Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (457) Unforeseen surprise attack

In the same phenomenon, the situation of their own team would be wiped out in front of their eyes on such a large scale, making these two big guys even more unable to calmly call each other, and together they gave the surrounding teams their respective evacuation instructions so quickly.

Naturally, these things with low IQ, and because they follow the concept of absolute obedience, they start to separate the positions of each person on a large scale as if the birds and beasts are scattered.

(So... what should you do next? Is it like continuing to conjure or rely on magic to play with everyone in our team? After all, such a huge distribution location, I am afraid that it will be taken care of for a while. Not complete, right? x2)

"Goo~ Lu"

In a sense, it is also a new round of challenges for these two big guys. After all, looking at it horizontally and vertically, they are confused about their unknown status quo.

They also couldn’t find the best way to avoid the destruction of their own people for a while, to deal with the unexpected situation in front of them. After all, even if there had been a similar situation, the premise, process and even result of what happened now are completely different. .

That's why all the countermeasures used by the red two-headed giant before seemed to be completely invalidated like a waste of magic.

And that is, in such a situation where the enemy's abilities are almost unknown, they can only choose the most primitive, instead of destroying everywhere to force the other party to show up, and even make their own area completely collapsed and collapsed like an unnecessary suicide ending.


(So ​​that's it~ Is this the method you use to face your unknown abilities or magic, etc.?)

"Oh~hhhh, naive, so naive! After all, I have heard Ai-chan and two sisters talk about it, and even showed their new abilities, but I did not expect this most inferior version of imitation, It has such a miraculous effect on them! It is indeed unexpected to me!"

"But so what~ My current mission is just to use this magical sword skill that has finally figured out the principle, together to ruin you all!"

"Let's go! My clone or sisters! It's time for hunting enemies!"

"Eh~ Eh! The deity! xN"

【Dead Bites·False·Hidden】

‘Om~Om~Om, huh~huh~huh, huh~huh~huh"

It was also in the cave space inside the meat wall that seemed to be moving as a whole, Asuna showed a cute and evil little devil smile, and through it, there was a disguised entrance and exit position in front of her eyes.

I almost saw what happened outside under his command, in line with all the enemy's reactions to the unknown attack status, one by one in my own eyes.

Looking at it, in a sense, Asuna seems to be raging, and enjoy the panic of the enemy at this stage, and still don't know where the next raid point will be among them.

At the same time, she also warned the real phantoms around her who mainly participated in the battle to get them to cooperate with almost one-on-one or a little more false phantom combinations with high morale. Hot search

A large amount of what began to separate is contained in the enemy’s flesh wall, creating a new narrow space that is not easy to be hit by the moveable space, and at the same time, Asuna is just seeing the true owner of the original lord’s mother and daughter. A good special effect sword skill once.

Then I used my mind to repeatedly decompose the basic knowledge concept of that trick, and the essential effect it really produced, to imitate such a new magic sword skill that is inferior, but has an ingenious and special presentation.

The purple magical power surrounds the weapons in each of them. It can be seen that this sword skill has broken through the limitations of a certain system weapon, allowing all or a certain level of weapons to be accurately released. .

Not only that ~ in this way, with a good magical sword skill halo, they started to walk along the entire enemy's forte. The full range of existence belongs to the existence of the ground and the wall, looking for the most attacking opportunities at the same time.

There are many phantoms that have identified opportunities, or Asuna herself will pierce through the void, but it may be difficult to completely see the space gap, exile all enemies whose designated slashing position is impossible. The place where it exists, and even where it can't even survive, is strangled.

"Huh~huh~huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)


‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Boom~ Boom, Buzz, Buzz, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom

"Impossible! What kind of attack is this? Not only did the dual life-saving ability fail to predict and respond at all, but it was also dragged into the ground and the wall as if invisible! Damn...Is it possible to be so infinitely slaughtered? Already? x2"

The scene before them more and more made these two two-headed giants feel puzzled, surprised and even completely incomprehensible.

From the perspective of the caster defining Asuna and the others, it can be seen as a true "dead bite" effect before, not only there is space fragmentation, but also the crushing effect of sucking in the enemy like a black hole.

And you can get all the tips like magic feedback. It belongs to a person who already knows the principle and its structure, and it is bound to be able to detect and even find a visual attack like a strategy.

It's a pity...for the two two-headed giants who have no concept or even experience, have seen, and the undead sergeants who seem to be completely unable to see the truth around them.

It's like being invisible or even invisible. Not only that ~ what they see is the ground and walls that have no change or even residual magical reaction.

It is like completely silent or even swallowing one's own completely let the attacked personnel show a terrible and painful expression.

Then a little flesh or body debris was splashed from the inside, so it was completely wiped out...

It is conceivable that Asuna's sword skills, which imitated friends and even gave birth to new magical characteristics, caused great psychological pressure or terrible deterrent effect on the enemy.

Fundamentally, there is no way to predict and evade such an attack. At the same time, these two big guys do not understand why Asuna did not attack them. These two high-level existences are more hateful and gritted their teeth...

(The psychological manifestation of fear, the unknown, the invulnerability or even the incomprehensibility of what the enemy is thinking, I am afraid that you who have experienced battles or have excellent psychological qualities will be slowly aroused by all the five senses at this stage. )

"How? My enemy? Will you be able to return to the time you were alive, when you went to the battlefield for the first time and faced a cruel battle scene that you had never seen before?"

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