Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (632) Violent Confluence Action

(Sure enough, is it consistent with what I just guessed? It is true that all of us have observed or detected the magical appearance of the cloud, which is a real existence that cannot be replaced!)

(But there is one thing that we have not noticed at all. That is the world of this "inherent enchantment". From the beginning, it is not a completely single level, but is almost identical in countless levels, but it is segmented. Special structure condition!)

"So that's it~ If you divide it according to this level, Yunshi is on the 0th floor like the surface at first, I am on the 3rd floor, and Asuna Chan, Aichan, and Beastgirl Aisha are on the 6, 23, and 56 floors in order. ?"

"It's really a peculiar form of a zone that is level by level and completely parallel to the world! It's no wonder that the coordinates may arrive but there is still nothing but almost exactly the same scene!"

Naturally, in Kirito's eyes, he could clearly see a kind of magical flow that seemed to completely see through the ‘intrinsic enchantment’ in the entire eye, which was triggered by the flow of magic.

As well as being able to penetrate all the peculiar aspects of the whole oneself, such as up, down, left, and right, all at once, let him understand the special nature of this world just like being empowered.

In fact, there is some kind of inducement technique that can deceive magic in it. Fortunately, Kirito belongs to the eyes of the borrowing goddess, otherwise he can't see the most important aspect of being deceived by even the "death sight".

I am afraid that the reason why Yun can only lock the position of the caster is also the blinding thing. It is unable to completely conceal the reason for the magic circuit of his initial and continuous mana supply, and it will produce such a slight special effect of pitting himself on the caster...

"Since you know the reason, you can directly implement it, and of course you must be able to barely do it under the continuation of this form!"

[The third chapter of the third chapter of Azemel's technique-Grush bombardment]


‘Om~Om~Om, 咣~ 咣~ 咣, 嚓~ 嚓~ 嚓, Gada~ Gada, 咻~咻~咻, 咚哐~咚哐, 噼噼~Papa, hoo~hoo~hoo’

And that is, after confirming all the causes, and under the condition that he could indeed do it, Kirito slammed his wings that kept scattered with a lot of white feathers so suddenly.

Then facing the position of 15° obliquely below oneself, directly facing the same obliquely above position of the sagging jade hand, suddenly formed a huge double inner giant six-pointed star, and with the outermost 4 circles of complex inscription magic. Array.

In this way, the magic circle is very huge and looks crystal clear, and even the hardness is like a large number of ice crystals that are naturally generated and specially strengthened by the huge sapphire.

Afterwards, it was like a bombardment with a bit of penetration, breaking the ice to a certain extent frozen by the cloud, and even directly penetrating the dark magic liquid of the opponent that still existed underneath it.

Like a plural awl, after desperately trying to open the connection tunnel between each layer, he immediately slapped his wings and plunged into the cave in an instant...

‘Boom~Boom~Boom, Boom~Boom, Boom~ Boom, Gada~ Gada, Boom~ Boom~ Boom’

(Wh~what...what's the situation? How do you feel as if the whole world is shaken by the earth and mountains, producing such a huge and terrifying sound and phenomenon...x3)

[I~I...what should we do? 】

【I do not know! sister! We are also in a confused and scared situation...x2]

[Kirito sauce! ! ! Yundiyun dear...x3]


‘Cack~Cock, 嗵~嗵~嗵, wow~ wow~ wow, bang~ bang~ bang’

The same is at the point when Yun is still embarking on a long-distance contest with the surgeon in this world.

The situation of the rescue operation of the other known partners that Kirito claimed was going on. For a while, Asuna and the others were confused and even terrified.

They all became so flustered, they released a magical barrier with high magical power to their surroundings, and then looked around tremblingly, and even some of them were about to hold their heads and squat to guard, and continue to follow Kirito's previous instructions on standby .

But that is because Kirito did not tell them the details of the time at this time, and they have already closed their eyes subconsciously because they were a little bit alone because they were only alone. They were frightened and even panicked a lot...

"Boom~bang~bang, papa~papa"

(Um... I remember that it seems to be on this floor, maybe I should be facing the lower left now...)


"Woo~hoo~hoo, bang~cha"


‘Fa~a, da~da~da, shoo~shoo~shoo’

And that is, in these little guys, they were shocked by this overly unknown situation just like the hunted.

Just so quickly, he missed the gap in between, and Kirito, who reached the 6th floor directly, fluttered the wings that kept dropping feathers, and explored the surroundings he had observed before!

After all, after the overall position is different, the magical intelligence that was previously explored will also have a certain degree of change, even if it is indeed able to capture the existence of Asuna's magical power.

However, because of the magic barrier that she suddenly opened before, she was slightly disturbed by her for an instant on the way, temporarily losing her current location information.

Fortunately, it has reached the target level, and all searches are very fast, that is, when he perceives the source of magic power that does not belong here, he shows a cute smile like this, and rushes directly to break its magic power. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? barrier.

Asuna, who was shivering with fright and trembling, was so hugged by one of them in her warm! Following the trend, he flew away to another layer below...

"Hey~hey~hey! How did I provoke Asuna? It's really weird and sad!"

"This sound!! Kirito sauce! Ah~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you did not say in advance what you are going to do, which made this situation so terrible and scared people to death, okay...QAQ"


"Ha~ha~ha, well~ well! After all, the time I can maintain is limited, so after I have understood the reason, I have implemented the plan non-stop, so please ask Asuna and other sisters to forgive me in the future. Up!"

"Then hurry up! Anyway, we have to save everyone before returning to Yun!"


"Woo~hoo~hoo, wa~ta"

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