Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (896) The crisis is resolved and good results...

Let it at least not be oppressed by excessive blood accumulation like other locations, making it a major life threat!

Similarly, Yun himself is responsible for the safety of the remaining five internal organs, including the most important lungs on the other side.

Others who are less experienced are outside women who are responsible for the skin and even other internal tissues, such as repairing and draining blood congestion.

Naturally, the audience can also be said to be in and out, almost except for the auxiliary shadow warriors who will not be reduced, and even the outsiders who are watching below.

They have also entered the situation of actively changing bandages like shifts, applying compression to stop bleeding in most positions, and feeding Luizwente's therapeutic medicines and nutritional medicines.

Especially this move of taking out the red soaked bandages in such a large number in batches, it can be said that Lutz, who has been waiting outside, turned pale with fright!

After all, no matter how he didn't know the specific internal situation, he might have taken about a dozen or so full baskets of blood bandages when he saw the in and out. He also knew that Lu Izwent's situation was a very critical situation.

Because of this, he almost couldn't cry, so he knelt down in front of the operating room, kowtowing and praying like he didn't know what to do...

Master Yun, the brain and heart magic circuits have been repaired and strengthened! x2

Our side is almost repaired, strengthened and even checked again! xn

Very good, my side is also completely relieved of the crisis, everyone enters the stage of re-examination and inspection, remember to avoid all omissions and negligence, after all, this is not a joke!

Take the lead! xn

In line with Yun's good experience and speed, the complications and various crises that have occurred frequently before have gradually settled down and stabilized.

It took about 10 hours for this to happen, and Yun and the others, who finally completed and reported their progress, entered a more cautious and in-depth review phase!

During this period of time, Luiz Winter's body had become pale and shrunk due to excessive consumption.

Wearing blood bandages on the way at least back and forth, so about a few hundred to be sent out to nearly a thousand full baskets.

For this reason, Yun's treatment and nutritional supplement medicines were piled up like thousands of empty bottles, surrounded by baskets.

Naturally, because \'Shadow Warrior\' and the maidens outside of the world have been sent together frequently as much as possible, now the internal space can be said to be restored to the usual refreshing view!

\'Squeaking, squeaking, squeaking\'

Overspeed regeneration, treatment

\'Boom, boom, boom\'

Similarly, even if it is now entering the final stage, Yun has not been careless and slack.

For this reason, at the end of the end, he gave Luiz Wente the jade body again, so that he described a compound restoration magic that only left the surface of the jade body.

In this way, the recovery speed of its jade body can be improved, and even its own weak state can be restored a lot in advance.

In addition, even if there are hidden dangers, it will be because of the effect of this comprehensive recovery ability, just like a good conservative treatment to add self-healing ability, and it is not a problem to restore it as before!

\'Papa Papa\'

After all, there were some minor situations on the way, so I didn't have time to explain in detail, even if there is help from this little cute on the way, but after all, it is still not much!

For this reason, I will leave the necessary \'Shadow Warriors\' to take care of this at the same time as the end of the operation, and then I will use the video to review and explain with the room next to you!

understand! xn

\'DaDaDaDa, DaDaDa\'

Also when everything was over, looking at this one, I bit off a hundred sticks in the middle because of excessive pain, and still wandered back and forth in a conscious and unconscious coma dozens of times.

And at this minute, it seemed to be relieved, after sleeping smoothly to Luiz Winter's good sleep.

Yuncai gave these instructions to the surrounding Elise and the others, and quietly left the operating room together, moving to the place where she had discussed with Elise and Naya before!

On the way, even if he encountered Lutz, who was too anxious and haggard, but with the comfort of the three of Yun, Naya, and Elise, he took a lot of light steps and came to his window to accompany him... The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://m.qq*717^mq^q717.c^om/

\'Papa Papa\'

"Well, the soundproofing effect here is good, so I will start to review all the procedures in the operation just now. You have to listen carefully and ask if you don't understand it!"

"Understood! xn"


Also after this important event is over, the next step is to teach all the participants and visitors together.

Coupled with Yun's detailed explanation, and the direct experience sharing of Elise and others who participated in it, this time the overall visit and teaching can be described as progressing very well.

At the very least, many medical staff who have just entered this job, or already have some experience on the job, have gained their own different experience.

For this reason, after this comprehensive teaching, all the foreigners are as curious as they are, and they are actively discussing and exchanging opinions with their colleagues while leaving one after another.

Just seeing this scene is enough to make Yun Anxin a lot, because their efforts here have the most basic self-medicine, diagnosis, and cure conditions for the existence of the \'magic disease\' of this branch of the clan!


"Master Yun! Wait a minute! x2"


"What's the matter? Elise-chan and Mrs. Naya?"


Naturally, Yun is very so I put away a lot of things I just used, and is about to turn around and leave.

He was stopped by the hurried Elise and the others, and the smiling clouds waited for them to come to him.

"That, that! Is it possible that Master Chengyun is ready to set off after this lesson? Huhuhu..."

After waiting for Elise and the others to trot in front of him like this, after taking a short breath, they asked him too eagerly!

"It hasn't been so fast! It's probably just after another 23 days before leaving, why? Can't you bear me? Obviously you are so self-reliant a lot! Is it possible that you are still clinging to people like children?"

And after knowing Elise's nervous and careful thoughts, Yun, who was still smiling, joked about it.

"It's not always that Yun-sama is making fun of me! 〃vv〃"

And after hearing Yun's excessive ridicule, Elise, who always felt a little unhappy, responded to her like this with her hands on her hips.

"Hahaha! Are you kidding me! You don't have to be so serious, so what's the matter with you two little cuties who are going to ask me?"

When I saw that Elise didn't like her jokes, the cloud who struck haha ​​slightly confirmed her seriously.

"Yeah! Actually, can you let me go with you! After all, sister Naya has also come out here, and she can take my place, so isn't it good?"

あ奇奇 Novel 蛧ヤ~7~1~7~(ωωω).qq7(1)

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