Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Christmas Eve Christmas (897) Invitation to Change Direction


And when she heard that Yun returned to the real topic, Elise asked her in a twitchy manner as she rubbed her hands like this.

Want to start with me? Although Mrs. Naya's abilities have been on par with that of Elise-chan during this time, the remaining personnel are still a bit worrying after all...

"I'm afraid not. There is a shortage of skilled personnel here, so I am afraid it will be difficult for you to act with me! Please forgive me after all, I have to consider whether it is for your family and sisters!"

Yes, after several trade-offs, Yun immediately rejected her request!

"That's it, if that's the case, then I'll just follow Master Yun as if it's fine..."

"Elise sauce..."


Also, after hearing that Yun rejected it altogether, it can be said that it has made Elise extremely depressed.

When she saw her in such a bad situation, Naya was a little worried and held her small shoulders.

Looking at the cloud with a pleading look, you can see that you want him to change a way to coax Elise, right? Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

This little cute...

"Although I can't take you away, most of the matters have just ended today, and I heard from your male tribe!"

"Tomorrow is a good hunting reservation day! Would you like to go with me! Miss Elise?"

"After all, the other little cuties can be left with me under the supervision of \'Shadow Warrior\', and can take on the big responsibility alone!"

"So you can also take this opportunity to have a good rest, right? I want to give you a vacation tomorrow to arrange this time by yourself..."

Naturally, she couldn't bear Naya's begging eyes, she scratched the cloud on the back of her head slightly, and then asked her in such a pretentious manner!

hunting? That's right! It's the hunting day stipulated by the ethnic group, and since I became ill, I really haven't tried it for a long time!

"Yes! If this is all for rest, then Sister Naya should also go with us! After all, Kisha has grown up, so we should bring it to experience and practice together!"


"This this……"

The same is also the case when I suddenly heard the hunting invitation from Yun's mouth. It can be said that Elise was really happy in multiple senses.

So mindlessly, he took advantage of the trend and sent out a companion invitation to Naya, who was a little hesitant on the side.

Naturally, Naya, who didn't want to be a light bulb too much, also subconsciously looked at the cloud that nodded slightly, and suddenly she could only smile a lot and promise her to get up.

"In this case, everyone packs up the necessary supplies, and then takes a good rest and responds, and we will gather at the gate tomorrow morning!"

"Ooo no problem! x2"

\'Pap clap, clap clap\'

Also after fully confirming that he was going to go, Yun gave instructions to Elise and the others in this way, and everyone rushed away to go back and make good preparations...

\'Patter, boom boom\'

あ奇奇 Novel 蛧ヤ~7~1~7~(ωωω).qq7(1)

"Are you back? Soon! There is nothing wrong with Mrs. Luiz Winter?"


It was also after Yun returned to his and Argo's residence, he saw Argo, who might have been worried for a long time, but could not easily move too much in the tribe.

So eagerly, many trot all the way to him, consulting him in a panic.

It can be seen that her friendship with Luiz Winter has gradually deepened a lot, otherwise she would not reconfirm her like this anxious!

\'Snack Snack\'

"It's okay long ago, I just have to give a lecture halfway through, so I came here quite late!"

"'s fine if it's all right! You're tired too! Do you want to lie down and rest for a while! I'll make you a pot of tea!"


Seeing Argo's look so eager and sad, Yun smiled again and again and immediately stroked his small head with his big hand, and then told him in a gentle tone.

For this reason, she suddenly seemed to put down the big rock in her heart, only to recall that Yun had been tired for almost the whole afternoon, and she was concerned about it.

But that is, she wants to give the action time, this time comes from the situation of Yun holding her jade hand, so she can't help but turn her head to look at him...

"It's okay, I just want to ask if you want to go to the forest with me tomorrow and go hunting with the people here? After all, it's almost rare!"

"But won't you go to supervise the operation tomorrow? After all, haven't you been busy cultivating talents during this time?"

Indeed, all of a sudden, I heard that Yun was going to participate in the internal activities of the \'Saxia\', but in fact, Argo's mind was full of questions and asked him.

After all, he has been busy since he came here, and there is no such thing as idleness at all.

For this reason, hearing about this matter made Argo worry about him, and in turn questioned him...

"This is not a difficult thing! After all, Miss Elise and Madam Naya have worked very well during this time! There are already five cuties under them!"

"Able to be able to completely treat this common operation of the same family under the accompaniment of my shared experience, technology, memory, etc.\'Shadow Warrior\'!"

"For this reason, I also want to give them a good break for these two hardworking people and myself during the last stay! So I also want to make up for the compensation for you during this time! Isn't it?"

\'Papa Papa\'

After also knowing why Argo asked such a question, it seemed as if the unstressed Yun kept smiling so calmly, he explained to him homeopathy.

For this reason, she patted her jade hand like a heartfelt heart, and this time she glared at her!

I knew that his purpose was not pure from the beginning, good or not, but Illise-chan and Naya-chan are going to go! There is no problem! but……

"Yunyun! Don't you think that you've been too close to Ellis-chan and Naya-chan recently? Is it possible that you think about it again!"

"Mrs. Naya is accompanied by her own children, so naturally she won't start, as for Miss Elise..."

"It's the wisher who took the bait and I confessed to each other before! So it will be a little bit ambiguous!"

"You, you! Why didn't I say this earlier! I feel like I'm in the dark a lot!!!"


That's right, after this period of time, Yun has been around Elise and the others, and he is still taking care of Luiz Winter, so there is no way to get a deep understanding of the situation between them!

For this reason, suddenly heard Yun's face not red and heartbeat, and after the confession of grandeur, Argo was a little surprised, as if he exploded his hair!

"Actually, I want to tell you too! It's not like I'm exhausted all the time when I come back. I just fall asleep after taking a shower, so I don't have a chance!"

After hearing the blame from Argo, Yun felt helplessly spreading his hands on him...

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