Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (600) The beginning of the pursuit

After being so vague and hazy as if it were clear that it was Yun's awakening situation, they yawned together and asked them in different tones...

(Hey~hey~hey, every one of them seems to be not awake, which makes people feel a lot of headaches!)

"Well~Well! Generally speaking~ the only people who are weak now are my sister and Aichan. It is true that if I rush to find the big guy first, I can still be competent! But ~ what do you think?"

Seeing their swaying and haunting sense of sight, Yun recalled the specific physical conditions of their personnel in this way, and then asked them this time.

(It seems to have a sense of sight for the old, the weak, the sick...x3)

"How about? Ai Jiang, Beast Mother Aisha Sister! Can you go straight away?"

"No problem, of course! x2"

Suddenly I was stimulated by Yun’s words, and for a while, especially on the side of Ai-chan and the beast-girl Aisha, I felt very unfriendly, so I saw Kirito who looked like these two things, so I was very responsible and so right. The two confirmed again.

Naturally, it seemed that compared with the careless cloud, Kirito's gentle greeting, in turn, gained the two of them more favorably.

So after the two of them looked at each other this time, they both showed cute smiles and compared them with a cheering gesture, and gave them back so seriously.

(Hello~Hello~Hello! Why is the reaction to my greetings so embarrassing! Is it possible that this is the most obvious difference between me and Kirito-chan?)

"Hah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ let's clean up here and set off right away! And the other party's whereabouts are a little strange, and it seems to have changed from escape to... offensive consciousness!

"Uh~hmm!!! x3"

After feeling the very unfair treatment, even though there were still some clouds who didn't fully understand it, they were so relieved to order Kirito and the others.

Especially this last word caught everyone's attention for a while. After all, it represents a sign that Chimera, who dodges immediately after encountering difficulties, may become very tricky now!

However, Kirito and the others, who didn't say much, nodded to each other as if they had secretly reached a consensus through the information transmitted by their eyes, and then they completely withdrew from all the surrounding deployments without saying a word and being very agile.

In the end, it was like a member of the team returning to the team in a tacit understanding, and they all gathered next to Yun, stunned a lot...

(I have something to tell me! Why do you reach a consensus so privately, and also act so quickly! Even my work is done and you are ready to go, so what should I do? what……)

"Ah~huh... that's good! You all lie on my back together! I think it should be able to bear it..."

"I have objections! We all know magic, so we don't need to treat it specially later!"

"Hmm~hmm! Dear Brother Yun just needs to lead the way! After all, we have to pay more attention to the next actions! x2"

But that is, when Zaiyun came back to his senses, he had already seen these three little guys who were shorter than him, all of them frowning, watching their little appearances waiting for orders.

He immediately recovered and started to distribute the mission target time like this, but it was a pity that it was under such a situation that Kirito and the others collectively protested. For a while, it made him even more troublesome and raised his forehead.

(No...I don’t know why it makes me uncomfortable a lot since they heard the enemy's movement and time, as if they unified their minds, forget it~ forget it! What do they say! I don't want to pursue it anymore!)

"OK! The task is to collectively discover and annihilate the enemy directly. Above, collectively follow me!"

"Hmm~hmm! x3"

‘Om~Om~Om, Boom~Boom~Boom, Da~Da~Da’

In the same way, feeling that the clouds are getting more and more unable to keep up with their rhythm, he shook his head as if holding his forehead so much, and finally let him be free after this announcement.

So he took Kirito and the others who used footwork or flying magic in one breath, and started quickly toward the enemy zone that was slowly and obviously detected...,

‘Om~Om~Om,?~?~?, Da~Da~Da’

(It’s dangerous! It’s not that I’ve been alerting the surrounding rivers, I’m afraid I’ve been pierced into a hedgehog just now, and then I’m frustrated and burnt ashes!)!!!!!! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

(However, the sudden activation of the enemy’s magic probably means that they have already dealt with internal affairs and started tracking and annihilating me!)



In the same way, when Yun and the others started to rush to the area where Chimera was located, Yun immediately controlled the high-concentration magic liquid on its side, and launched a first containment magic attack on it all at once.

After all, he himself knows that even if the current state of the "intrinsic enchantment" is slowly stabilized, but the original effect of the quick-release type is only if he does not release it and restarts it~ then it will be a permanent negative effect. !

However, the current conditions did not allow him to do anything at all, so before fully confirming the enemy's target, he could only make a diversionary attack effect, delaying the opponent's speed as much as possible to slow it down.

And Chimera, who has been around martial law, relied on the high reminder of this double life-saving ability, and quickly escaped these seemingly threatening attacks, and then began to keep sorting out in his mind now that he was attacked. After the various intelligence up!

After all, there must be a reason for this sudden activation and it is still related to the direct suspension of activities before, but now it does not have such superfluous power, it can only choose to passively evade the attack, and then Slowly think about the situation behind...

(OK! The containment is successful, and at this speed and distance, I am afraid we only need to be able to catch it in 10 minutes!)

[Kirito-chan, Ai-chan, sister! Can you bear this speed? 】

【what's happenin? Yun dear brother Yun! Is it possible that the location of the other party has already been determined? x3】

Also using his slightly delayed magic feedback, I almost understand that the enemy is constantly evading its counterattack. After the speed has dropped drastically, it will soon be calculated to appear in the fastest arrival time of the speed.

But... even if it only took 10 minutes, he still felt that it was too long after all, so he used the collective private chat to reconfirm it.

Naturally, his very rushed call and the feeling that there is something in the actual words made Kirito and the others directly alert a lot, so they reconfirmed it so seriously!

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