Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: The EX Chapter Christmas Eve Christmas (599) comes from Shurami·Dong·Xier...

It happened to have a suitable reason to go there together, it was very pleasant, and it was also a magical hot spring area to relax...

"Boom~Boom~Boom, Pata~ Pata"

(Sure enough~ the magic power here is very full, and it always feels a lot of comfort for the whole body. I want to stay in such a zone for a while, I am afraid it may relieve my magical suppression here!)


[What are you doing on the run? The guardian beast of the third door! Don't tell me~ As an undead, do you still feel that your life is precious and try to escape? 】

"Pah~pah, pahp~ahpah", "pah~pah, pahfah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

(This~this...the sound is! My king!! It's over...I forget that all this still can't escape the state of the law...)


It was also when the Chimera kept staying in this huge red forest, and even with a certain degree of threat to the stream area, so using the local conditions, it began to slowly use some magical powers.

Suddenly appeared in its mind this wake-up call that belonged to Shurami Dong Xier. At the time, it suddenly stopped moving forward, and even shivered a lot. Waiting for her to continue.

[Not bad~ Well! Now your courage is really getting smaller and smaller! Let you use your life to protect the third gate of the Holy Land, you will be frightened by a necromancer and your comrades! It really disappoints me a lot! 】

[That's it! Now you have only two options! One, let me go back and complete my mission well, and two, now I will use the fire of hell, like a coward who burned to the second door, to send you a good reunion! You don't have any right to refuse, you only have these choices just now, so do it yourself! Huh~huh! 】

"Pa~Da, Zi~Zi~Zi"



Also in the follow-up, it is possible to feel that this big guy has indeed listened to her words and temporarily stopped fleeing, so he is so overbearing and giving it two roads that are almost mortal.

The worst thing is that it doesn’t even have the right to speak or other options. It can only listen to the other party’s unilateral words in a daze, and even hung up the communication very angrily. It can be said that it looks like a dumb eating huanglian. It’s the same, but I can’t say that it’s a lot more uncomfortable...

(Oh ~ ~ Oh Oh ... I really deserve it, this story looks useless, if not my king, even he saw the fellow, the same did not stand! In the end is when I will be afraid of death, then homeopathy escape it? )


And it was after Shurami Dong Xier’s reprimand, making him aware of this terrible problem like a divine enlightenment, that’s why he used his big feet to habitually pluck the ground scarlet. Earthy.

After all, such a gaffe was really too embarrassing to lose home, so it suddenly wondered why it started to remember when this instinct suddenly overwhelmed its mission and consciousness...

(Yes! It was the moment I entered this ‘inherent enchantment’ and it seemed that all my advantages and even my thoughts had suddenly changed a lot!)

(That's why it reveals such an unbearable biological response like a gaffe. It is reasonable to say that such a long baptism should wash away a lot of such instinctive reactions! It really becomes more and more inverted with the more life you live....) ?? ??


‘P~p, hiss~his~his, dong~dong~dong’

It was also after almost trying to find out a lot of reasons that caused this situation, for a while, it itself was very worried ~ suddenly a lot easier...

I am afraid that it is because of the reproaching situation of Shurami Dong Xier that has allowed him to regain a lot of confidence!

That’s why it shoveled the ground a few more times, and after a fierce roar that seemed to be inspiring, it turned the direction directly~ Started anti-reconnaissance and searched the cloud and clues where they were from the location that was attacked before...


(It really makes people worry a lot! It's obviously my own trial, and I kept taking care of these privately intruded companions halfway through, and it took a lot of time to change direction!)

"So in order to save the overall progress and time consumption, it seems that I am the only one to play along the way!"

"But the rest of the situation can only be said to depend on your good fortune! Yun~ Yun!"

"Da~Da~Da, Pa~Da"

It was also on the magic screen that saw him floating in front of him like this, this Chimera finally recovered to his previous mental normal, and then turned around to actively search for his enemy at the time point in time.

In this way, Shurami Dong Xier, who sent the cloud to leave the room, sat down at his simple table and chairs as if he were free, and watched the screen while reading a book at and drinking tea. The scene on the other side, and then I feel very distressed or helpless, sighing and talking to myself...



And after the operation of Shurami Dong Xier probably only took less than a few minutes, the other side was on the cloud side, and the most critical cloud suddenly awakened a lot, and then stood up and looked around. Look for the beast mother Aisha who should have been in her arms.

However, when he saw the three existences beside him, they all seemed to be a little awkward asleep, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the sense of panic that suddenly realized that the beast mother Aisha was not in his arms just now, there was still some meaning still in his mind.

For fear that his own ‘intrinsic enchantment’ ability has not completely suppressed his negative magic power, let him reluctantly find the body that is still in the recovery phase to find the Chimera who is free from the world and fight for life and death.

So he sat beside the three of them like this, stroking their fleshy cheeks one by one, still taking care of their respective hair...

"Woo...have you woken up? Yun~yun! Before the time when the beast mother Aisha woke up, we saw that you slept too soundly, so I fell asleep again..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhh is to be set off again? x2"


And that is, Yun didn't know if his actions were a little bigger, and the three little beauties were awakened all at once. The three girls suddenly stood up with their eyes narrowed...

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