!

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