Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve and Christmas (six hundred and twenty-four) I picked up another one

Also after seeing the appearance of Asuna who seems to have turned into a weak and very weak girl crying, and constantly beating him with great force.

It is possible that she rarely sees Kirito in this aspect, so she feels a lot of cuteness and teases.

Naturally, when he heard her being caught so rudely, it was his other half of the time.

Asuna might suddenly become a lot weaker again. She put her arms around his heart so much that she spoiled her and started crying like a spoiled child.

Naturally, after telling her a little about the situation she was facing, the two people hugged each other tighter during the flight, and plunged into the forcible link hole of the subsequent level...

"Boom~Boom~Boom, Pata~ Pata"

(It seems...something is coming! And it's still from the giant direction in the sky just now!)

"Is it an enemy attack? Or ~ someone is coming to us? Anyway ~ I should find a way to hide my body first!"

[Shadow of the Mist]

‘Om~Om~Om, hu~hu~hu"

It was also the Aichan after a great magic power was detected on the 23rd floor, and now it was quickly approaching where he was.

Although she did receive Kirito’s orders not to move, just in case it was the enemy’s magic or something, she directly used a kind of ice mist full of azure magic power to make it completely blend into the surrounding clouds. Among the resulting geographical advantages.

Make it look the same as the scenery on the ground, like a protective color of a chameleon, very wonderfully concealing all of your own sense of existence...

"Woo~hoo~hoo, bang, bang, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!"

(OK! I arrived at the designated floor, but ~ Is it the same as Asuna at that time? Not only because the magic barrier is activated, but also because it is not even directly detectable?)

"It looks like~ Ai Jiang is also very vigilant before directly using some clever means to hide her figure, existence, breath, magic power, etc.? This is indeed a bit troublesome!"


It was also after the princess Kirito was holding Asuna, she was punched through the hole from above, and she suddenly descended into the 23rd floor where there is almost no doubt about the environment.

Having stayed in the air and didn't blindly go down to find the time point, Kirito immediately noticed the situation that was not quite right.

Even if he does not feel the breath of Aichan now, he can clearly feel as if there is someone around him, observing his every move intently.

If you guessed it correctly, it should not be the guardian of the fourth door who can't get out of your body. In turn, it might be Aichan's eyes!

"Why~ I'll call her in a private chat first?"

"No~ If it's that love sauce, I'm probably a little bit eye-catching!"

"Eh~Eh? Is it possible~...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

‘Hu~hoo~hoo, om~om~om’

And after confirming that Ai-chan is indeed at this level of vision, although Asuna proposed a fairly interesting conventional method, Kirito seemed to have his own ideas in order to save time.

So after this simple response to him, he immediately continued to hold his arms tightly around Asuna who knew what would happen!

In a low dive downward situation, it released a magical fluctuation that is difficult to detect, even a very subtle wave of magical power, quickly back and forth on its flight path!

"Zi~Z~Z" in Chinese

【Yes! After hearing my 3 countdown sounds, Asuna Chan stretched out her hand to the right position within your reach, and then when she touched something, she could just hold on to it! 】

[Eh~ Eh? Is that right? 】

[Oh~hhh, I believe I can’t be wrong! 】

[Oh~Oh! 】


It is also after this time to keep a low dive, after traveling a distance of about 500 to 700 meters.

Suddenly, Kirito, who received a certain degree of counter-shock magic fluctuation, suddenly showed a faint smile, and then continued to give orders to the somewhat confused Asuna.

Although Asuna didn't quite understand what wonderful method Kirito used, she directly locked Ai Chan's position.

I had no choice but to nodded slightly like a question mark, and then continued to fly quickly along a straight line...

[3, 2, 1! It's now! 】

"Eh~ Eh!!!"

"Papa, puff, puff, puff"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ to fall


Naturally, after Asuna, who was still a little bewildered, suddenly heard that Kirito gave him such accurate instructions.

Some Asuna, who feels willing to be free, just like to keep straightening out such a wonderful posture, and can reach the maximum double jade hand.

Then after 3 seconds, I really encountered a very soft animal skin feeling, and it was about 200~300 meters after Asuna was dragging the target so Location time point.

The thin layer of magic ice mist that was wrapped around Aijiang jade body disappeared directly like smoke.

Asuna happened to be caught in the armpit by Asuna's two jade hands, and even the Aichan, who kept tied her back with her jade fingers, was so scared and screamed again and again.

After all, Kirito's flying speed was indeed too fast, even if he knew where he was flying, but before he had time to react, he was directly flew from the original zone into the air in such an awkward position.

Therefore, there are not too many Ai Chan who had time to resist, so she yelled a lot and panicked a lot.

"Oh~hhhhh! I finally caught you! Love the sauce! Give us trouble! Don’t worry, I will use magic to help you on my back! Then~ you have to hold my back well! , Or it will fall down!"

"Uh~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Kirito-chan!!!"

‘Hu~hu~hu, huh~huh, buzz~buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzzer

And after confirming that he had received the panicked Ai-chan, Kirito slowly reminded him with a smile like this.

It's a pity~ Now that the violent wind blows this fleshy cheek with the wind, and there is no way to say the whole Aichan, so she keeps the small crying appearance, and quickly urges her a lot.

Afterwards, Kirito slightly manipulated the magical power of the blue light, and suddenly removed it from Asuna's jade hand, and then came a 360° backflip, hung directly behind the middle of his pair of wings.

She subconsciously supported the top wing roots of the two pairs of Kirito directly, just as she lowered her head and didn't dare to open her eyes easily...

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