Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (250) Facing the troublesome situation of the goddess of Kirito...

After all, the sacred and the immortal have always been two opposite extremes of life and death, that is, the absolute laws of opposition and mutual restraint!

However, the two of them who are attached to the priests are the best way to escape here instead of heading to such a troublesome opponent here. It is better to stay in the green hills without worrying about running out of firewood!

(Holy attributes and goddess?)

"It's true, but ~ even if we want to escape, I am afraid she will not easily agree to it! And we have to retreat and take Yuanxiang to recycle the'Necro Tree'. It will probably be more difficult in the overall process. Make it harder!"

"If this is the case~ it's better to solve the same restrained her existence first! After all, she is not completely retreating, and is also eroded by death and curse!"

Naturally ~ The priest is very clear about the current situation, so after confirming the necromantic style or corresponding magical characteristics used by them and Yun, they also blackened a lot of parts of Kirito's body. So far, it has not been completely purified. Declared to the two with a morale boost!

(Well~Well! It's exactly the same as the priest's! From the beginning~When we joined hands to deal with Kirito-chan, there was actually no way out! Even the most used palace queen escaped, it was just as if the wind was blowing in front of him. Can Zhu’s monkey tricks!)

"It's the same as the Lord Priest! Compared to giving her one by one as ear food, it would be safer to continue to fight and consume her magic power!"

"After all, even if her current amount of magic power is actually borrowed from the goddess magic power, it won't last long! Didn't the two of you see that she has gradually become tired and slightly panting?"

Naturally, it is understood that if the existence of the left and right hands of the priest is lost now, it will have a serious impact on the weakening of Kirito's goddess goal, and at the same time, he will continue to let these undead people turn their lives for him as well as agree with the priest's words!

After all~ it is impossible for Yun's ability to block this terrible Kirito situation, so once these advantageous assistants are gone, Kirito has been clamoring for those terrible words!

It will be applied to him like a dream come true, even if it is possible that he will not die... But he will also be tortured with the madness slowly and physically and mentally. Life is better than death!

(Does even Master Yuanxiang think that way? You deserve to be an excellent senior candidate whom the priests look at, and it is indeed unfathomable and terrifying! x2)

"In that case~ we will follow the two adults to the death! x2"

"Bang~Da, Guru~Guru"

After confirming Yun and the priest’s fighting consciousness, I felt that I had done these two big monsters like a futile effort. Just clenching their weapons or making up their minds and protecting them together might even be if Kirito attacked. They would not retreat as if to retreat one step...

(But even so... but what kind of method is needed to completely eliminate the appearance of Kirito sauce? After all, I am completely goddessed, and I have never heard of it, and ~ from the very beginning, I have no way to contact the two most deserved The goddess who knows...)

"It seems~ I can only find a way to overcome it by myself!"

Also after confirming that all the undead were still standing on his side, Yun saw Kirito who had stopped for a while for some unknown reason, and began to rack his brains to think about how to overcome his irrational situation first, and then later. Something...

"Om~ Om~ Om, Zi~ Zi~ Zi"


(The body's actions and nerve reflexes have begun to show signs of paralysis or even slowness... It seems~ it may be that this huge magic power penetrates every cell of the body, causing the repulsive sequelae after full activation...)

(But~ and because of this, my spirit seems to be a little sober and sensible! But~ I didn't expect that I would attack Yun Yun as if it were all instinctive reactions, and even Asuna and the others!)

(I'm really the worst person! It's a pity~ I didn't turn my head back when I opened the bow. Even if I don't want to do this, I will move with my heart now like this!)

"Get in the way! Go to hell!!! "Wan Lei Boom"!!!"

‘Om~Om~Om, Zi~Zi~Zi, bang~bang, bang~bang~bang’

And now this minute, Tongrao has stopped slightly. It is also one of the phenomena that Yun and the priest have just said that some injuries are indirectly related. At the same time, it is also because Kirito's body is slowly unable to keep up with the goddess-level magic and the full release of magic power is temporary. The phenomenon of body strikes.

Similarly, even though Kirito had a clear mind, he couldn't control his body as if he continued to follow the anger-based impulse. He continued to use the very pure Thunder system wide-range magic with sacred effects, and he started to kill them all in one go!

(Are you thunder? Although it's not mutual generation and mutual restraint, I am afraid it can only add more chances of winning like that!)

"'Netherworld Despair'! Uh~ Eh eh!!!"

‘Om~Om~Om, 喤~喤~喤’

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! x2"


And just before the arrival of this good attack from Tongrao, Delphi, who knew that he couldn't do more without showing up more real skills, directly used his magic power to open up his inherent enchantment magic!

In the first time, all the magic attacks on several of them disappeared as if they had lost their coordinates or the object. Not only that, the location of the several people also divided their respective terrains along with the large amount of magic power spreading around them.

Some unprepared Yun and Kirito screamed in such a panic, and then came directly to a chaotic world that seemed to be surrounded by total darkness!


Although there is a good light source to illuminate a certain visible range, it is a pity that it is a blue-violet karma fire like hell, if you take the initiative to use it to provide yourself with illumination.

It seems like walking towards the Yellow Spring which has been may not be able to leave this empty world with nothing in the true sense...

(Is this... in the inherent barrier world of Delfima's head? It's really dark! x2)

"Om~Om~Om, bang~bang~bang"


Yes~ When entering such a very simple but excessively ghostly place, Kirito and Yun seem to have a clear understanding of each other, and look around like this when they reach a consensus together!

But~ Except for the pitch black, which is like a karma burning and making a sound with oneself, nothing is so peaceful and terrible...

Therefore, one of the two directly used the ‘death vision’ which has insight into all unnatural existence, and the other used the goddess magic power to form a white ball of light around him, to pay attention to the whole surrounding situation again...

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