Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

: Several people gathered on Christmas Eve Christmas (899)

On the contrary, Argo, who was very happy because of this performance, put his two jade hands on the table so he held his fleshy cheeks, and looked at him with a sweet smile and asked.

"Yeah! Great! Everything is good except the dog's tail grass rice! To be honest, I didn't expect Argo's slate dishes to be so outstanding!"

"Of course I live alone after all, if I don't even have this little enjoyment! Then it's really boring to live a lot..."

Naturally, after seeing Yun praised himself again and again, Argo was unceremonious and confidently replied to him.

It can be seen that she still missed her previous life slightly, otherwise she would not have shown such a look on the way.

"Really? If that's the case, then let's take a good rest! After all, tomorrow we have to go to relax and relax!"


\'Gata Gata, Pap Pap\'

After seeing something more or less, Yun is not looking into his past anymore. After all, if Argo is not willing to tell himself, then it is meaningless.

For this reason, after Argo’s hand-cooked food was quickly cleaned up in front of him, he took care of the aftermath together, and simply washed and fell asleep together...

\'DaDaDa, Zi Zi Zi, rattle rattle\'


It seems that Master Yun hasn't come yet! Is it possible that something is wrong or sick?



It was also in the early morning of the next day, and many people from the \'Saxia\' came early at the gate of the tribe, where they greeted each other, talked, and gathered together as if they were preparing...

Among them, the most eye-catching existence is probably that the three talents of Elise and the others are right, not only the attitude of other people around them.

Especially Elise is now pacing back and forth, worried, and there seems to be a lot of anxious appearances, Naya, who was watching for a while with the sand on the side, couldn't help but shook her head a lot...

"So Mother! Lord Elise, what is she worrying about? She looks nervous and feels..."

"You! Don't worry about this kind of thing! Obediently watch and learn it slowly!"

"Oh oh..."

For this reason, it was really a shameless Kisha who asked about her learning attitude so she asked Naya to understand what Elise was upset about.

However, Naya, who didn't know how to explain to him specifically, did not directly find the corresponding content and answer clearly.

And she, who is thinking about going, will let him talk less and watch more, so that he can try to see if he can pass the follow-up action between Elise and Yun to make him have a correct perception of himself!

Even if the concept of Kusha is blurred later, if you have the knowledge you have seen with your own eyes and your own thinking, it will be easier to correct it, right? At least Naya belongs to such a laissez-faire teaching method!

And so Kisha didn’t quite understand what Naya meant. She was still very obedient and waited and watched as much as she wanted to learn...

"I'm sorry to delay a little bit, I guess it didn't delay anything, right?"

"Master Yun! And Argo sauce! You are finally here! Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time! Almost the whole hunting team set off on time!"

\'Pap clap, clap\'

That's right, just like Elise was too urgent, watching the inside of the tribe and finally seeing Yun and the others, after hearing the apology from the other party hurriedly.

She was so ecstatic that she didn't have anything to hide, she hugged the bodies of both of them all at once, so overjoyed, a lot of them humbled and warmed her!

Oh my God! Today's Miss Elise sauce! I always feel very enthusiastic! In such a big crowd, one step hugged us directly! x2

\'Snack Snack\'

"It's okay! It was also a little bit rash when we came, so I worried you! Miss Elise-chan! x2"

"Ahhhhh! I'm sorry! I didn't expect me to be a little bit rash! Hehe!"

That's right, this kind of over-enthusiastic hug, which adds a feeling of over-stressing.

Suddenly, it made Yun that they had some breathing difficulties, and they patted her back with their big jade hands in this way, only to make them realize that she was a little gaffeful after all.

Make one like this as you are ready to pass the stage, naughty and cute, and grimacing with a little tongue out!

For a while, it can be said that the one who watched Naya knew in her heart, and the other side had their own reactions as if they understood or not.

So what do you mean by the extremely contrasting attitudes and performances of Lord Elise? It always feels a bit confusing, both visually and intuitively...


Even though Kusha did grow up a lot now, but he hasn't been so smart in the true sense to make it through.

Therefore, he still needs a lot of time, experience, and teaching to run in, so he squinted his eyes and continued to speak as if not overly speaking, and continued to watch the three of them follow-up... Qiqi novels were published on the whole network.

come yet? It's really a lot of people to wait for a long time, but after all, it is a matter of our obligations as well!

\'Papa Papa\'

"Okay! Everyone is here! Let's set out to move to a few hunting Everyone divides up a large group, and then set off separately!"

"Understood! xn"

\'DaDaDa, rattling, rattling\'

Also after seeing the last cloud and they arrived, it seemed to be a very long-level \'Sasha\' warrior who was fully entrusted to lead the team this time!

After clapping the hands in such a notice, the people present were habitually divided into a large number of teams that had already been ordered...

Unexpectedly, there is still this kind of version setting operation! But where should we go? x2


"Come with us, it's true that Sister Naya and I have already thought about where to go!"

"Oh oh oh! That's troublesome! x2"

"It's okay! Heh heh heh...〃3′〃"


In the same way, Zhengyun still doesn't understand the market, and Argo is worried about this past and has no opinion moments beside him.

Suddenly, they were pulled into one of the teams quickly by this operation by Elise, and Naya mother and son followed closely behind them.

The two people who had no complaints for a while, these words of thanks, can be said to make the thanked Elise feel more comfortable, and make her feel happy and lead the way by humming a cheerful little song.

wait a minute? what's going on? Why are all the people in this pair! ! ! x2

"That Miss Elise sauce! Are we going to do that kind of small hunting or gathering and collecting missions? Why are they all...x2"

"It's all females on our side, right? But I'm afraid there is one thing I want to correct to both of you."

あ奇奇 Novel 蛧ヤ~7~1~7~(ωωω).qq7(1)

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