Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (456) The battle begins again!

"That... the deity is too much...x2"




But it was also when the captains of these two phantoms came to Asuna in a panic and were about to apologize to them.

Asuna glared fiercely when Asuna suddenly turned her head. At the same time, after giving such a low order, the two phantom squad leaders sat on the ground slightly obediently, and continued to wait for Asuna to finish her work now... …

(So ​​that's the case~ If this is the case! Then~ we can also act directly!)

"Okay! Don't talk about the impolites before! Our most important task now is to try our best to win the right to use this place, and how to deal with so many high-level enemies! Do you understand? "

"Ah - ah! Ah ~ ah! Understand! All listen to the deity, We're here! X2"


Similarly, after almost understanding the current enemy's battlefield layout and the many messy things that followed, Asuna immediately handed her way to the rest of the Phantoms, and then taught the two Phantom squad leaders again and again.

Naturally, it became clear why Asuna was angry. The two of them were like scared little animals, and they nodded in response to each other tremblingly.

(OK, the problem here is almost understood, the next step is the real key!)

"In addition to maintaining the concealment ability, everyone will quickly gather me for a meeting, and then every step we take is critical, and whether we can eradicate or even reduce the enemy's strength is this one!"

"Understood! xN"


"After that..."

And after seeing the positive cooperation of the two phantom squad leaders, Asuna, who didn’t plan to waste time, just arranged her own tasks very carefully with the phantoms who formed a circle around her. ...

(It’s so quiet... I don’t know why~ Under such normal conditions, I feel inexplicably scared and even uneasy! x2)

"Maybe this is the fear of being attacked by the enemy anytime and anywhere after the previous enemy's aggressive invasion, right? It's strange to say that it's just a group of humans and giants of unknown origin, how could it be? Give us so much psychological pressure..."

"Brother, I'm afraid it was because the most powerful one-eyed big brother among us died in the final battle, right? That's why we question whether we, whose strength is lower than that, can guard this unprotected area!"

It also looked like it was less than 30 minutes after the last battle ended, but I don't know why these two two-headed giants always have a lingering premonition in their hearts.

They themselves can't determine whether such inner pressure is related to the death of the Cyclops? It's still a natural state of mind as if you are facing an enemy.

But in any case, they are also highly vigilant and guarded as the only passage in front of them, continuing to guard outside the ‘Advanced Summoning Magic Array’, looking around with such a serious expression...

‘Da~Da~Da, 噌~噌~噌, 唰Da~唰Da’

"Hmm~hmm? What happened just now? The team I sent out to patrol over there suddenly disappeared?"

"Brother! I'll take someone to take a look!"


But in this quiet situation that seemed to be before the storm, a very unbelievable and incomprehensible situation suddenly occurred in a delicate little corner in the next second.

Such a miraculous phenomenon seems to be under their noses, suddenly turning the soldiers into nothing, so that the two big guys not only did not detect the anomaly in the first time.

On the contrary, I was even more surprised that the blue two-headed giant took a small number of people and hurried over to the scene to find out!

‘Om~Om~Om, 咚~咚~咚, pada~pada’

( should be here? Why does it seem to be the same as nothing, it makes people feel a lot of headaches!)

"Cut~Cut, is it possible that someone really did something on our territory?"

【Broken Dragon Muscle】

‘Om~Om~Om, bang~bang, wow~ wow, da~ da~ da’

And when he saw the place where such a person disappeared, it seemed that there was no mechanism at all, the blue two-headed giant was slightly puzzled.

Suddenly, he condensed a halo of blue magic sword skills on his fists, and then a very violent continuous straight fist smashed the fleshy wall in front of him into many pieces of flesh in an instant.

Also, the interior in front of him was really nothing unusual, and after it collapsed in a normal way, he sweated even more for a while and even looked around and explored.

(Looking at this situation, my brother returned mostly to no avail, but what happened to the situation where our personnel suddenly disappeared just like that? Is it possible~ Is there any enemy really remaining in such a place?)

"If this is the case! I am afraid that it will be very detrimental to us in turn. After all, the enemy is dark and we are bright. Such an absolute vision and position gap will only make us more unclear about where the enemy is..."

‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~咣~咣’

Naturally, I saw the blue two-headed giant in the distance, watching around as if he was still alerting the enemy to appear this minute, and then he understood what trouble they were doing. It was very bad...

Also in order to reduce the anxiety of the two people ~ has once again disappeared from the surrounding army, and it is quickly covered with a layer of blue magic, as if to make a new response to the surrounding environment. let's move……


‘Om~Om~Om, wow~wow~wow’

But even if these two big guys have made their own strongest preventive measures at this stage, who knows that they are in such a tense and tense situation.

Suddenly from about 8 places against the wall and the ground, the surrounding undead units were directly dragged or swallowed into a kind of empty entrance and exit.

Naturally, after these existences wailed for several times, they seemed to have disappeared without a trace, and thus completely lost contact with these two two-headed giants...

"Brother and younger brother! All the staff are scattered again! x2"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! xN"

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