Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 4 Chapter 90: The change of the cloud and the killer of the evil **** Dakos

"But... there are also places I didn't expect! I didn't expect the goddess Yui to use this kind of partial approach! Avoiding the causal rules of this different world to help you indirectly! But it's all too late! Even if it is The goddess Yui came to punish me personally! She also doesn't have any ability to destroy the evil god! This is where my self-confidence is revealed this time! Give up! This time you will die in my hands!"

And following the end of its words, the boss and deputy leader who fell on the ground staggered and stood up, and even the people in black who were killed in the surrounding area gradually gathered into a huge corpse. The mass of flesh attached to the bodies of these two people gradually absorbed and changed.


This was everyone’s first reaction, because the body that wriggled like a fleshy worm and the **** sticky feeling made it very disgusting. It almost made Asuna and the girls spit it out, even Kirito also covered his little lips with disgust.

"What? Is it possible? You hate this look? But I really like it!"

The evil **** Dakos swayed his bloated body with thousands of distortions disapprovingly, and slowly approached Yun and the others. At this time, everyone had raised their weapons and glared at this impeccable monster.

(Kirito-chan! Asuna-chan!)


(The two of you, one from the left and the other from the right, pin down the small evil **** that was transformed with the boss's body!)

Kirito and Asuna looked at each other slightly before responding to Yun.

(We know! Let's go! Asuna-chan!)


Following Yun's instructions, Kirito and Asuna turned into two fast phantoms, rushing in the direction of the boss's evil god.

(Aisha sauce! Zhiyan sauce!)

(Yes! Pishiyun three hundred generals!)

(You two go to deal with the evil **** who turned into a deputy leader!)

(To understanding!)

(Got it!)

Zhiyan and Aisha nodded each other, and then rushed towards the evil **** who was transformed into the deputy leader.

"Next is the time for the two of us to resolve our grievances! Cthulhu Dakos! Haha!"

As the two small evil gods were restrained and attracted by the four people, a **** and spacious avenue appeared in front of Yun and the evil **** Dakos. The two vertices on this avenue were both of them. They used the'charge' and the charge sword skills to attack the evil **** Dakos, who didn't care about him!

"Funny! Do you think I would underestimate you? Start!"

Seeing the cloud approaching, the evil **** Dakos moved his body with joy, and countless things that looked like huge tentacles rose from the ground and flogged from all sides of the cloud.

"This is very annoying!'Reaper Practice Dance Slash','Three Slashes'!"

Seeing this troublesome, dead-angle attack of the evil **** Dakos, Yun suddenly embodied 2 giant silver scythes imitating the **** giant sickle used in Yun's hand, and then first drew the 6hit horizontal, vertical, and oblique left hand continuous range. After the slash, he alternated his right hand to issue a 3hit consecutive left horizontal slash plus a turning diagonal upper right slash, and again turned his wrist to a continuous sword skill of diagonal down slicing, slicing the viscous tentacles around it. It became countless pieces of flesh, scattered beside him, and at this time, Yun's eyes gradually turned into scarlet double eyelids, and his hair began to turn into a slightly bright red appearance...

(How does it feel? Impossible!)

After feeling the abnormal magical power in Yun, Yun suddenly frowned. She closed her eyes and probed its source and started to sweat a little.

(Impossible! In my knowledge base! Moonzaki Yun in this world alone will not activate blood and power! But...this power is indeed...)

Feeling the abnormality, Yun couldn't help but worry about Yun. After all, this kind of power was far too early for the current Yun, and it was impossible for a mortal body to withstand the magic of the devil! It's normal for him to burst all over and die...


Even using his own ability to explore the world and the Yui goddess on the battlefield of Yun and the others, watching the strange changes gradually appearing on Yun, he felt a strange feeling, and even began to wonder about the existence of Yun...


"Be careful! Zhiyan! That evil **** has attacked you!"

With Aisha’s reminder, Zhiyan reluctantly avoided the attack of a few dark sharp objects, but as she turned to avoid, she also glanced in the direction of the clouds with her left light from time to time to confirm whether her instincts were straightforward. problem appear……


Swift body, uncapable afterimage-like movement, even killing the tentacle-like object that he maintains with magic power is an understatement and destruction. His distance is getting closer and closer to his direction, and he can't help but let the evil **** Dako. Si felt an inexplicable sense of pressure.

(This...what's going on? Why is Tsukizaki Yun a little weird this time! I can't tell what is strange about him! But it's full of absolute danger!)

I don’t know why the evil **** Dakos’ “dangerous perception” has been constantly warning himself about how extremely dangerous the other party’s existence is, but he doesn’t know why this cloud, which seems indistinguishable from humans, would let him follow Instinctively feel bad!

"In that case! I won't play with you anymore! Even if I try my best, I will smash you into pieces!"

Dakos, the evil **** who follows the instinct, swallowed slightly, and quickly consumed his magic power to be isolated in a separate small world together with the clouds, and the surrounding scenes became a scene of **** with wild corpses and rivers of blood flowing. In this place, the cloud landed on a ground that seemed to be composed of flesh and blood, observing the surrounding situation everywhere.

( the inner world that Yun and I were in at the time...)

The cloud looked at the empty black and red rain around but from time to time blood and scum from the sky made him feel that this world is a real existence.

"Haha~Hahaha! Tsukizaki Yun! Didn't you think about it? How would I use the magic that I just learned to use to create a small independent world? Natural! Even I didn't expect to leave this to Yui The goddess’ killer is used on you! I don’t know if I’m too cautious in words and actions! But my instincts have never been missed! Otherwise, I won’t live as a kobold lord in this other world. The day when it turns into an evil god!"

With this huge and reverberating voice, Yun saw Dakos, the evil **** who turned into a mighty giant in the sky, but his body can be said to be a corpse of thousands of corpses. The ferocious face, like the legendary Hannya face of Yamato, and the huge scarlet light, looked very shocking.

"Here is the inherent barrier that I created with my own origin! You will always be limited by my rules here! Although I don't know what scary things are in you! But in my barrier! You! Nothing! Haha~hahaha! You are really self-inflicted and can't live! Yuezaki Yun!"

That wicked smile that had eaten Yun's face seemed so happy in Yun's eyes for some reason! And Yun also wondered a little bit without understanding...Why would he still be so calm when he met the evil **** Dakos? Even he himself didn't understand that he was up...

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